My ship girl, my world

Chapter 914 The Almighty Maid

Qin Ge wanted to complain very much at this time, why are the current legendary ships at sea becoming more and more unique?

The ship girl in front of me must be wearing a nun uniform, right? But what’s going on with such a high level of exposure? And when did the nuns’ uniforms change to cloaks?

But it was not Qin Ge's turn to think too much now, because the ship girl in front of him had opened her amber eyes and said with a wicked smile, "Gui'an, Commander, I am the Royal Navy armored aircraft carrier. No. For your past, future, mind and body..."

"Stop!" Qin Ge immediately stretched out his hand to stop, and then touched his forehead helplessly, "I can understand the past and the future. What the hell is the mind and body?"

"Haha, that's the literal meaning." Qiuqiu said with a smile, "But there's no need to rush to tell me the answer now. The time I spend with you will tell me slowly, bit by bit."

Qin Ge was speechless. It seemed that this grudge was difficult to deal with, but the new ship girl should be welcomed as she should be. So Qin Ge stretched out his hand and said solemnly, "Anyway, you are welcome to join my port area. I am the commander here. My name is Qin Ge. Please give me your advice in the future."

Qianqiu smiled and held Qin Ge's hand, "The commander introduced me so formally, so let me introduce myself in detail.

The Vengeful-class aircraft carrier was born as an improved version of the Glorious-class. Like many companions born at the end of the war, my name is only in an inconspicuous corner of the victory epic. So in the coming days, have you figured out how to 'use' me? Hahaha~"

Feeling the warm catkins, Qin Ge couldn't help but be speechless, "Are you talking about using it properly?"

"Whatever the commander thinks." He said with a smile.

Qin Ge smiled helplessly and let go of his hand, "Well, no matter what, you are now my ship girl. Let's meet an acquaintance first. I believe you are also very familiar with George V. .”

"Of course." Qiuqiu looked at George V behind Qin Ge with a smile, "Lord Knight, I couldn't be more familiar with him."

"Haha, I believe your arrival will also make Her Majesty the Queen very happy." George V smiled.

"Then George, I'll leave the grudge to you. Introduce her to the current situation in the port area, ask the maid team to prepare a dress for her, and she will attend a party in the evening." Qin Ge said.

"Yes, Commander, just leave it to me." George V said.

"Okay, then let me try again and see if I can still summon a ship." Qin Ge said and moved forward, preparing to summon a new ship girl.

However, when I put the Rubik's Cube into the builder again, the builder still could not display the construction time, and even after trying five times in a row, there was no response.

Qin Ge touched his chin, "Did I run out of luck? Or was there some force majeure?

But summoning so many ship girls today is enough. Let’s wait until next time when we feel lucky. "

In the end, Qin Ge gave up the summoning. After all, he said before that if the ship girl did not appear five times in a row, he would stop summoning to prevent unnecessary waste of his Rubik's Cube.

Watching the new ship girls leave the construction room under the leadership of the senior leaders of their respective camps, Qin Ge and Belfast collected the remaining supplies, left the construction room, and came to the Kitchen Goddess.

"Hello, Commander, I just saw that ray of light soaring into the sky. It seems that another maritime legend has appeared in our port area." As soon as he entered the door, he saw the goddess of the kitchen standing at the desk and said with a smile.

"Yes, I had better luck this time. I summoned the royal armored aircraft carrier Vengeance, and our port area's strength has improved a lot." Although Vengeance showed some personality, Qin Ge was still very happy from the bottom of his heart. Yes, after all, she is a legendary ship girl at sea. After being summoned to the port area, the strength of the port area will be truly improved.

"It's great. I see more and more people in our port area. I'm also happy for the commander. By the way, since the commander is so lucky today, why did he come to me so quickly? Has the Rubik's Cube been used up? ?" asked the female Kitchen God.

Qin Ge shook his head, "No, Belfast and I are here to return the supplies. After summoning Grudge, the summons failed five times in a row. I feel that my luck has run out as of today.

So I will avoid unnecessary waste like this for the time being, and wait until one day I feel lucky to try again. "

"So it's like this. I thought the commander would not give up until these Rubik's cubes are used up." The female Kitchen God smiled.

"No, how could it be?" Qin Ge laughed, and then asked Belfast to return the remaining Rubik's Cube and materials to the Kitchen Goddess for registration. After confirming that they were completed, they chatted for a while before leaving the warehouse.

"Master, shall we go to other commanders now, or wander around the port area?" Belfast and Qin Ge asked as they walked on the road in the port area.

"Let's go to the other commanders. It's almost noon now, and there are places in the north, south, and south, so it will take quite a long time.

But before that, it’s better to prepare some gifts. I’ll leave this to you, Beifa. Don’t make it too formal, but don’t make it too light either. "Qin Ge said with a smile.

Belfast smiled and said, "Since it is the Spring Festival, how about giving you some wine? I remember that when the master went to Iris and Beilian before, Miss Rosia and Miss Jean Bart gave you a lot of wine."

"This is pretty good. I rarely drink that wine anyway. I basically give it to Eugen or Aurora, so I'll take some of the rest." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Okay!" Belfast said cheerfully.

The two of them were soon ready, and then came to the garage together. After choosing a car, Belfast sat in the driving position and drove the car out skillfully, which made Qin Ge speechless.

"I want to know what else Belfast can't do?" Qin Ge asked after sitting in the passenger seat and looking at the smiling Belfast.

"Hehe, Master, you can take a guess." Belfast said with a smile.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, then couldn't help but smile and said, "If you can go to the hall or go to the kitchen, I doubt there is anything you can't do."

"Haha, as the master's personal maid, it is natural that she must be all-round. She can meet any of the master's requirements and can also help the master with anything that needs help. This is a qualified personal maid." Belfast smiled.

"Tsk, I don't know how you learned and mastered these things. I'm a little curious." Qin Ge said.

"Hehe, master, you don't want to know." Belfast smiled mysteriously, "Then shall we set off now?"

"Well, let's go. Let's go to Li Chenming's place first." Qin Ge said.


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