My ship girl, my world

Chapter 895 Reinforcements are coming

"According to our speed, how long will it take to reach Yokosuka?" Nagato stood on the bow of his own battleship and looked into the distance.

On both sides of her were Akagi Kaga from the First Air Battle and Soryu Feilong from the Second Air Battle. Several others were conducting reconnaissance on the flanks and in the front, and behind them was a fleet-organized mass-produced missile warship.

"Reporting to Lord Shenzi, it will take half a day to reach Yokosuka at our speed." Fengyun's voice rang in the communicator.

"Is there still half a day left?" Nagato blinked, and then said, "Akagi, you were the leader of Chongying before. According to your estimation, can they survive?"

"Of course there is no problem in holding on, but the two blows before and after will definitely consume Chongying's vitality again. If there is another sudden battle like this, it may not be able to last so long, or we may have to give up a section of the place. .”

Akagi's voice appeared in the communicator, and there was a hint of anxiety in it. After all, the first place she stayed was Chongying. After staying there for decades, she followed Qin Ge and entered his fleet.

"After this war is over, I will discuss with the commander to see if we should station the entire fleet in Chongsakura to prepare for ongoing battles." Nagato said softly.

"Nagato-sama, we can't take the initiative to talk about this matter when the time comes, even to the commander." Soryu said.

"Why?" Nagato was stunned.

"Because of dignity." Akagi said leisurely.

Nagato suddenly became speechless, "I'm sorry, I forgot, the heavy cherry blossoms here are not our heavy cherry blossoms."

"Haha, it doesn't matter. Lord Shenzi is kind, which is a good thing for us. But in the future, we should leave it to us. We don't need to say it explicitly, just reveal some meaning.

Didn't the commander say before that he hoped that all major camps would establish public port areas? I think this is a very good argument. At that time, we can send a fleet to station in the public port area. If Chongying encounters such a thing again in the future, we can also provide them with help. Canglong said, pushing up his glasses.

"Well, I'll have to worry about you guys from now on." Nagato whispered.

"Leave it to us. Lord Shenzi only needs to command our combined fleet." Canglong said.

The sound in the communicator gradually faded away, and the signal returned to silence. Nagato stood at the bow of the boat and couldn't help but sigh.

"Sad war... I hope... we can usher in the day when swords can be forged into plowshares..."

Time gradually passed, and finally, Kaga's voice sounded from the communicator.

"Attention, there are a large number of siren fleets ahead. It seems that we are almost close to the enemy fleet."

"Received, Lord Shenzi, it's time to give the order." Akagi's voice rang, "We are close to the enemy's rear, and it is best to launch a surprise attack at this time."

Nagato, who was standing on the bow of the ship, took a deep breath and looked at the cloudy sea ahead, "Everyone, prepare for battle!"


On the huge sea, several warships moving forward suddenly turned into a blue brilliance, shrouding a few people slowly floating on the sea. After those brilliance, there were a group of ship girls carrying them on their backs. Ship outfit.

"Black Soryu, the mass-produced missile warships in the port area are left to you to control. Unless the situation gets out of control, you'd better not take action to avoid attracting the arbiter and causing greater losses." Nagato said to the communicator. .

Black Canglong is also the Canglong of Embers. This is also the name that everyone on the road thinks of. After all, there were two Canglongs in the fleet. If they were not face to face, the information would easily be misleading, so they shouted separately.

"I understand, I will control the mass-produced missile warship and watch from behind." Ember Canglong replied through the communicator. She had no objection to this arrangement.

"Thank you." Nagato nodded, and she also landed on the water. The formation gradually closed up, and she could already see the smoke ahead, as well as the mass-produced Siren battleships all over the sea.

"Combined fleet, crush the enemy!"

A majestic voice emerged from Nagato's mouth, and in an instant, everyone in the Chongsakura fleet was covered with a layer of red aura. Everyone who received this aura bonus couldn't help but feel that they had improved a bit. Even Akagi looked at Nagato in surprise.

Although he had experienced battles with Nagato before, Nagato at that time was not as powerful as he is today, so the level of bonuses was relatively average. But now Nagato has at least increased her strength by 20%.

"'s time to fight, for the commander!"

With Akagi's exaggerated smile, red fighter planes took off one after another from her deck.

At the same time, blue fighter planes took off one after another on Kaga's deck behind Akagi, as did Soryu and Feilong on the other side.

For a time, the sky was filled with carrier-based aircraft groups. At first glance, they looked like locusts, covering the entire sky.

Those carrier-based aircraft rushed forward at extremely high speeds, several times faster than ordinary ship-based aircraft.

Looking up at the carrier-based aircraft passing overhead, Atago smiled and said to a few people on the side and in front.

"Haha, everyone has started to take action. We also have to show our strength, so let us clear the obstacles for the commander!"


The clear voice of everyone rang out from the communicator, and everyone rushed towards the mass-produced siren cluster ahead with high fighting spirit.

Apparently at this time, when he looked at the mass-produced ship, he had already discovered the Chongying people attacking from behind. However, turning the ship around at this juncture was a futile option.

They saw carrier-based aircraft passing over their heads at high speed, and countless flaming aerial bombs were poured out like rain.

A huge explosion resounded through the sky, and even above the sea, a wall of fire tens of meters high actually exploded.

The Atago people following the carrier-based aircraft fired their guns while rushing towards the wall of fire without any scruples.

Wherever they passed, all the mass-produced Siren battleships were sunk. This kind of battle could no longer be called fighting, but should be called crushing.

Under the concentrated firepower, no mass-produced warship could withstand a salvo of artillery fire from them. The balance of the battle turned into a one-sided situation from the beginning.

In the distance, Ruihe's carrier-based aircraft naturally detected this shocking scene. She stood there for a long time without making a sound.

"Ruihe, what's wrong? Could it be that the Sirens are launching a large-scale attack again?" Xianghe, who was on the side, couldn't see it because he had just recovered the carrier-based aircraft. When he saw his sister suddenly stopping the attack, he asked in confusion. .

Ruihe woke up with a start, and then looked at Xianghe excitedly, "Sister Xianghe, reinforcements! They are reinforcements! They are coming!"


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