My ship girl, my world

Chapter 822 Secret

"How can I explain it to you? In short, this situation is a bit complicated. The specific start is when I first encountered the Mirror Sea. You also know my situation, and I also reported that encounter in the Mirror Sea. Pass you."

Qin Ge looked at Yixian and the Prince of Wales and said, his words full of sincerity, but also full of helplessness.

"We do know this." Yixian nodded, "So from that time on, Siren became interested in you?"

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, actually it started back when I summoned Shinano for the first time. Do you still remember the hypothesis I told you at the beginning, that this world is the experimental ground for sirens."

"I remember, but your original prediction was a bit too shocking, so most people didn't believe it. But after this Siren Tide, I think most people should have believed it." Yixian nodded.

"Actually, I only learned this information later. Part of it came from Ember and the others, and the other part came from the Sirens. Or I should call them Antiques." Qin Ge said.

"Anticus? Fight against X? What is X? Ship girl?" the Prince of Wales said keenly.

Qin Ge shook his head, "I don't know the details now. Whenever I ask them about specific events, they always refuse to answer because I am not strong enough.

But what I can figure out now is that the world we live in now is a numbered world. There are countless sirens in worlds like this, and they are all composed of data and systems, providing sufficient data support for Antix's research.

The one above the numbered world is called the main world. The biggest difference between the main world and the numbered world is that the main world undergoes diversified changes according to the historical process.

So for this reason, there is only one ship girl of each type in the main world, and their unified name is called ship, also called kansen! Moreover, there are no commanders in the main world, and those social camps are entirely composed of ships.

They have more power than ship girls, and they also have greater possibilities than ship girls. Some overworlds have even indirectly given birth to ember ships.

And above the main world is the world where everything happens, which is also the original world, called the original world. All main worlds and numbered worlds evolve based on the original world.

Each main world and numbered world is Antix's testing ground. Including our world. Before, you could clearly feel that there were changes in this world. That was because this world was promoted from the numbered world to the main world, so there was an arbiter. "

At this point, looking at Yixian and the Prince of Wales who were listening carefully, Qin Ge couldn't help coughing, "It's a bit far, but these are the basic conditions of our world, and it is precisely because of this that My appearance attracted Antix's attention.

Originally, as a numbered world, it was impossible to break through the limits of the world, which meant that it was impossible to break through the limits set by the sirens.

For example, this world cannot give birth to ships, this world cannot give birth to legendary-level ship girls at sea, etc.

But everything was broken when I summoned Shinano, which also triggered the Siren's attack on the main island of Sakura. So much so that the subsequent Mirror Sea Area was all because of this.

In fact, they also hate things that are static, and hope to find more changeable and uncontrollable factors through experiments. And I am that factor to them, so in that mirror sea, I obtained some things and some information they told me.

Later, in the continued battles, I became more and more familiar with the Siren, so much so that the Purifier is now in my port area, playing with my ship girls every day. "

"It's really incredible..." Yixian said looking at Qin Ge.

"Yeah, if I wasn't sure that I could trust you, I would have thought that what you said was just telling a story." The Prince of Wales said. “So how many people have this information now?”

Qin Ge touched his nose and said, "Among the nine major camps, you are the first to know. Although this is not a secret that cannot be passed down from generation to generation, I still hope that you can continue to keep it secret, because if such a thing is leaked, it will cause serious consequences. Many reactions may collapse the order of this world and cause irreparable losses."

"Well, since you knew that this would cause such a situation, why did you tell us? Isn't it good to keep hiding this information?" Yixian said with a smile.

"It's not bad, but we have to find a reliable partner, and the first one I can think of now is Donghuang. This is the place where I grew up, and it is also the place where I have the most affection, and Donghuang's philosophy and Other camps have different ideas, and I feel that if we can seek real cooperation, this is my first choice," Qin Ge said.

Yixian and the Prince of Wales looked at each other and couldn't help laughing, "Your hat is a bit high now. How can we refuse after saying these things?"

"Haha, so you agreed?" Qin Ge asked.

"Not necessarily yet. I want to hear what kind of cooperation you want to do. If it involves plundering our Donghuang family wealth, then it's definitely not possible." Yixian said.

"Definitely not, it should be more of a strategic partnership." Qin Ge said.

"We will talk about cooperation later. Anyway, we have plenty of time. Now I want to ask you something. So as you said, the sirens will not attack you in the future?" the Prince of Wales asked.

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, not only will they not stop attacking, they will also concentrate on attacking me. I also said before that their biggest purpose in this world is to conduct experiments, and my existence and the strength of my current fleet For them, it is a very big change.

So they want to test how much energy this mutation will produce. It is precisely because of this that the Purifiers came to my port area to enhance the strength of my fleet on the one hand, and to determine the strength of my fleet on the other. information.

The battle where I am will be more brutal in the future, and the enemy I may face every day is the Sairen elite fleet, or high-level units such as arbiters.

At the cost of this, the attack probability and intensity of attacks from the nine major camps will be greatly reduced in the future. This is actually good news, as it will give you a chance to relax and regain your previous strength. "

"So based on your current fleet strength, can you withstand the concentrated attacks of the Sirens?" Yixian asked.

"I don't know the details now, because there is relatively little information about the Purifier. She only said the specific time when she appeared, and did not say the intensity and intensity of the attack." Qin Ge smiled, "But I firmly believe that no matter how many people come, Enemy, I will lead my fleet to the final victory.

And I will also bring my fleet to change the situation of this world, end this experiment, and let this world truly return to the peaceful stage. "

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