My ship girl, my world

Chapter 875 Welcome the Banquet

"Welcome to my port area. You've had a hard journey. Please prepare some wine. I hope you don't mind."

At night, Qin Ge attended a banquet organized in the outer port area. The purpose of the banquet was to welcome envoys from various camps along the Atlantic coast. Now Qin Ge's port area can be regarded as a prestigious force, and a program like this must be in place.

Moreover, there were also leaders of various camps attending the banquet with Qin Ge. Even if he is not a leader, he is still a senior member of the camp. This is also a sign of respect for the special envoys of each camp.

"Commander Qin Ge is serious. Such a banquet is already very sumptuous. Please make such preparations." Wuwei smiled at Qin Ge.

"No trouble, this is what you should do. When you come here, you represent your respective camps. Of course I will entertain you with the highest etiquette." Qin Ge said with a smile, "By the way, have you come all the way here? Did you find anything strange on the way?"

"Is it weird?" Several people looked at each other and shook their heads.

"If we really want to say something strange, it's that we didn't see a single mass-produced version of the Siren all the way here. It's like the world where the Siren disappeared. It's really incredible." Foch said seriously. .

Qin Ge nodded. Based on Foch's answer just now, he could deduce that at least before they came to Guam, there was no mass-produced Siren in this sea area.

"Well, I would like to ask, if you go all out to build a communication tower, how long will it take to successfully build it?" Qin Ge asked, "Of course, our port area can also provide you with some help when necessary."

"Huh? Commander Qin Ge is in a hurry?" Sheffield asked.

"There is indeed some anxiety. I just got the information that the sirens will become active again within this period of time, and their goal this time is to target the major camps." Qin Ge looked at several people and said.

"Ah! It's such a message. How accurate is the message?" Wuwei asked in surprise, "If it's urgent, we can activate emergency contact measures, and we can also transmit information, but we can't carry out long-term continuous communication."

Qin Ge suddenly thought of the special communicator with Donghuang, and he couldn't help but understand, and then said, "I won't joke with you on such a big event. It is precisely because of this that I asked you before when you came here. Didn't encounter anything strange on the road.

Judging from your answers, the Siren's action has not yet begun, but it is not far away from the beginning. You'd better notify your camp in time before Operation Siren begins so that they can prepare. Don't become as careless as last time and cause more losses. "

Thinking of the consequences of the last Siren Tide, everyone's hearts trembled. The lesson learned last time was still in their minds because they did not follow Qin Ge's advice. They must not make such a mistake this time. And even if the Second Siren doesn't attack, it's not a bad thing to be prepared in advance.

"Understood, Commander Qin Ge, when the banquet is over, we will use exclusive communication equipment to contact our camp and let them prepare in advance." Wuwei said quickly.

"But when it comes to building a communication tower, it should take nearly a month. The most important thing is the laying of the lines. The communication tower can be built directly and it only takes a few days."

"So that's what it looks like. In short, it's the same as what I said before. If you need any help, please ask it in time. I will let my ship girl assist you. Try to build the communication tower successfully as soon as possible. When the time comes, In the event of a sudden change, it will be easier to contact the other major camps," Qin Ge said.

"Thank you very much for Commander Qin Ge's generosity, we will do it." Ke Ke said.

"Yes." Qin Ge smiled and nodded, "I've taken up your banquet time. I'd like to say sorry here. The rest of the time belongs to you. The company and the others will be here to accompany you. If you have anything to do, just let them know. .”

"Thank you, Commander Qin Ge."

Qin Ge did not stay long. After all, this banquet was held for a few of them, and staying here alone would make them feel restrained. It would be better to let them communicate with the special envoys, so that they could be more relaxed.

When walking back from Waigang District, Qin Ge couldn't help but stop when passing a restaurant with Donghuang characteristics. Looking at the bright lights inside, I thought about it and walked in.

As soon as I walked to the door, I heard a familiar voice, "Welcome light... Commander?"

Qin Ge followed the sound and found Haiqi standing next to the counter, looking at him with a slightly surprised expression.

"Good evening, Haiqi." Qin Ge smiled.

"Good evening." Haiqi was stunned for a moment, then ran out, "Commander, why did you remember to come here so late?"

"I just came back from the banquet hall in Waigang District. I passed by and saw that the lights were still on, so I wanted to come in and have a look." Qin Ge explained.

"Hehe, it turns out like this. I thought the commander came here specially." Haiqi said with a smile, "Do you want to eat? Sister Yixian hasn't rested yet."

Qin Ge touched his belly and said, "Come on whatever you want. By the way, is Hai Tian here too?"

"Yes." Haiqi said.

"Then let's call her by the way." Qin Ge said.

"Well, will the commander be on the first floor or the second floor, or in a private room?" Haiqi asked.

"Let's go to the second floor. Climb up and look far." Qin Ge smiled.

"Okay, commander, go up first, and I'll call Sister Yixian and the others." Haiqi said, and ran into the inner room to the side.

Qin Ge didn't stop, walked directly to the second floor, chose a seat with a window and sat down. Looking through the window, you can see the lighthouse in the port area shining on the sea. There was not much wind tonight, the sea was calm, and it was a quiet night.

Not long after looking at it, a figure appeared on the edge of the stairs, carrying a teapot and a teacup, and walked over slowly with a graceful figure.

Hearing the footsteps on the wooden floor, Qin Ge looked back and said, "Haha, Hai Tian, ​​I'm a little disturbed so late."

"How can you say it's an interruption? Commander has such a leisurely and elegant temperament. We should be lucky to be here." Hai Tian smiled and sat down and handed Qin Ge tea, "Sister Yixian will go and give you some tea." It’s time to cook. It will probably take a while before you can come over. By the way, why didn’t Sister Zhenhai come back with you? "

"She is still in the banquet hall. Although there are no Donghuang personnel here this time, as a high-level executive in the port area, she still has to communicate more with other camp envoys." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"So does this count as the commander escaping?" Hai Tian said with a smile.

"Doesn't it count?" Qin Ge touched his nose, "They can't let go of me when I'm there. My status is different now, so I just leave all this to Zhenhai and Enterprise."

"That's right." Hai Tian said and looked out the window, "The night is really nice today."

"Yes, the wind is also gentle."

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