My ship girl, my world

Chapter 869 Sudden realization and acceptance

Not long after Qin Ge accepted Helena's contract, leaders of several major camps had already gathered in his office.

"Comrade Commander, are you really so determined? The purpose of the ember is not as simple as what I told you." Soviet Rosia looked at Qin Ge sitting in the first place and said seriously.

"Rosiya is right. Although they are now our partners and allies, there is still a certain risk in letting them join our fleet rashly." Enterprise nodded in agreement.

"But it is undeniable that this is our opportunity. They are ships like us. As long as they make a contract with the commander, they will not betray easily. Moreover, the information and technology they possess are what we need at this stage. , I think that although there are disadvantages, the advantages obviously outweigh the disadvantages.

Besides, they have been in our port area for such a long time. Except for what they deliberately concealed, we already know everything we can know. I still agree with the commander's decision. Veneto said.

King George V looked at Veneto in surprise, "I didn't expect you to say such reasonable and well-founded words today. It really makes me feel a little surprised.

However, my thoughts are the same as those of the enterprise. This is too risky, and will add some unnecessary enemies, putting our fleet at the forefront, which is obviously not conducive to our future development. "

"Are you, the royal family, afraid?" Bismarck said softly, "Aren't we fighting in this world just to restore peace to the world? Isn't it just to explore the reasons for everything and solve the mysteries hidden behind it? Are we fighting in this world? Do we have to stop exploring because the enemy is too powerful?

Instead of shrinking back from this world and being complacent about our current strength, we should have the courage to accept some unknown things, so that we can achieve greater breakthroughs. Just like the commander said, our goal is not just to defeat the Sirens, but also to think about the longer term. "

"I think it's too early to say all this now. We are still stuck in the quagmire of this world, and there are enemies like the Arbiter in this world. Uniting the existing forces to defeat them is what we should do now. .

Obviously, making good friends with Embers is beneficial to our strength and current situation. If we can absorb them, it will indeed improve our stability in this world. I support the commander's decision. Richelieu said softly.

After a few people finished speaking, there was no sound anymore. The company looked at Yixian and Musashi strangely, "Don't Dong Huang and Shige Sakura have any objections?"

Musashi smiled and shook his head, "I think the most important thing in this matter is the commander's opinion. Our opinions can only be used as a reference. In any case, the future of the port area is under the commander's decision.

As a ship, we just need to cooperate with the commander and do our job well. "

Yixian looked at Qin Ge with a smile, "I think the commander must have his own thoughts, so I still want to hear what the commander has to say."

After hearing Donghuang and Chongying's statements, they all looked at Qin Ge. They wanted to hear what their commander meant?

Qin Ge smiled and said, "I understand your worries, and what you said is very reasonable, but we cannot look at this matter from the current situation and should take a longer-term view.

You have to think about why Ember cooperates with us, why the Arbiter came to this world, and why we were originally in the numbered world Helena said suddenly evolved into the main world?

Since all the clues and all the points point to our fleet, we must not sit still and wait for death. It is necessary for us to break through the current situation and find longer-term goals.

Therefore, I decided to accept the Ember Fleet and make a contract with the Ember Fleet who are willing to follow me to explore the deeper reasons. "

"It seems that the commander does know something that we don't know, so can you tell us now? There is also a slightly interesting question, that is, the commander already has Helena, why can he still contract Helena from Ember? Is their relationship just like the relationship between Kaga and Luan?" Musashi smiled.

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, in fact, I asked Helena this question, and she said that they were ships transformed from battleships, which means that they had entities before, and then underwent transformations similar to yours. Powered by the Mind Cube, it became what it is now.

Logically speaking, their situation is called a prototype ship. In other words, no matter how many worlds there are, they are still the original ship. Instead, ship girls or ships in other worlds are all born after extracting their memes.

They are the original, completely different from other ships and ship girls. Therefore, they have the most special properties and are not limited by the adaptability of the Mental Cube. "

"Is that so?" Everyone had different expressions, but they all looked like they were suddenly enlightened.

"As for what you don't know, this is what Helena told me before." Qin Ge then told several ship girls all of Helena's previous remarks. Anyway, like what Song Qingge told him before, he was absolutely Won't say it.

Because if those situations are told to his ship now, if someone accidentally shows something wrong, the consequences may be a little embarrassing. It would be better to hide it from them until the truth finally comes out. At that time, they will know even if he doesn't need to tell them.

"So that's it, I asked why Ember is only interested in our fleet and has no thoughts at all about other camps in this world and other commanders of the Grand Fleet. So for them, these are just the evolution of the program? "Soviet Rosia suddenly realized that she only figured out some of the things involved here after Qin Ge told her.

"So now that the Commander is the focus of the world, all actions taken by the Siren or the Arbiter will revolve around the Commander?" Enterprise frowned.

Qin Ge nodded, "It's almost like this, so it is precisely because of this that I accepted the Ember Fleet. They are now dependent on each other for a common goal.

Although it has always been a cooperative relationship, it may be out of our control at any time. If this is the case, then it is better to turn them into real people like us. At least have this power in our own hands, which is much better than them being uncertain. "

Everyone nodded, "Then we almost understand. Now that they are about to join our fleet, all subsequent decisions will have to make some changes."

"It's like this, so I'll trouble everyone next." Qin Ge nodded.

"It's okay, Commander!"

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