My ship girl, my world

Chapter 896 Victory is reward

The Siren attack fleet, which had originally formed a front, was instantly torn open by the attack of Chong Ying's group.

Once the solid front is broken, the outcome can be imagined. As missiles were launched one after another from the rear, coupled with the firepower from the front, the battlefield almost became one-sided.

People in the Chongying camp on the opposite side discovered that the Siren mass-production fleet, which had been weighing them down, was actually collapsing under the attack of this force.

Especially the carrier-based aircraft roaring in the sky. Every time they landed on top of those fleets, they would turn into a sea of ​​fire. There were also things that fell from the sky, similar to "cannonballs". Although they could not directly destroy those Siren mass-produced warships, the blows they caused caused the main guns of those warships to misfire, or the rotation of the turrets stopped.

No one could have imagined that such a difficult offensive and defensive battle could turn the situation around in an instant. The sirens became the passive party, and the hunters turned out to be a small group of ship girls.

Only Zuihe and the others, who were not far behind, knew that it was no longer just an ordinary ship girl. It was a ship, the transformed prototype of a ship girl. They had gotten rid of their identities as forgeries.

"Is this the true strength of Commander Qin Ge's fleet?" Xianghe said with emotion.

"I'm afraid so. It seems that the decision made by Akagi and Kaga-senpai to leave Shigesakura was not just a joke. They really had foresight." Zuikaku said with a breath.

"Ruihe is envious?" Xianghe said with a smile.

Ruihe shook his head, "No, I'm just happy for the two seniors. After all, they were the only ones who could make a desperate decision under the circumstances like that, and now they just got what they deserved." thing."

"Senior is indeed a senior. He has indeed seen some things that we cannot see. But fortunately, we Chongying also maintain a close relationship with Commander Qin Ge. Otherwise, if there are a few more attacks like this, I'm afraid we will be Sakura will completely disappear from this world." Xianghe said, full of sighs and reluctance.

"Sister, don't think about these things. Now Commander Qin Ge's fleet is helping us break through those Siren mass-produced fleets. Now it's time to sound the clarion call for counterattack. Let us attack from both sides and eliminate this enemy as soon as possible. , you must know that other places are still facing danger." Ruihe said after reacting.

"Well, then let's go together!" Xianghe said seriously.

The order from the Chongsakura camp quickly spread throughout the sea area, causing the commanders who were originally shocked by the destructive power of this ship girl team to react in an instant.

Yes, now that there is such strong support, it is time to vent the anger that has been suppressed before on this group of Siren mass-produced fleets.

Countless signals intersect over this sea area, like horns soaring into the sky, constantly inspiring the frontline ship girls to continue fighting and the dawn of victory so close away.

The battle did not last long, and the collapsed three-person mass production line had been defeated one by one. Even though some commanders and ship girls were sacrificed in this counterattack, everyone's face was filled with the joy of victory. .

Their victory is the best response to the commanders and ship girls who died fighting to protect Shige Sakura.

"We won!" Ruihe said excitedly.

"Ruikaku, now is not the time to get excited. Our guests are already waiting there. As the commander-in-chief of this battle, it is time for you to greet them." Ise said as he glided over from the side.

"Well, I'm so happy. If you didn't remind me, I almost made a mistake." Zuihe quickly replied, and then skated towards the place where Qin Ge's squadron was. Soon she and Nagato were waiting People bumped heads.

"Senior, thank you very much for coming so far to support me. If it weren't for your support, I don't know when this battle would have ended." Zuikaku said to Nagato and Akagi and others beside her.

"Haha, Chongying can be considered my hometown. If something happens here, we will naturally not ignore it. And we have also signed a cooperation agreement. This is also to support the safety of our allies." Akagi said with a smile.

"Thank you so much." Zuihe said.

"Haha, no need to thank you. Let's hit the wrong battlefield as soon as possible. If you don't mind, we would like to take a rest and replenish our supplies before supporting the next place. After all, we have come here all the way, and wearing ship uniforms is not a big problem. But once the ship is out of gear, it becomes a bit difficult." Atago said with a smile.

"No problem, but it's just that Zhongying is going through a battle right now, so I can't thank you all properly. After the battle is over, I will definitely invite you to the celebration banquet." Zuihe said quickly.

Chongying is indeed quite far from Guam, and it will take several days to reach it if you travel all your way. Just like what Atago said before, when wearing a ship uniform and having the Rubik's Cube as a source of energy, he would not be so trapped. But as soon as the ship uniform is taken off, fatigue will sweep over everyone. If they don't take a good rest, the next support battle may be greatly reduced.

Zuihe can also understand that now is not the time to ask the other party, but to rest for a while, believing that Kongo and Nagato can withstand it.

So under the leadership of Ruihe, everyone came to the temporary headquarters, gave Ruihe a few simple supplies, and then entered a state of rest.

By the time everyone woke up, it was already afternoon. At this time, the wreckage of the Sirens on the sea had not yet been cleared, but this did not affect their continued efforts to rescue other areas under attack.

Soon everyone set sail and continued to move towards the next battle area under the afterglow of the setting sun.

It was the same as the previous battle, but the difference was that this time the battle took place at night. The Siren had no defense and was caught off guard. Under the attack of the ship girl team with explosive intensity at this moment, the entire front line was crumbling.

Combined with the flagships including Nagato, they attacked from the front and back and ate up the mass-produced Siren fleet in this area.

After completing the battle here, everyone did not ask for a rest this time, but went directly to the third area that was under attack.

When the sky slowly brightened, the fighting on the sea finally stopped. With the efforts of everyone, this wave of siren attacks was finally resisted.

Although the entire sea area is like purgatory, with flames burning everywhere and the wreckage of Siren mass-production battleships everywhere. But boiling cheers kept coming from the sea, including the excited voices of the ship girls and of course the excited voices of the commander.

While people were celebrating this hard-won victory, they saw the fleet led by Nagato heading towards Yokosuka Port again...

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