My ship girl, my world

Chapter 816 Summer Arrives

As April is just approaching, the weather in Guam has become like summer. Even if you stand far away from the sea, you can feel the salty sea breeze.

Although Qin Ge is already familiar with this kind of weather, he still huddles in the office at this moment, closes the window and turns on the air conditioner, enjoying this moment of summer comfort.

"Huh, with this, today's work is done, right?" Qin Ge put down the document in his hand, raised his head and said.

"Yes, it seems that the commander is already familiar with this kind of work." Xianghe, who had long white hair and wore a kimono, stood next to Qin Ge, sorting the documents on the table and laughing.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "After all, this is the commander's job. If you can't even complete this, how can you do other things.

By the way, today is Xianghe's first day as a secretary ship, how about it? Are you still used to it? "

Xianghe smiled softly, "Thank you for your concern, Commander. I'm quite used to it."

"It's good to get used to it, I'm afraid you won't get used to it." Qin Ge said, "After summer, there are more and more affairs in the port area, which is also a big test for the secretary ship."

"Actually, before I became a secretary ship, I specifically asked many people about the details I should pay attention to, but they all told me not to be nervous, saying that the commander was very gentle.

The result is indeed the case. It is much simpler than I imagined. It seems that this can be regarded as a good completion of the task. Xianghe said with a smile.

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, "Xianghe is interested."

"It doesn't matter, this is what I should do." Xianghe finished packing up the documents on his desk and asked Qin Ge, "Commander, should you go patrol the port area now or go later?"

Qin Ge looked out the window, "It's a little too hot now. Why don't we wait until it gets cooler? How about in the afternoon?"

"Haha, if Commander feels it's too hot, I can actually go there alone." Xianghe said with a smile.

Qin Ge shook his head, "That's not what I mean, I mean it's too hot now, and everyone is busy with their own things, scientific research, work, and study.

When we go to patrol the port area at this time, most places are deserted, and we can't know what else they need or whether they have done anything new today.

So go in the afternoon, everyone should be there, so you can patrol the port area and understand everyone's needs at the same time. "

"I see, so the commander has always relied on this to understand all the big and small things in the port area?" Xianghe asked.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Of course it's more than that. I have many channels to understand what's happening in the port area. For example, the documents you just sorted out are more formal things in the port area.

There are also daily patrols. Most of the time is to understand what happened during the patrol time. Of course, you can also learn some novel things.

The most important thing is of course communicating with everyone, especially some destroyers, whose information is very fast. "

"Haha, it's true." Xianghe smiled.

"Well, but the port area is indeed a little quiet now." Qin Ge stood up, walked to the window, looked at the sea through the window and said, "When I used to work in the office, standing here, as long as it doesn't rain, it's fine Saw a lot of destroyers playing on the beach.

Now that there is Kanji Academy, everyone is going to class at this time, but they feel a little uncomfortable. "

"I think taking classes is a good thing, especially now that there are special classes on ships such as Ember. It is very attractive to destroyers, cruisers, and even us." Xianghe said.

Qin Ge nodded, "Teaching classes is indeed a good thing, I'm just a little emotional. But having said that, I really didn't expect that Yu Yan would offer to teach in our port area."

"Maybe they think they have to do something to live in our port area, or else they feel embarrassed?" Xianghe guessed with a smile.

Qin Ge shook his head. Of course he knew the specific reason, but he promised someone not to leak it, so he could only pretend not to know.

"They carried out ship modifications for us, and provided guidance on scientific research ship drawings, as well as guidance on scientific research modification projects. In this way, we owe them, but they have never owed us anything."

"Then I really didn't expect it. Maybe they think this is part of cooperation?" Xianghe said with a smile.

"Maybe." Qin Ge nodded, "By the way, I will be leaving the port area in a while. Is Xianghe ready?"

"Commander, are you planning to leave for Donghuang?" Xianghe asked.

"Well, I promised Anshan and Ruihe and the others before that they would take time to visit Donghuang and Chongying after returning from the Atlantic Ocean. It is almost April now. After going to Donghuang and Chongying, the polar regions The ice and snow are gradually beginning to melt, and it’s time for us to head to the polar regions at that time,” Qin Ge said.

"I have made some preparations, and I am also quite curious about other camps in this world." Xianghe said, "By the way, will everyone from all camps go by then?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "Of course it won't be like this, just a few people will go. Most of them are people from Donghuang and Chongying, plus the existing ships in our port area and I will invite a few Embers follow.

But it depends on their intentions. If they don't want to go to other camps, we can meet them at sea after leaving Chongying and head to the pole together.

Moreover, when heading to the polar region, some people from Donghuang and Chongying must return to the port area. After all, we can’t go with so many people at one time, otherwise the goal would be too big. "

"Haha, if Commander does this, I'm afraid some people will be sad." Xianghe said with a smile.

Qin Ge shrugged, "There's no way, Northern United made the secret room vague last time, and we don't know much about the situation there, so it's better to be cautious.

Ships are the high-end strength of our port area, and if we add Embers, basically as long as there are not two or more Arbiters, we can escape unscathed.

So if too many people go, it will cause unnecessary trouble. I will explain this clearly to them when the time comes. "

"It is true, but can I go to the Northern Alliance with the commander then?" Xianghe asked, "I have been practicing hard recently, and my training level has improved a lot. If the commander needs it, I can Ready to fight at any time."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "We'll see when the time comes. I'm not sure yet. Maybe you can really go then, maybe?"

"Hehe, if that's the case, then I will step up my practice during this period and try to improve my strength. Otherwise, if I lose the opportunity to go to the polar regions due to training and technical reasons, it will be very difficult. It’s distressing.” Xianghe smiled.

"Ha, come on then."

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