My ship girl, my world

Chapter 823 Full Support

"So what kind of help do you need?" Yixian smiled.

"I need steel, a steady stream of steel!" Qin Ge said to Yixian.

"Steel?!" Yixian frowned, "Although steel is not a very scarce resource, you can say it so solemnly and the demand is very high. I believe it must be very important to you, right?"

Qin Ge nodded, "I don't want to hide too much, the reason I need steel is to build more ships.

My ship girl is now being transformed into a ship with the help of embers, which is the only ship that exists in the main world as I told you before.

The transformation of this kind of ship requires my help and enough steel, and the results after the transformation are also very gratifying.

Although our fleet can rely on time to piece together more steel, if the ship girl in the port area can be transformed faster, it will have a more positive effect on our future operations. "

"Ship... Do you mean to transform your ship girl into the only ship that exists in the main world as you said before? Is that kind of ship very strong?" Yixian asked in surprise.

"I can only say that it is very strong. If my fleet could not compete with the arbitration agency before, then if the fleet is transformed into ships, it can collide with them head-on." Qin Ge said.

"Such a big improvement? It's even more powerful than awakening!" The Prince of Wales sighed.

Qin Ge looked at Nagato aside, "Nagato, show me the strength you have gained."

Nagato nodded, stretched out his hand to the Prince of Wales, "I'm sorry!"

There was a flash of light on her hand, and then the Prince of Wales' whole body shook, and a trace of cold sweat flowed down the Prince of Wales' face.

"Wales!" Yixian looked at the Prince of Wales in surprise. When she wanted to put her hand on the Prince of Wales's shoulder, she was suddenly bounced away.

Qin Ge nodded to Nagato, "That's it."

Nagato withdrew the light from his hand in an instant, and the Prince of Wales relaxed and began to breathe quickly, "This kind of power! It's so terrifying... It seems to imprison his soul!"

"Is it that scary?" Yixian asked.

The Prince of Wales nodded with some fear, "In an instant, I felt as if my soul was frozen. The whole person was no longer my own. This kind of power was almost crushing, and I was completely trapped in it all at once. "

"Sorry, I have just mastered this power not long ago, so I may lack some proficiency in controlling it." Nagato said apologetically.

"It doesn't matter, this will also allow me to feel the difference in power between the ship and the ship girl. I finally know why Qin Ge is so eager to get steel. If the ship girl can almost master such power after transforming into a ship, Then it is indeed a terrifying fleet!

It may only take one or two fleets to settle what happened on the front line! "The Prince of Wales said with admiration.

"Although I didn't feel it directly, it was able to easily deflect my movements. This kind of power is really shocking." Yixian nodded, "Qin Ge, can this kind of transformation be popularized on a large scale? "

Qin Ge shook his head, "It's impossible. Although our current world has been converted into the main world, it is impossible to exceed the limit of the main world. In other words, each type of ship girl can only be transformed into a ship.

And the most important thing is, I must be there. You also know that I am a person from another world, and ship transformation is to seek the origin of the ship, which is the original expectation for the ship. Therefore, even if you master this technology, you will not be able to implement ship conversion, because you will not be able to build expectations for the ship and pass on history.

And I discovered one thing, that is, all the ships that have been converted have established a soul link with me. This may be because they are originally my ships, or it may be because My expectations turned them into ships. "

"I see." Yixian nodded, "This also explains why after you became the commander, the world changed differently from before.

Maybe, there really are people like the Son of Destiny, and you are one of them. It has changed the course of the world, thus putting the world on a different path that we cannot predict, but this is not bad.

In fact, when I first learned about you from the Prince of Wales, I had a hunch that maybe you would be very different in the future, but I didn't expect that it would become so surprising now.

It seems that letting go and letting you go on your own is the most correct choice I made. Here, as the commander-in-chief of Donghuang, I promise you that Donghuang will do its best to support your actions. "

Qin Ge said in surprise, "Is it really possible?"

"Of course, you have responded to Donghuang's expectations, so Donghuang will definitely respond to your expectations. Without your help in the last Siren Tide, Donghuang may have been completely defeated. Such kindness will always be felt by Donghuang. Remember, especially since you came out of Donghuang, Donghuang will always be your support." Yixian said.

"Don't worry, I will always remember Donghuang's friendship. If there is any need for me, I will definitely come forward." Qin Ge said to Yixian.

"Well, regarding future cooperation, we will discuss it in detail later. What I am more interested in now is your understanding of the ship girls and sirens. Can you tell us more information? We are really curious." Yixian said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I have sorted out some information about this type of information. I can dictate some things that are not on it first, and I will pass the information to you when the time comes."

"That's really great. We will treat this information as Donghuang's top secret and will not let it out." Yixian said with a smile.

"Ha, as long as the information is not passed on to the general commanders, it actually doesn't matter if other senior officials know." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"It's up to you to give it to the other camps. We won't be the ones to leak the secrets," Yixian said.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Well, after a while, all the major camps will come to Guam to set up contact points. If you have time, I will pass it on to them. It can also strengthen the relationship between us. After all, we need to Changing the world is not something I can do alone.”

"That's right." Yixian nodded, "But among the people who came to Donghuang and Chongying this time, there seem to be a lot of powerful ones. It seems like your goal is not just to visit us?"

"Yes, after leaving Chongying, there is one more thing to do, which may require top combat power, so I took them with me by the way." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"I see, then I won't ask you what the specific matter is. In short, I hope you can live happily in Donghuang these days." Yixian said.

"Thank you Yixian."

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