My ship girl, my world

Chapter 874 Proposal to hold a leadership meeting

Seeing Scharnhorst leaving, Qin Ge narrowed his eyes and turned to look at Helena who was drinking tea at the side. "Logically speaking, Antix's current target should only be us, right? Why did she say that?" Isn’t Antix’s target this time not us?”

"Commander, you must remember one thing clearly. The experimental agency and the arbitration agency belong to two departments respectively. Although they belong to Andix, their responsibilities are completely different.

Antiques's experimental mechanism has world limitations, but the Arbiter's arbitration mechanism does not. The current situation is that the arbitration agency is targeting us, but Antix's experimental agency still has to continue conducting experiments around the world.

Although as you said, other experimental targets are actually not as strong as our fleet, but we can still get a lot of experimental data from them.

And compared to experimenting with them, the price paid is much smaller than experimenting with us. I estimate that a large part of their resources have been recruited by the arbitration agency, so they are unable to organize a plan to launch experiments in our port area. "Helena explained.

Qin Ge touched his chin, "Interesting, so if I alert the other major camps, will it be impossible for Antix's experimental plan to succeed?"

"No, observers are good at discerning human nature, and the major camps are not close to each other. There are still some entangled interests among them. As long as they are slightly alienated and provoked, it is easy for them to clear up the situation. appeared.

And after the last war, every camp will be very restrained this time and will not use their trump cards until the last moment. So what you can see is a tug-of-war that lasts as long as before. "Helena explained.

Qin Ge nodded, "What you said makes sense, but as a collaborator, I feel it is necessary for me to inform them, and this time envoys from the big camp have also come. I believe that Donghuang and Chongzhong have arrived in the past two days." Sakura's messenger will also arrive.

At that time, it will be necessary to convene a meeting between the leaders of the major camps. Now is no longer the time for each camp to clear its doors. The last siren tide was a warning. "

"These are the commander's decisions, you just have to think them over. And with your current status and strength, you are qualified to say these words. Maybe it can promote the unity of the world?" Helena smiled. road.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Promoting unity in this world? I'm afraid I'm not that powerful, right?"

"I think we can give it a try. Only when we unify the scattered forces into one will we have more powerful force to fight against our enemies." Helena smiled.

"Okay, I'll give it a try then." Qin Ge said, "By the way, I'm going to attend a tea party at Elizabeth's place later. Will you go?"

"I won't go. Situations like those belonging to elegant women are not suitable for me. I'll go to the scientific research center later. The commander's water navigation device mentioned before is almost developed. Maybe it can be completed in the next two days. , it would be better for me to do a quality review." Helena stood up and said.

Qin Ge nodded with interest, "To be honest, I can't wait. A device that can glide on the water must be very exciting."

"Haha, but gliding on the water is different from walking. It is better for the commander to stay on the command ship without going into the water." Helena said.

"Yes, but with this, if there is a problem with the command ship or it reaches the sea area where the command ship cannot sail, I don't need anyone to help me carry it. You must know that I am also a grown man, and it will be very embarrassing if I am always carried by you. Yes." Qin Ge touched his nose and said.

"Haha, I don't think so." Helena said.

"Well, let's do this for now, wait until the device is formed," Qin Ge said.


After completing today's work and patrolling the port area, Qin Ge came to Elizabeth's residence.

This is a very British-style palace built in the port area. It used to be the resting place of the Royal Ship Girl. Since Elizabeth was summoned, the Royal Ship Girl arranged Elizabeth's residence here.

"You are too slow, common people! After receiving the king's invitation, you actually refused it three times. Moreover, you were late this time. You are really not polite at all." Elizabeth watched Qin Ge walk into the tea party and said with a hint of complaint. .

Qin Ge smiled, but did not take Elizabeth's words to heart. After all, several of his wedding ships and the ship girls with whom he had good relationships had already explained to Qin Ge Elizabeth's more arrogant character, for fear of getting along with her in the future. Among them, Qin Ge would be angry because of this.

"There are many things in the port area. Basically, I have to participate in the decision-making of major things, so I have been unable to attend many meetings. What I said today is because Scharnhorst came back from the experimental site and explained some things. It was a waste I have more time, so I want to say sorry first." Qin Ge said with a smile, his tone was very polite but not too humble.

"Humph, since you have said so, I will forgive you graciously." After Elizabeth finished speaking, she looked sideways at Belfast who was snickering beside her, "Befa, show him his seat."

Belfast bowed, "Yes, Her Majesty the Queen."

Then he turned around and came to Qin Ge's side, "Master, please come this way."

Qin Ge sat down under Belfast's service. Hood, who was sitting next to Elizabeth, looked over and said, "Commander, is Scharnhorst back because something happened at the experimental site?"

"Something did happen." Qin Ge nodded, "The Purifier left the testing site, and Antix's new round of experiments is about to begin, but this time the target is not us, but others. Several major camps. But we can’t relax, after all, who knows what Antix and the others think?

Moreover, the production of the planned ship is also proceeding smoothly, and the drawings are now being completed very smoothly. We will be able to get the new planned ship drawings probably next month.

Also, when she came back, she met envoys from the major camps along the Atlantic coast on the way, so starting from tomorrow, the time will be even tighter. "

"It's been such an eventful time. Not even a year has passed since the peace, and a new battle has begun." Guanghui said quietly.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "There is nothing we can do about it. As long as Antiques is not completely defeated in this world, the world will not be peaceful.

Fortunately, the strength of our fleet has increased significantly this time, and we can handle it even if some emergencies occur. As long as the arbitration agency is not dispatched, it will not be our turn to cause trouble. "

"Indeed, then let's enjoy the hard-earned peaceful afternoon. Maybe for a long time from now on, a life like this will be a luxury," Hood said with a smile.


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