My ship girl, my world

Chapter 885 Reply from the frontline fleet

Time flies, and four or five days have passed in the blink of an eye. Just when Qin Ge was handling official duties, a knock on the door rang from outside.

Qin Ge raised his head and saw the secretary-ship bravely running over. After opening the door, a figure walked in.

"Eh, Casablanca?" Bravely looked at Casablanca outside the door and wondered, "What's wrong?"

"I have something to report to the commander," Casablanca said.

"You can tell me anything, and I'll tell the commander. He's busy now." Brave said.

"It's about the reply from Chong Ying and the royal family that we sent out before. I need to explain it directly to the commander." Casablanca said.

"So that's it, then come in with me." After Brave said, he walked in with Casablanca.

Qin Ge raised his head at this time, looked at Casablanca and asked, "Casablanca, what's the matter?"

"Report to Commander, information is coming from the front line." Casablanca said.

"Frontline? Oh, is it Musashi and King George V?" Qin Ge became energetic.

"Yes, almost at the same time they reported the location of the material delivery to the port area and have found the temporary base settlement point." Casablanca said.

"Oh, where is the specific location? Let me see." Qin Ge asked.

Casablanca on the opposite side quickly took out a map, then unfolded it in front of Qin Ge and pointed at it and said, "According to the message sent back by Chong Ying, they chose Guadalcanal, the largest island in the Solomon Islands.

The area is approximately 6,475 square kilometers, and the indigenous Melanesians are also found on the island. It was precisely because of communication with the indigenous people that it was decided to place the temporary base on Guadalcanal. "

"Aborigines? What's their situation now? Will they pose a threat to us during future defense deployments?" Qin Ge asked quickly.

"No, according to the information sent back by Musashi, these indigenous people live in the north of the island, and what we need is to establish a temporary base in the southeast of the island, so it will not affect our normal execution of tasks.

And with our temporary base there, they will live safer. ” Casablanca responded.

Qin Ge nodded, "What about the royal family? What's their situation in the Marshall Islands?"

"According to the message from King George V, they are currently located on Ebeye Island in the Marshall Islands. The island covers an area of ​​360,000 square meters. This island is an uninhabited land, so the situation on Chongying will not occur. ." Casablanca said.

Qin Ge nodded, "I understand, Casablanca, go notify Musashi and King George V. I will immediately send people to bring supplies and ask them to stay behind with one or two people to wait. The others will proceed according to the original plan. Combat data collection.”

"Understood, Commander, I'll inform them right away." Casablanca saluted Qin Ge, then turned and left the office.

Watching Casablanca leave, Qin Ge turned to look at Brave, "Brave, notify Chong Ying's Amagi and Royal's Hood and ask them to come to my office quickly."

"Yes, Your Excellency!" Bravely nodded quickly and immediately went to inform.

Qin Ge smiled and then continued to deal with his unfinished business.

Not long after, Tiancheng and Hu De appeared in Qin Ge's office.

"My lord, is it about the front line that calls us here in such a hurry?" Amagi said straight to the point.

Qin Ge nodded, "At present, Musashi and King George V have found places in the Marshall Islands and Solomon Islands where they can establish a temporary port area, so our port area must act quickly to provide them with supplies and building materials. Ship it over.

So I will arrange this matter for you. One of you will be responsible for the Chongqing temporary base in the Solomon Islands, and the other will be responsible for the royal territorial base in the Marshall Islands.

The materials can be applied directly at our warehouse. As for the escort formation, it is up to you to arrange it yourself. Send as many ships as possible, and let Ember and the others escort them if necessary. "

"Understood, but we still have many ships in the port area, so we don't need to trouble Ember and the others. Don't worry, Commander, we will deliver the materials in time." Hood said with a smile.

"There is another question, that is, after we transport them, should we return to the port area or join the frontline team there."

Qin Ge thought for a while and said, "You ask about the pressure on the front line. If the pressure is not high, then you return to the port area. If the pressure on the front line is high, then just leave a few people behind and the rest will come back with the transport ship."

"Understood, Lord." Amagi nodded, "Then where did they choose?"

Qin Ge pointed to the map on the table and said, "The temporary base of Chongying is located in the southeast of Guadalcanal, the largest island in the Solomon Islands. As for the temporary base of the royal family, it is located on Ebeye Island in the Marshall Islands. Please arrange the route. After that, let me know when the time comes.”

"Yes, Commander."

After the two people quickly replied, they quickly went down to sort out the personnel for this attack. There are also materials needed to design the corresponding base and corresponding applications must be made.

By the afternoon, all the materials had been loaded onto the transport ship, and the personnel escorting the supplies had also arrived.

Shigesakura sent Akagi and Kaga, plus the general manager Amagi, and the forward personnel were Atago, Beifeng, and Agano.

As for the royal ones, they were sent by Hood, Glory, Centaur, York, Edinburgh, and Huti.

After everything was packed up, the two informed Qin Ge, who then saw them off at the port.

He didn't say much else, just words like take care and be careful on the road. Then he watched everyone set sail and slowly sailed out of the port area before Qin Ge returned to the port area.

As soon as he returned to his room, there was a knock on the door.

Qin Ge stepped forward and opened the door, but unexpectedly found Prince Eugen outside the door.

"When did you come back?" Qin Ge asked in surprise.

"Just when the port area was busy today, I came back with a few groups of Barbarians." Prince Eugen said, "Commander is standing here, won't you let me in?"

Qin Ge smiled helplessly, turned sideways and gave up his position, "Come in, how is the situation there?"

"Everything is progressing steadily, and the results will be seen in about a year." Prince Eugen said.

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, "The result?"

"Yes, this time, in addition to bringing Manjiu back, I also brought invitations from Persian Catchan and Frederick." Prince Eugen smiled mysteriously, "Didn't the commander say that he wanted to go to the experimental site? how about tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow?" Qin Ge thought for a while, "Things on the front line have come to an end now, and there are no big things in the port area. Tomorrow is fine."

"Well, it's decided then."

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