My ship girl, my world

Chapter 886 The Mirror Sea in the Port Area

At dawn the next day, Qin Ge and Prince Eugen set out for the experimental site. Because the matter was confidential, I did not bring my bravery as a secretary ship, but my personal maid Belfast.

The three of them did not take the command ship, but glided over on the water. After all, Qin Ge now has a water surface gliding device and is practicing it on a daily basis. The experimental site is not far from the port area and is within the patrol range, so it would be good to take this opportunity as a long-distance sailing practice.

Especially when you have two of your own wedding boats nearby, chatting and admiring the scenery while rushing on the road, isn't it the best of both worlds?

"By the way, this is the first time I've been out with you like this. This water surface sliding device made by Helena is really convenient." Qin Ge said while paddling.

"Haha, it is indeed very convenient, but it is only for short-distance travel. After all, the commander is different from us. You will definitely not be able to bear it if you travel long distances. Therefore, if you travel longer distances in the future, you will still have to take the command ship. "Prince Eugen said.

"This is also true. After all, I am still a human being and cannot be compared with you ship girls." Qin Ge smiled. Although he could glide on the water now, he still knew himself.

"However, let me tell you some good news for the commander. We are currently researching some biotechnology, and the main direction is genetic research. If the research is successful by then, then perhaps the commander can become a superhuman being. Species," said Prince Eugen.

"Gene? Genetic modification?" Qin Ge asked in surprise.

"Yes, but there are no very sophisticated supercomputing facilities now, and the calculations are slower. But I believe that in the near future, we will definitely find a way to change the commander's genes. This will allow you to live longer than ordinary humans. , stronger and more adaptable." Prince Eugen said.

"Ha, this is not what we need to consider urgently now. The main thing now is to strengthen the strength of our fleet and prepare for the next battle. And who can say for sure what will happen in the future? If we win, then we can Most of our power has been invested in genetic research, but if we fail, then all these things we do now will be in vain.

If you are not by my side, then what is the point of me being in this world? Do you stand at the beach every day, look at the vast sea, and repent all day long? " Qin Ge said.

"Haha, we will not fail, because the commander is behind us, so we will definitely succeed in the future. I believe that both our iron-blooded and other camps think so." Prince Eugen said, his tone also Slowed down.

"Well, we will definitely succeed." Qin Ge smiled, and then he raised his head and looked at the island in the distance, "Logically speaking, it should be almost there now, right? When will we enter the sea area?"

"It's almost there, but our mirror sea is different from the Siren's mirror sea." Prince Eugen said.

"It's different?" Qin Ge was stunned for a moment, and then thought of the mirror sea area in the Northern Union's secret room, "So is it the same as the mirror sea area in the Northern Union?"

"Almost. Anyway, the commander will know when he arrives." Prince Eugen gave up.

Qin Ge looked helplessly at Prince Eugen, who smiled slightly, leaving him speechless.

Belfast smiled and said, "Master, there is no need to rush. Will it be here soon? Everything will be known by then, so we should have some expectations, right?"

Qin Ge nodded, "Yeah."

The three of them continued to drive forward. Not long after, the sky that was originally bright and sunny suddenly became a little dim. Then, somewhere, a cloud of sea fog appeared. The sea fog spread rapidly, making Qin Ge couldn't help but get closer. Belfast.

"So are we entering the mirror sea now?" Qin Ge looked at the thickening fog. Qin Ge faced Prince Eugen not far ahead.

"Yes, but we are still on the edge now. We are going to the island in the center." Prince Eugen said, gradually approaching Qin Ge.

"Tsk, this feeling is a bit depressing, so you usually work in this environment?" Qin Ge asked.

"Of course not. This is to show the effect of opening all the mechanisms in our port area's mirror sea. Commander, don't be surprised later." Prince Eugen smiled mysteriously.

Qin Ge grinned, "I'm waiting for you to scare me silly."

"Haha, Commander has seen so many big scenes. It is impossible to kill him. I just want to surprise you. Even our fleet can have such a powerful classic sea area." Prince Eugen smiled.

"Okay, actually I'm a little surprised now." Qin Ge looked at the increasingly heavy sea fog and said, "So, these sea fogs are the previous micro-layer mixture?"

"Yes, and with the help of Purifiers and Embers, we have upgraded this micro-layer mixture. Now even the Siren's detector cannot detect our layout in the micro-layer mixture." Ou Prince Gen said.

"Huh? The Purifier helped?" Qin Ge said in surprise, "Isn't she from the experimental agency? Aren't you afraid that she will submit new sea fog analysis to the observer after she returns?"

"Haha, don't be afraid, because there is still the power of Ember in it. Although their previous technologies were the same, in order to avoid the search of the arbitration agency, Ember also developed a lot of technologies, so the Also one of them.

The combination of the two makes it impossible for even the Sirens to detect it. We have done experiments, and the Purifiers tried their best to break through, but they couldn't break out of this sea fog. "Prince Eugen said.

"Uh, okay, it seems I was worried for nothing." Qin Ge shrugged.

At this moment, a ray of light not far away penetrated the thick sea fog, and the outline of the object gradually became clearer as the people approached. When Qin Ge saw the object as a whole, he couldn't help but open his mouth.

"This is... a guided missile warship?" Qin Ge asked in surprise, "Have you evolved the mass-produced warship into a guided missile warship?"

"Yes." Prince Eugen nodded, "This is also the inspiration we got from Anshan and Changchun in Donghuang.

Now that we have access to the information network on the battlefield, we can use these missiles to strike the enemy more accurately, instantly destroy their mass-produced forces, and supplement the firepower of our capital ships against the enemy's elite units.

Moreover, the attack range of these guided missile warships is very far, completely beyond the attack range of ordinary battleships, and second only to the attack range of aircraft carriers, so there is no need to worry about loss at all, and it can be regarded as a relatively economical type of mass-produced ship. "

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Well, now our fleet has also ushered in the missile era. Now I am even more curious. What kind of surprises are waiting for me?"

"Just keep reading and you'll find out."

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