My ship girl, my world

Chapter 849 An unexpected sense of familiarity

"Comrade Commander Qin Ge, can you tell me what is going on? Although I admit that the legendary ship girls at sea are very strong, but they are not so strong, right? This is completely beyond my expectation. Strength of!"

Soviet Belarus couldn't help but twitching his eyes when he saw Musashi taking back his ship uniform, and asked Qin Ge impatiently.

Qin Ge coughed and said to Soviet Belarus, "To be precise, they are not called ship girls, but ships."

"Ship! In other words, Commander Qin Geqing, you have mastered the method of transforming a ship girl into a ship!" Soviet Bellaros said with straight eyes.

"Eh? Do you, the Northern Alliance, also know about ships?" Qin Ge asked strangely. After all, in his consciousness, there should be relatively few people in this world who know about ships.

"Of course we know, and the reason why we know it is in this secret room." Soviet Belarus said, "You will see these later, but I want to ask how the ship is transformed? Can this solution be shared?”

Qin Ge shook his head, "The biggest reason why my ship girls can be transformed into ships is because of my existence. Without ship girls in my fleet, there is basically no way to transform them into ships."

Soviet Belarus looked at the flying dragon on the side and said speechlessly, "No wonder Ember will choose your port area after coming to this world. I'm afraid these are not without reason."

Qin Ge shrugged, "No matter what, I belong to Azur Lane, and this will never change."

"Indeed, it is precisely because we recognized you that we took this action." Soviet Belarus said, "Well, let's talk about this later. We will soon arrive at the location of the gate. I believe that the information inside will contain you. Interested in."


Sure enough, it didn't take long for everyone to come to a huge iceberg. It is said that this iceberg is the only facility with an internal structure and is also the location of the door in the secret room.

"It's very spectacular, Comrade Commander. This facility is where we first recovered important data. It was not as easy as it is now when we first came in. It was through the struggle and sacrifice of countless naval martyrs that we finally cleared away the surrounding areas of the facility. Siren Fleet, but as far as the result is concerned, our operation was successful." Kirov looked at the huge iceberg and said to Qin Ge.

"Indeed, the discovery of this place can be said to be a turning point in fate. It was the research on recovered intelligence that allowed the Northern Alliance, which was once on the verge of collapse, to maintain its crumbling defense line and return to the top of the world today. And not only that, we are here Recovered part of the Siren's secrets." Soviet Bellaros introduced as he walked.

"The secret of Siren?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"It is consistent with most of Commander Qin Ge's previous speculations, which is why we supported Commander Qin Ge before. We found that the sirens did not originate from the ocean, but from a distant place. Our behavior is not to eliminate, but is full of conspiracy." Soviet Belarus looked at the surrounding environment, took a deep breath and said, "And the us in the past, no... also includes us now. , have completely fallen into the trap set by the Siren, and then they are moving forward in such a trap."

"This is true, and the information we have now also proves this." Qin Ge nodded, "And some of the information may be more detailed than the information released now. Originally, I was planning to wait until you set up a contact point with me. I will send it to you again, but since it is here now, I will arrange for Bismarck to give you a copy later."

"Then I would like to thank Comrade Commander Qin Ge." Soviet Bellaros said.

While chatting, everyone finally walked into a hall, and according to Soviet Belarus, this hall was the control room of this facility.

In the control room there is what looks like a very large ice wall, and in front of it there is an operating platform.

"So the most important thing this time is that you need me to help you open the door?" Qin Ge asked.

"I have checked the information provided by Donghuang. Commander Qin Ge's Rubik's Cube adaptability should be the highest, right? And based on the fact that you can summon the legend of the sea, we are convinced that Comrade Commander Qin Ge has the mental Rubik's Cube affinity. , can help us open this dusty door." Kirov said.

Qin Ge and the ship girls stepped forward to observe and saw that in the central space in front of the hall, there was a metal console that looked like some kind of control device, and there was a groove on it that seemed to be able to place a mental Rubik's Cube.

"No need to look, that is a special device for activating the Mind Cube." Counterattack from a distance crossed his arms and said, "Only specific people with a very high affinity for the Rubik's Cube can activate it. Commander Qin Ge has this ability. .”

"Do you know this device?" Soviet Bellaros asked doubtfully.

Counterattack nodded, "For us, this device is not mysterious."

"This symbol..." Qin Ge suddenly saw a familiar yet unfamiliar symbol on the device.

"Huh? This symbol didn't exist when we came last time. Why did it appear this time? Is it because of changes after Commander Qin Ge came?" Talin said with some confusion.

"No, I mean this symbol. I seem to have seen it somewhere, but I can't remember it at the moment." Qin Ge said with a frown.

At this time, the flying dragon not far away opened its eyes and said to Qin Ge as if to remind or answer, "Arbiter."

Qin Ge suddenly realized, "Yes, they are the arbiters who appeared last time. I have seen such symbols on their bodies."

"Arbiter? Could it be that this secret room has something to do with the Arbiter?" Soviet Bellaros asked in shock. Who is the Arbiter? She certainly knows how to turn the Northern Alliance and other camps into what they are today and survive.

But there is really too little understanding of the Arbiter. Except for the battle in the Atlantic Ocean, basically all the understanding of the Arbiter comes from Qin Ge.

"Then can you determine who the arbitrator here is?" Qin Ge asked.

"Not sure, we won't know until we meet, but I can already smell her scent." Feilong said meaningfully.

Qin Ge looked at Feilong and rolled his eyes wildly in his heart. These people's acting was so similar that if Song Qingge hadn't reminded him before, he might have really followed his train of thought.

However, now he has no clue about this place. It seems that he can only lead his fleet to break into the stage prepared for him by the Arbiter and Ember Alliance.

"Then, let's open the Rubik's Cube."

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