My ship girl, my world

Chapter 820 Heading to Donghuang

"I'll leave it to you, Minato, while I'm away."

At the port terminal in the inner harbor, Qin Ge held the hands of the enterprise and King George V and said. Behind the two of them were a large number of ship girls seeing them off.

As for why there was no Frederick the Great?

That's because after Frederick the Great completed the ship conversion, he returned to the experimental site without staying much and replaced Bismarck.

"I understand, Commander, take care of yourself outside. We will arrange things in the port area." Enterprise smiled.

"Yes, the port area is running very smoothly now, and there are not many things that need to be dealt with. So don't worry, there won't be any problems here." King George V said with a smile.

"Yes." Qin Ge nodded, and finally passed over the two of them and waved to the ship girls behind them with a smile.

Suddenly, there were voices saying goodbye, and there were voices asking people to come back early. Although it seemed a bit messy, it was full of affection.

After finally saying goodbye to everyone, Qin Ge and Belfast boarded the command ship that belonged to him. On the command ship, several high-level officials from Donghuang and Chongying, as well as several Embers, had been waiting for a long time.

"Commander, are you leaving now?" Yixian said with a smile.

"Let's go." Qin Ge nodded.

As the command ship began to sound its whistle, more than a dozen command ships began to gradually leave the port area and sail in the direction of Donghuang.

"Speaking of which, this is the first time I have gone to sea with the commander, but this time it is not a battle, but a celebration. Haha, it's a bit subtle." Musashi sat next to Qin Ge and said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I think this is good. If we go to sea together in the future, what we face is not war, but celebration, then all the world will be truly peaceful."

"But this appeal to the commander is just a thought. To be honest, the arrival of that day is really far away." Yixian said.

Qin Ge shook his head, "I believe that day will always come. Even if it is not the time we are at, someone will definitely see that day. When the soldiers return to the treasury and the horses are released in Nanshan, it will be the best time for us. Good results.”

"Ha, I don't think that would be very good. At least now we have a common enemy, and we can also unite other camps to form an alliance. If the only common enemy disappears by then, then there is no telling how it will develop in the future. ." Zhenhai said with a smile.

"What Zhenhai said makes sense." Musashi smiled, looked at Qin Ge and said, "If such a day comes, which camp will you help?"

Qin Ge blinked, "I don't think that day will come, because if that happens, I don't mind reuniting the nine camps."

Qin Ge's answer made all the ship girls' eyes light up, and Bismarck nodded to Qin Ge with appreciation.

"The Lord's answer is really surprising, but it is also in line with the Lord's character. But I still don't expect such a thing to happen. By then, all the battles and all the sadness will really be over, and you can really enjoy it. That hard-won peace." Amagi said with a smile.

"Peace will not always exist. Peace must be fought for by ourselves." Song Lin smiled and said, "From ancient times to the present, war has always been the driving force of human progress. Maybe we will face more battles in the future. We will definitely win together."

"That's right! Instead of hoping for peace, it's better to create peace yourself. The commander and I have the same ideas." Bismarck smiled.

"Suddenly, I feel that some of the commander's recent thoughts are becoming more and more chilling to Iron-Blooded. Although this kind of thinking is indeed necessary, it is also necessary to open your mind to accept differences, but don't insist on having your own way." Zhenhai said at the side.

Qin Ge nodded, "Don't worry, this is just a standard. If I had always adhered to this idea, I would not go to Donghuang or Chongying."

"Well, that's good. I also believe that the commander will understand the situation and make the most correct decision." Zhenhai said.

Not far away on the other side, Ember's Flying Dragon looked at this scene and nodded, and the reputation next to him said, "It seems quite suitable."

Feilong said "Yeah", "After all, it was recommended by that adult."

"Actually, excluding the reason for that gentleman, I think he is not bad. At least he can convince so many people in the port area, and we all have a good impression of him. This is already very rare." Shengsheng said.

"I said, is it appropriate for the two of you to discuss these issues here in a big way?" said the counterattack on the side.

"They can't hear it." Feilong was stunned for a moment and then said.

"Well, as long as you're happy." Counterattack shrugged.

The command ship continued to sail, because there were no sirens in the recent sea area, so it was traveling at the highest speed. The time that originally took more than a week to reach Donghuang has now been shortened a lot.

But compared to the time it took to return to Guam from the Atlantic Ocean, this time is basically a vacation.

Qin Ge had nothing to do these two days. He was either chatting with the ship girls in the hall of the command room, or going to the deck of the command ship to sunbathe with the ship girls. It was boring to say the least.

But fortunately, there are a few big foxes with me. If nothing happens, I can pinch the tail of this fox or touch the ears of that fox. Sometimes I feel quite comfortable.

Akagi and Kaga will also come over, but perhaps because Qin Ge has been with Amagi, they have not dared to act too aggressively in front of Qin Ge, but verbal teasing is definitely indispensable.

Finally, after several days of travel, everyone arrived at the Donghuang Sea Area. Not long after entering the Donghuang sea area, they encountered the team greeted by Donghuang.

"Commander Qin Ge, welcome back to Donghuang again." Ning Hai said with a smile.

"Hello, Ning Hai, long time no see." Qin Ge smiled and said, "How is Donghuang's recovery now?"

"The last Siren Tide caused relatively large losses to Donghuang. Now the infrastructure has basically been restored, but the combat effectiveness cannot be restored for the time being. At the very least, like other camps, we have to retreat to offshore defense. Fortunately, this period Time has not been invaded by the Sirens, otherwise even these actions would be delayed." Ning Hai said.

"Well, according to the latest information I got, Siren was also seriously injured due to the last attack, and it will take some time to recover, so we can make good use of this period of time to consolidate and strengthen our strength," Qin Ge said with a smile.

"If this is really the case, that would be great. Come back to Donghuang with me first. Sister Yixian has been waiting for you to come back." Ning Hai smiled.


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