My ship girl, my world

Chapter 847 There is never an unbreakable alliance

"Why do I feel that Commander Qin Ge seems a little calm? Is it because he is used to all kinds of big scenes?"

On the command ship, Talin approached Soviet Belarus and asked softly. Since Qin Ge's command ship serves as the general flagship of this operation, the core personnel of both sides are here.

"Maybe because we didn't say anything?" Soviet Bella Ross said with a smile.

"Ah? You didn't say anything?" Talin said speechlessly.

"It's not like we didn't say anything. At least we told Commander Qin Ge about the environment inside and some structures of the secret room, but we didn't say anything about what was outside.

Hoho, do you still remember the shock we received when we first came here? It would be better for us to keep a little surprise for Comrade Commander Qin Ge, what do you think, Tallinn? ” laughed Soviet Belarus.

"Uh, okay." Tallin rubbed his face helplessly, so Soviet Belarus clearly wanted to do the whole big job.

After a while, Shimofeng, who had a keener sense, immediately felt something was wrong, and then said to Qin Ge, "Commander, there is something under the ice!"

Qin Ge was stunned, "Is it an enemy?"

"No, it's more like..." Shimakaze paused, as if he couldn't describe it.


There was a huge impact sound not far away, as if some huge object was violently hitting the ice below...

All eyes on the command ship were looking in the direction of the sound. Even Belfast was already standing in front of Qin Ge, ready to protect his safety at any time.

Suddenly, a crack appeared in the ice in front of him, and a huge dark object quickly floated up from the ice. The huge shape and the special structure made Qin Ge instantly think of the famous nuclear submarine in his own world, the God of the North Wind!

"Hahaha, Comrade Commander Qin Ge, who can remain calm even in a hail of bullets, was also shocked after seeing this, right?" Soviet Belarus looked at the somewhat shocked Qin Ge and said with a smile. .

Qin Ge smiled and turned his head, "There are indeed some. I didn't expect that the Northern Alliance would have such a big guy."

The scene in front of you includes the roar of machines, the cracking of ice, the surging of waves, and various sounds mixed with each other. Along with the violent vibrations, it gives people the illusion that they are looking into the eyes of some kind of giant beast.

"Haha, this thing is called an ice-breaking submarine. It is used to break the ice on the sea during the cold season so that our battle can continue. Otherwise, when it is cold, we can only watch and we will not be able to give full play to our abilities. But the reason why we are showing this now is because the secret room is underwater, and we have to rely on her for the rest of the journey." Soviet Belarus said.

"It's interesting. Compared to a submarine, I think she looks very much like a strategic nuclear submarine studied by Rosia in the world I was in before. The same dark color, the same huge hull, and the same action of breaking through the ice. It's really I miss it a bit." Qin Ge looked at the giant beast floating in the water in front of him and smiled.

"The strategic nuclear submarine studied by Rosia?" Soviet Belarus was obviously confused.

"Yes, in my world, the so-called Unbreakable Alliance, or the Northern Union, became fragmented in the end due to various reasons. It was divided into the Rosia region, the Bellaros region, etc., and the strategic nuclear submarine North Wind The god is the trump card in the Rosia region.

Huge nuclear submarines are equipped with nuclear weapons that can destroy a large country, and are used to threaten and launch a second nuclear counterattack. " Qin Ge said.

"Is the unbreakable alliance actually broken?" Obviously, Soviet Belarus focused on this, "What an unimaginable ending."

"There is nothing unimaginable. Human minds are not as simple as yours. The so-called alliance is just a combination of interests.

If the existence of the alliance can protect their own interests, then everyone will form this unbreakable alliance. But if the existence of the alliance hinders their own interests, then someone will want to break it up. " Qin Ge said.

"Perhaps you are right, but that is only the world of Comrade Qin Ge, and in this world, the unbreakable alliance of the Northern Alliance will never be broken. We will give our lives to firmly protect it. She!" Soviet Belarus said loudly.

Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "I believe you, so we should set off, right?"

"That's right, the journey to the secret room really begins now." Soviet Bellaros came back to his senses and said with a smile.

The transfer from the command ship to the ice-breaking submarine was smooth. All the ship girls, including Qin Ge, were also very interested in this huge submarine of the Northern Alliance. During the journey, they visited it under the leadership of the Northern Alliance ship girls. got up.

Qin Ge was naturally no exception, and Soviet Bellaros had been following him, introducing the structure inside the submarine while asking about the unbreakable alliance in his world.

After a period of sailing, Kirov, who was controlling the icebreaker, sent a message, "Everyone, we have arrived at our destination."

"Arrived at the destination? Will we switch to a small submarine for investigation next?" Qin Ge asked.

"No need to bother, we can just leave the warehouse." Soviet Belarus said with a smile.

"No, it should be underwater now. If you leave the warehouse directly, someone will die!" New Jersey said doubtfully.

"No, to be precise, this is a unique space under the water, similar to the mirror sea. The explanation is a bit complicated. You can tell it when you go out and take a look." Talin said to New Jersey.

"The mirror sea area under the water is... interesting." Musashi and others said with interest.

So under the leadership of Sue Bellaros, everyone walked out of the hatch and officially entered the so-called secret room of the Northern Alliance.

"Comrade Commander Qin Ge, welcome to officially enter the secret room of the Northern Alliance!"

Accompanied by the voice of Soviet Belarus, after Qin Ge walked out of the hatch, the expected water pressure did not appear, but what appeared in his field of vision was a vast space.

Looking down at the feet, there is a layer of calm sea water. Looking at the part above the head that should have belonged to the sky, it is now also occupied by sea water. Coupled with the large number of neatly cut icebergs floating quietly on the sea and two huge strips that rotate upwards and directly into the water above, the entire space is filled with an unreal dreamlike feeling.

"So is this the secret room? It's really eye-opening!" Qin Ge said in shock. Everything under the water reminded him of the Crystal Palace in Journey to the West.

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