My ship girl, my world

Chapter 817 Personnel Determination

Office of the Port Commander.

Qin Ge was reviewing documents as usual, but the difference was that in addition to Xianghe, who was the secretary ship, there were several more camp leaders in the office.

"The transformation is proceeding steadily. Have the earliest batch of ship girls completed the collective transformation now?" Qin Ge looked at the documents and raised his head and asked.

"Yes." Enterprise nodded, "Except for Warspite and Santiago, everyone has completed the transformation. While their rarity has been improved, they have also become much stronger than before."

Qin Ge nodded, "So is there any progress in the transformation of Santiago, Warpity, and Xili?"

"Helena once asked Helena of Ember, and the answer she got was that she liked the thing the most, and suggested that we move the research direction closer to that aspect, including the required transformation drawings and transformation opportunities.

However, this answer is very vague. It just points out the direction and does not indicate the specific process, so we are still studying it now. I hope this trip to Donghuang can answer this question. After all, the transformation of Anshan and Changchun was not just done through transformation drawings. "The company replied.

"Yes, I understand." Qin Ge nodded and picked up another document beside him. "Akashi has collected the current warehouse reports. This batch of steel we need can be transformed into a batch of ships." , do you have any suggestions for this group of candidates?"

"If I really want to make a suggestion, I suggest giving priority to maritime legend-class ship girls." King George V said.

"Haha, that's what I mean too." The company nodded, "We were the first to try it when we converted it into ships, but to be honest, if we want to improve the overall strength of our port area, we can't do it now. To, you can only choose the optimal solution.

When it is not a ship, the power of the sea legend has been witnessed by everyone. That kind of powerful strength cannot be described in words.

So it is conceivable that if they become real ships, their strength should be stronger than ours now. Especially this time we are going to the secret room of the Northern Alliance, and we still need top combat power to be present.

Therefore, I have the same suggestion as King George V of England, to give priority to converting sea legend level ship girls. "

"Although it sounds a bit bragging, I also recommend converting us first." Musashi smiled and said, "I can feel that there is still a huge power in my body that has not been discovered. If it is activated, it will be stronger than before. I want to be many times stronger.

Moreover, I feel that only when it truly becomes a ship can it display its true strength at the Sea Legend level. Otherwise, it will not be able to highlight the excellence of the Sea Legend level if it is just more powerful than the ultra-rare or the highest plan level ships. "

"I can be considered an old man in the fleet, but this time I still recommend the legendary ship girls at sea. In fact, sometimes to measure the strength of a fleet, what we look at is not the average combat power, but the top group of people. .

So I think we should switch to legendary-level ship girls at sea to deal with sudden crises that may arise in the future. Veneto said, and several other leaders meant the same thing.

Qin Ge nodded, "I understand, then this time, as you said, priority will be given to converting the maritime legendary ships, and the next conversion quota will be allocated to your respective camps.

Next, let’s talk about the candidates who will go to Donghuang and Chongying this time. In addition to all the ship girls in Donghuang and Chongying, some of you will stay in the port area, while others will follow me to the secret room.

As you just said, after converting the legendary ships of the sea this time, I will take them all with me. I will also discuss with Ember to take two or three of them with me. "

"That means it's about staying in the port area now, right?" Prince Eugen smiled.

Qin Ge nodded, "Yes, although I really want to take you away, but now the development of the port area has reached a critical moment, and someone must be on duty in the port area."

"So who is the candidate in the commander's mind?" Enterprise asked.

"Me?" Qin Ge thought for a moment, "To be honest, I am actually a little hesitant about this matter. For example, your company and Musashi are now responsible for communications research and various affairs in the port area, and Bismarck and Frederick the Great are responsible for experiments. On the other side of the field, Soviet Rosia and King George V were in charge of college affairs. After all, only Veneto and Richelieu were free.

So if I ask, Enterprise, Frederick the Great, and King George V stayed in the port area, and the others followed me to Donghuang. "

"Frederick the Great? Didn't the commander say that he would bring all the sea legend-level ship girls with him? Why should Frederick the Great be left to guard the experimental site?" Prince Eugen asked.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "A certain choice must be made between Bismarck and Frederick the Great. As our port area, naturally we still need a maritime legend to control the situation here.

Bismarck is a serious person and may not be able to convince everyone in the fleet. But Frederick the Great didn't have this worry. If an emergency happened, I think it would be much better for her to be here. "

"That's true." King George V smiled, "Although our royal family and Iron Blood had some friction before, but speaking of matters, Frederick the Great is indeed more suitable to stay behind the scenes than Bismarck.

However, although the royal family cannot go with the commander this time, the commander is asked to bring a few maids with him so that we can take care of him personally and those of us in the port area can feel at ease. "

"Haha, your royal family is really sparing no effort, and you have actually started to think of solutions in this aspect." Prince Eugen said with a smile.

"Isn't it true? Compared to taking care of the commander, who would be better than Belfast and the others?" King George V said.

Qin Ge coughed and said, "There is no need for just a few. I will just take Belfast with me when the time comes. The other maids will also stay to take care of Elizabeth and the others."

"That's okay." King George V nodded. Her purpose was very clear, that is, Qin Ge must have someone from the royal family around him. It doesn't matter who he is, as long as he sees it, it reminds Qin Ge of the royal family. That's it.

"I have no objection to this candidate. Staying in the port area is also a kind of support for the fleet." Enterprise shook his head and said.

"We have no objection either." Others said.

Qin Ge nodded, "Since everyone has no objections, it has been decided that after all the sea legends have completed the ship transformation, we will set off for Donghuang.

Therefore, those who are going to set off now should be well prepared. In addition, after Donghuang and Chongying's people leave, the remaining people must also allocate their positions. "


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