My ship girl, my world

Chapter 819 Legendary Ship at Sea

In response to Qin Ge's request, Counterattack agreed without hesitation. She didn't say it right away as to who she wanted to follow, but said that we would discuss it after you come back.

Upon hearing this, Qin Ge expressed his understanding, and after continuing to chat for a while, Qin Ge said goodbye and left.

The purpose of this trip has been achieved. If he continues to stay here, Qin Ge will be afraid that he will expose something.

One day later, Xianghe reported that the steel had been transferred into place. Qin Ge didn't waste any time on this. He quickly asked Xianghe to contact Ember Helena at the port area scientific research center, and then notified all the legendary ship girls at sea to gather at the newly built coastal port in the afternoon.

After all, the previous port has been used by the people of the Grand Fleet. If you go there rashly, you will disturb them. So Qin Ge simply built a row of warehouses not far from the port area, which would be more convenient for future conversions, not far from the port area.

The reason why the announcement was made in the afternoon was because it was necessary to give Frederick the Great time to return from the test site, otherwise the ship conversion could be completed in the morning.

Frederick the Great was also very interested in the ship conversion. He rushed back as soon as he received Qin Ge's communication and had already returned to the port area before noon. However, since it was scheduled in the afternoon, it was determined to be held in the afternoon. .

After just patrolling the port area at noon, Qin Ge was dragged to the port by the impatient New Jersey before he finished his meal. This time, because it was not far from the port area and it was lunch time, a large number of ship girls came to watch.

Looking at the mountains of steel and the neatly arranged resources, everyone was filled with excitement and curiosity. After all, they didn't actually watch it last time. This time they can observe it on the spot, and they can also imagine how powerful they will be if they are transformed into ships in the future.

The first one to be converted was Shinano, the port's original maritime legend. She followed Song Lin's arrangement and stood on the converter. As Helena started the machine, Song Lin put his hand on the converter.

A strange wave rippled through Song Lin's body, and the connection of his soul drifted toward Shinano, who was beginning to change.

Just like the previous companies, there were no accidents. When the white light dissipated, Shinano and Qin Ge opened their eyes at the same time, but at this moment Shinano's appearance had changed a lot.

Although she still looked casual, the astrological balls flying behind her and the blue butterflies dancing around her added to Shinano's ethereal temperament.

"Is this the power of the ship? I hope all this will not be in vain..." Shinano felt his own power and said to Qin Ge who was approaching.

"Of course it won't be in vain. We have agreed before that we will face the misfortune or luck of fate together." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Haha, compared to this, I am somewhat looking forward to the power Shinano has obtained." Musashi said on the side.

"Power..." Shinano turned to look in the direction of the sea. As she waved her hand, a blue light flashed on her body, and then transformed into a huge aircraft carrier and appeared on the sea in front of everyone.

Just as everyone was amazed, the aircraft carrier on the sea converted into a ship suit and flew beside Shinano. Then a blue butterfly flew out from Shinano's hand, and this scene looked like a beautiful picture in front of everyone.

But the next moment, the butterflies in the sky suddenly transformed into flying carrier-based aircraft. Several squadrons of carrier-based aircraft rushed forward in overwhelming numbers.

When flying to a place far away from everyone, use different postures and different forms to drop bombs in the sea. Then it flew and transformed into a ghost butterfly, slowly landed on Shinano's hand and disappeared.

"Such an attack is more ghostly and more concealed." Enterprise exclaimed. She was also an aircraft carrier herself, so she could clearly sense Shinano's power.

"That's true." Qin Ge nodded, "Then it's Frederick the Great's turn next."

"Haha, I have been looking forward to this moment for a long time, so let me try how much power a ship can control." After speaking, Emperor Frederick stood on the conversion table, and Qin Ge also To get started with the conversion.

Like the previous performance, the conversion process went smoothly. When the two opened their eyes as if they were in a heart-to-heart, you could see the excitement flashing in Frederick the Great's dark golden pupils.

"Haha, I feel like I can make more subtle fun." Frederick the Great turned around and looked at the sea, and the ship uniform on his body suddenly appeared.

This time the ship's outfit is more vivid than the previous one, making people feel that it is no longer as simple as a ship's outfit, but as if it is like two giant dragons with life.

In a daze, the two giant dragons opened their mouths, roared and fired two laser-like rays towards the sea. The huge explosion sounded in everyone's ears, and the huge waves rising into the sky told the power of the attack just now.

"It's amazing!" Everyone exclaimed, "Is this a ship? Compared with the previous Frederick the Great, it is simply a qualitative leap!"

"Haha, it's really amazing, but I believe I won't be bad. It's my turn next." New Jersey was also gearing up after watching Frederick the Great's performance. She said to Qin Ge, "Commander, then please."

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Don't worry, leave it to me. You are only responsible for getting stronger."


As he spoke, New Jersey stood where Frederick the Great had just left. Helena also restarted the ship transformation. As the white light shone, Qin Ge began to link his soul to New Jersey.

The whole connection process didn't take long. When the two opened their eyes at the same time, the New Jersey in front of them had changed a lot.

Like a halo, a huge electric arc appeared behind her, and next to the arc, there were several rotating blade crystals, which looked very sci-fi.

"Huh, it feels really good." New Jersey felt his own power, and finally couldn't wait to show off his ship's equipment and fired a few shots at the sea in the distance.

At the same time as the cannon was fired, the electric arc behind New Jersey also flashed with fierce light, causing every shell she fired to be filled with a blue light.

At the impact point of the cannonball, a column of water rose into the sky instantly, and at the same time, the sea surface around the impact point began to boil as if it was electrified. It seemed that the attack effect was very good.

"Haha, maybe battleships will become obsolete, but the Iowa class will not!" New Jersey said with satisfaction, while not forgetting to wink at Qin Ge.

Qin Ge smiled when he saw this. Just as he was about to say something, he was pulled back to his feet by the vanguard and began to change.

"Oh, it's really hard, Commander."

"Yeah, in every sense of the word."

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