My ship girl, my world

Chapter 848 Thunder in the Quiet Sea

"The icebergs here are really spectacular. The floating icebergs alone feel like they are hundreds of meters high!" Qin Ge said while following the footsteps of Soviet Belarus and looking at the surrounding scenery.

"According to measurements, the height of the icebergs located on the sea surface of the secret chamber ranges from fifty meters to two hundred meters, and their surfaces are all flat and smooth. The underwater structure of such a large part of the iceberg exposed on the water is theoretically larger, but according to It is speculated that the iceberg here does not have much underwater structure, and it is more like being fixed on the water than floating," Tallin explained.

"Interesting, so are these icebergs also part of the mechanism of the Mirror Sea?" Bismarck couldn't help but nodded.

"Not only that, some siren defense modules are periodically produced in the mirror sea area here. Although the models are old and have poor combat effectiveness, they cannot be ignored." Hong Liang turned his head and said.

Amagi narrowed his eyes, "After the Siren Tide ends, will Siren defense modules still be produced in the mirror sea here?"

"Yes, the environment here seems to be unaffected by the outside world. According to the order, we will come regularly to clean up the enemy, so there will often be icebergs that have been hit by artillery fire and become pitted. But when we come next time, those icebergs will It's completely back to normal," Hong Liang said.

New Jersey looked at the ice cubes next to him, "Will these ice cubes repair themselves?"

"Yes, it's very powerful, so we have done a lot of experiments. If it is ordinary fragmentation, the fragmented parts will re-condensate. If it is blown into pieces, the fragmented parts will sink underwater, and then in a period of time After a while, another identical iceberg will rise from the water!" Murmansk said.

"It is an interesting mirror sea area. Could it be said that when designing this mirror sea area, the designer intended to maintain the original appearance of this mirror sea area? Even if someone destroys the facilities in the mirror sea area, the mirror sea area will also repair itself through the self-repair system Repair it." Bismarck nodded and said, among this group of people, she should have the deepest understanding of the mirror sea.

"I don't know, but I must have such a plan." Kirov said, "After all, the siren mirror sea areas we have encountered can be roughly divided into two categories. One is the arsenal for making chess pieces and mass production. The other type is an experimental field with various exaggerated equipment.

This is the only place where there is the Northern Alliance. Perhaps the entire mirror sea area first discovered by humans is different from them.

We have conducted long-term research here, recovered all the retrievable data, and analyzed all the samples that can be analyzed, but we still do not understand the purpose of this mirror sea area, which is hidden under the water and only repairs the natural landscape.

So in the end we have a guess, Commander Qin Ge, could it be that the Mirror Sea was not originally a weapon used to attack, but some kind of prop used to hide and avoid? "

Qin Ge turned his attention to Feilong at this time. As the prototype ship, she was the one who had the most say in all this because she had experienced that era.

Feilong nodded and shook his head, "The mirror sea area was originally opened up for the purpose of conducting some secret research. The main emphasis is on concealment. It will not be illuminated by satellites or penetrated by electromagnetic waves. , which blocks contact with the outside world and is a high-tech hidden place.

Of course, the mirror sea area was widely used in the hands of Antix, which is the mirror sea area that you can often see now. "

"So, is this mirror sea just a technological device with concealment and portability?" Qin Ge asked.

"Oh, you are imagining this mirror sea area too simply. I think you can keep this doubt. When you get inside, you will know where it is." Feilong said.

"Do you know this mirror sea area?" Soviet Bellaros looked at Fei Long in surprise.

Feilong was noncommittal, but didn't answer either. Qin Ge instantly understood something.

At this moment, Musashi frowned, "Everyone, it seems that someone has come to greet us."

"Yeah, but it doesn't matter." New Jersey laughed.

Sure enough, not long after, a message came from the thunder in the distance, "Attention, the Siren Defense Fleet has appeared!"

The people from the Northern Alliance were stunned, and Murmansk complained a little, "Really, it was obviously just cleaned up not long ago..."

Soviet Belarus looked at Musashi and others in surprise. Among the people here, they were the first to notice the siren's appearance, right? After all, after saying those words, it wasn't long before Lei Ming sent the message.

Is this the strength of a legendary ship girl at sea?

At this time, Qin Ge said to his ship girl, "Who are you planning to take action?"

Musashi smiled and said, "Commander, just leave this matter to me. It has been so long since I was summoned, and I haven't taken action yet."

"Well, yes, then I'll leave it to you this time, but next time it will be me." New Jersey said with a smile.

"Ha, with such a long distance, your battleship must have an advantage." Kronstadt shrugged.

"Then leave it to Musashi, thank you for your hard work." This last sentence was obviously what Qin Ge said to Musashi.

Musashi took a step forward, gently spread her hands, and then blue light surrounded her body. When the light dissipated, a huge ship suit appeared beside her, and your long knife floated beside her, which looked very fantastic.

Although Qin Ge has seen Musashi's ship uniform more than once, there is still a very impressive feeling every time it is unfolded.

As the ship's suit unfolded, Musashi gently raised her hand, and the long sword was immediately pulled out of its sheath and fell into her hand. In an instant, purple lightning danced on the blade of the long knife, and a huge shadow suddenly appeared behind her, and the shadow also held a long knife in its hand.

"The time has come, the tranquil sea is thundering!"

Musashi, who was holding a long sword, raised the sword high and then brought the sword down. The shadow behind her was doing the same thing as her. When the two knives, one virtual and one real, fell at the same time, the mirror sea area shrouded in seawater seemed to have a thunderous thunderbolt.

Countless purple lightnings were seen falling from a distance, constantly hitting the mass-produced Siren models that appeared. Until the moment when the thunder and lightning stopped, the defensive fleet that had just appeared on the sea had been completely wiped out.

Immediately, Lei Ming's shocked voice came from the communicator, "Report, just after passing through the sea area, a burst of purple lightning suddenly appeared, and all the mass-produced Sirens on the sea were wiped out!"

Such a voice made the shocked Soviet Belarus react, and then quickly replied, "Don't panic, that's our attack. Check the status of the Siren ships around you, and then continue to explore the path."


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