My ship girl, my world

Chapter 868 The perfect actor

"Commander Qin Ge, have you ever thought about one thing? That is, the world you are in was clearly a numbered world before, the lowest level. Why was it suddenly upgraded to the main world level?" Helena Looking at Qin Ge, he asked, his words full of depth.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes wildly in his heart, why didn't he know? Song Qingge has already told me your plan in detail. If I don't know, you will really get involved, but now he wants to hear what kind of reasons Helena on the other side will give?

So Qin Ge pretended to be suspicious and said, "Isn't it because the Arbiter came to this world?"

Helena shook her head, "Then why did the Arbiter come to this world?"

"Is it because of me?" Qin Ge frowned, "Although I am very special in your mouth and can let the ship girl evolve into a ship, but there are also ships in other main worlds, right?

So relatively speaking, I am not that important to the arbiter? In other words, it's not that important to Siren. "

"That's wrong." Helena raised her head, looked at Qin Ge and smiled, "You are very important, but you just don't know it."

Qin Ge was speechless in his heart. Of course I know that I am important. I am really sorry to trouble you to personally draw up a guardian plan for me.

But I still have to pretend not to know, "Can you please tell me once and for all?"

"Commander Qin Ge, the numbered world generally cannot be promoted to the main world, because only the numbered world has so many commanders, and there are no commanders in the main world.

But because of you, this numbered world has undergone tremendous changes and has become the only numbered world promoted to the main world.

Then think about it, if so many commanders appear in a main world, what will be the result? "Helena said.

"Trouble? Or are there more possibilities?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"No, the possibility is a possibility, but above the possibility, it is impossible to go beyond the original rules. Now this world has obviously exceeded the original rules, so the arbiter will come to this world to clear it.

Kill the uncertainty of this world, that is to say, kill all the commanders including you. This is also the reason why they took over the Siren fleet and attacked all the major camps as soon as they came to this world. "Helena said.

"Then why did you come to this world? Do you like this uncertainty? Or are you simply an enemy of the Arbiter?" Qin Ge asked.

"Of course not. We come to this world to find the reasons for everything. Since this world has undergone such big changes, it must be unique. And perhaps this reason is what we have been looking for. "Helena said.

"So we found you in this world, and you have lived up to our expectations. Whether it is your decision to fight, your future plans, or your acceptance of new technology, we are all satisfied.

That's why we choose to cooperate with you and stay in your port area to observe you from a close distance. "

Qin Ge couldn't help but nodded. Helena was telling the truth. The purpose of their coming to the port area was indeed to observe themselves. No matter what kind of cooperation it was, it was all to test whether they had the ability to accept it.

"What about the other commanders? Don't you care?" Qin Ge asked.

"Maybe to you they are living people, and they have emotional changes, but to us, they are just a string of data derived from the numbered world." Helena's words were without any emotion, "As long as the Siren is willing , they can use Laplace Demon to create countless such worlds.

So we don’t have too many thoughts about them. It’s like a game world suddenly turned into the real world, but the NPCs in it are still NPCs to us and will not become players. "

Qin Ge took a breath of cold air, "No wonder, I said why you Embers all gathered here as soon as you came to this world. It turns out that I am that player in your eyes."

"Yes, you are a valuable existence, while other people and other forces do not have much value to us. We have traveled in countless worlds and experienced countless battles. To be honest, we are actually very Stop being emotional.

Because in addition to fighting in our lives, there is an endless pursuit, to seek a solution, to seek an unknown past. Maybe our approach seems a bit hard-hearted to you, but this is the guarantee for our survival today.

But you are different. You are a person from another world. You are so unique in their programs, and you have unlimited possibilities.

These possibilities are exactly what we lack. In the original world, we once had commanders, but such commanders were not real commanders. It would be more appropriate to call them teachers.

You are unique, and we discover that by following you, we also have possibilities. That's why embers gather more and more.

Aimless searching cannot end this battle. If life like this continues, we will only become more and more nihilistic. When we know that we don’t recognize ourselves, the only end that belongs to us is the end.

But if you accept us and become ours, then there are possibilities beyond all possibilities. We will no longer be alone, we will no longer be at a loss, we will unite around you, and you will lead us to find the right direction again.

Commander Qin Ge, this is the reason why we came to you, and this is also the reason why we invited you. "Helena's voice was filled with excitement, which made Qin Ge's blood boil unconsciously.

"Although you say so, am I really that special?" Qin Ge asked.

"You are like a pearl now, covered in dust, but as long as you have a chance, you will disperse the dust around you and become dazzling. Not only in this world, but also on a broader stage. . So don’t let this world limit your vision, your possibilities are infinite.” Helena said.

Qin Ge touched his nose and said, "What do I need to pay?"

"So Commander Qin Ge agreed?" Helena smiled.

"You have said so much. If I disagree again, wouldn't I be letting you down?" Qin Ge said.

"You don't need to pay anything, you just need to be yourself, keep exploring the unknown, and keep growing until the end of all this." Helena said.

Huh... Qin Ge sighed inwardly. Helena in front of him was really a perfect actress. Even though he knew why, Qin Ge was still moved.

Because of Ember's strength? Because of what they went through?

No, maybe it's just because they have been working hard, right?

"Then, welcome to my fleet, Helena!"

"I have finally waited for this moment. I can lend you my power - but you must promise not to hide anything from me."

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