My ship girl, my world

Chapter 818 Asking for Help

Looking at the Ember Building in front of him, Qin Ge remembered that the last time he came was just after returning to the port area, right?

Although Ember has been very active in the port area recently, the number of times he appears in front of Qin Ge is much less than before.

Sure enough, I don't want to reveal too many flaws, because being around me for a long time will always arouse some vigilance. As long as I talk about cooperation with other ship girls, I can minimize this vigilance.

Qin Ge thought this, but he didn't want to expose what Ember Ship Girl had done. After all, their test is for the sake of all the ship girls and the continuation of their lives.

If it hadn't been for what Song Qingge said back then, he might have continued like this until the day the answer to the mystery was revealed.

With this thought, Brother Qin took Xianghe, who was the secretary ship, into the building where Yi Yan lived. This time, Qin Ge was greeted by Counterattack and Fusang.

Looking at the tea in front of him, Qin Ge picked it up and took a sip, "My tea-making skills are pretty good."

"Haha, Commander Qin Ge, who is used to drinking the tea made by the maid team, can say this about the tea I made, which is indeed a high compliment." Counterattack said with a smile.

"This is really not a compliment, it's just a matter of fact." Qin Ge said.

"Speaking of the others, are you two the only ones in this building now?"

"No, the hunter and sister are still in the room, and no one else is there," he said in counterattack.

Qin Ge nodded, "I know that Shancheng has gone to the Ship Girl Academy, and Helena is busy with transformation-related matters here, but what about the others?"

"Feilong is also in the academy now, but in the training ground. She likes fighting, and the training ground is very suitable for her. Gneisenau and Scharnhorst went to the experimental field together. As for the Royal Ark, it goes without saying, Hong Kong Wherever there are the most destroyers in the port area, she will be there." Fuso said on the side, "As for Memphis, she is also in the scientific research institute in the port area."

"Okay, I don't know about this." Qin Ge said.

But this is not the case. In fact, he is very familiar with the traces of embers in the port area, because there are special ship girls who report these to him, but in the documents he handles every day, there will never be any such situation.

After all, we can't let Ember's ship girls think that Qin Ge is monitoring them every day, at least not in a big way.

"So what's the purpose of Commander Qin Ge's visit this time?" Counterattack asked with a smile.

"Well, actually, it's nothing important. I just came here to see how you are doing during your time in the port area. Is there anything you need?

During the last Siren Tide, you helped us a lot, and we also cooperated at a deeper level. During this period, our port area’s strength has improved a lot because of you, but your current requirements are, so there are some Feel sorry for yourself. Qin Ge asked.

"Haha, there is no such thing as helping or not. Fighting against Antix and the Arbiters is our daily life, so rather than helping you, it is more like doing it casually.

As for future cooperation, it is a matter of mutual consent on both sides. Commander Qin Ge's port area has already provided what we need, and we are providing you with what we know accordingly. Maybe there are some things that you think have very high technological content, but for us we don’t pay much.

So there is no regret, Commander Qin Ge, please relax. If we really need Commander Qin Ge's fleet to complete something, we will not be stingy and will tell you directly. " said the counterattack.

Qin Ge nodded, "I understand this, but it's just your contribution for such a long time, so I feel a little guilty. But now that you have said that, I feel at ease.

By the way, I may have to go out in a few days. I won't be in the port area for about half a year. At that time, I will keep the corresponding people in the port group. If you have any questions, just go to them. "

"Hey, Commander Qin Ge is leaving the port area? Where are you going? What are you going to do?" Fusang asked.

“Previously, the Siren Tide caused heavy losses to each camp, but it also strengthened our cooperation and exchanges with the major camps.

We have negotiated some things with those camps on the Atlantic side before, but Donghuang and Chongying who are still here have not negotiated, so the main purpose this time is to talk to Donghuang and Chongying about the future. As for the cooperation, by the way, I will take the ship girls in the port area to revisit their old places.

Next, we will go to the polar regions and work with the Northern Alliance to explore the secret chambers previously discovered by the Northern Alliance. So when all these things are added up, it will take about half a year to come and go. "Qin Ge didn't hide anything. He believed that the Ember camp was already planning these things. After all, they were now considered traders.

Sure enough, after Qin Ge finished speaking, both the counterattack and Fusang were instantly clear, and Fusang showed a more dignified look.

"It's a good thing that Commander Qin Ge went to talk to Donghuang and Chongying about cooperation, but I still want to consider exploring the secret room discovered by the Northern Alliance," Fusang said.

"Oh? Why? Is there any secret hidden in that secret room?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"As far as I know, there are some strange fluctuations in that secret room. We are very familiar with those fluctuations. There should be people like arbiters there, so if you rush to explore without enough strength, it will be easy to He fell into a dangerous situation." Fuso replied.

Qin Ge waved his hand, "Don't worry, I am more prepared for this exploration. This time, except for the enterprise, Frederick the Great and King George V, they stayed in the port area and the experimental site to take charge. .

I will bring others who have already converted to ships, and after the ship conversion of Sea Legend next, I believe we will have a fleet strong enough to fight the Arbiter.

And listening to what you said, if there is an arbiter in the secret room, there must be something special, and such a thing is worth taking the risk. "

"But unnecessary risks will cause unnecessary burdens. Although Commander Qin Ge's fleet is slowly increasing, if there are two or more arbiters, there will still be great danger. ." Fusang said.

"I have a method here. I wonder if you all agree?" Qin Ge said.

"What method?" Counterattack asked.

"I hope to invite a few of you Embers to go to the secret room of the Northern Union with me. If we explore it by then, the safety factor will be much higher. And if you find what you want there, then I can promise to These things are left to you.

So, what do you think? " Qin Ge asked.

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