My ship girl, my world

Chapter 915 Ship Qi’s Hegemony

The car drove on the island's highway and arrived at the eastern port area where Li Chenming was located in just a few dozen minutes.

The appearance here has changed greatly compared with the previous temporary observation point. Although its scale is not as large as the port area where Qin Ge is located, it is definitely larger than the general fleet station.

Originally, when Li Chenming applied, he planned to build a smaller building, with practicality as his first priority. But Qin Ge answered grandly, "This island belongs to us, we can build it however we want, and the steel required to build a port area is not even enough to convert a destroyer. There is no need to save this kind of cost."

"Uh." Li Chenming had no choice but to start construction according to the original plan. At present, in addition to comprehensive office buildings, the port area also has a wide range of facilities such as entertainment venues and canteens.

As soon as the car stopped at the door, a ship girl came up to meet her, and she immediately saw Qin Ge sitting in the passenger seat.

"Commander!" The ship girl immediately raised her hands in salute.

Qin Ge returned the salute, then smiled and said, "Hello Gneisenau, is Deputy Commander Li Chenming in the port area now?"

"Yes, but I don't know where the commander is at the moment. How about I call you and ask?" Gneisenau smiled.

"If that's the case, that would be great." Qin Ge smiled.

"Commander, wait a moment." After Gneisenau said that, he walked to the guard box nearby, picked up the phone and started to contact him.

Not long after, she walked out and said to Qin Ge, "The commander has been contacted. He and several other commanders will be waiting for the commander in front of the office building, so just ask the commander to drive in directly."

"Okay, I understand." Qin Ge nodded.

Soon, Gneisenau opened the gate of the port area, and Belfast drove into the port area.

Like Qin Ge's port area, the port area here has also been hung up with lanterns and other decorations related to the Spring Festival early. It looks very prosperous when you look at it along the way.

Soon the two drove to the door of the office building and saw three people standing there with smiles on their faces.

As soon as Qin Ge got out of the car, he smiled at the three of them and said, "Ha, Happy New Year, everyone."

Li Chenming and others also walked over with smiles, "Happy New Year, Commander."

"The commander came here today to wish us New Year's greetings, right? Logically speaking, we should go and wish you New Year's greetings first." Zhang Xiaotian said with a smile.

"Haha, why are you telling me so many rules? Isn't it the same for everyone who wishes New Year greetings to others?" Qin Ge smiled helplessly.

"That's true, but why did the commander come empty-handed?" Li Chenming joked with a smile.

Qin Ge rolled his eyes, "Do you think I'm the kind of person who is empty-handed? I brought you some good things."

After saying that, he asked Belfast to bring out a few bottles of wine, "This is the wine that Soviet Rosia and Jean Bart gave me when I went to Northern Union and Iris. My shipgirl said it was quite good. I’ll bring you some this time so you can have a drink during the Chinese New Year.”

"Oh?" Li Chenming took it with a smile. He knew it was a good thing when he saw the simple packaging on the wine. "Brothers, it seems we are blessed today."

"Haha, if the commander takes action, how can things be so bad?" Chen Baijun said with a smile.

"By the way, I saw a colorful light suddenly appear in your port area before. Did you summon it again?" Li Chenming suddenly thought of something and stared at Qin Ge and asked.

"Uh, yes." Qin Ge nodded, "After all, the year is over, and today is also the last day of the year. It's like making a summary, and use all the luck this year before the time has passed.

Unexpectedly, a sea legend was suddenly summoned. It seemed that the decision to summon was correct. "

"You guys, other people's understanding of maritime legends exists in legends, but you guys not only have them in the port area, but now there are dozens of them. It's really embarrassing.

By the way, who was the one you summoned this morning? Is the combat effectiveness high? "Li Chenming said helplessly.

"The Royal Navy armored aircraft carrier Vengeance, although we don't know her true strength, but as a maritime legend, there is a high probability that she will not be weak." Qin Ge said.

"Um... the Royal Aircraft Carrier? It's so enviable that it makes me cry!" Li Chenming wiped the saliva from the corner of his mouth and said.

Chen Baijun rolled his eyes and said, "If you cry, wipe it towards your eyes, not the corners of your mouth. And it's not like you don't have it. Isn't Ark Royal the Royal Aircraft Carrier? And its combat effectiveness is so strong!"

Li Chenming's face turned green all of a sudden, "Are the Royal Ark and the Glorious Class comparable?"

Qin Ge looked at the living treasures in front of him and began to quarrel, and couldn't help but smile, but suddenly thought of something, turned his head and looked at Belfast, "Befa, I suddenly remembered, where is the Royal Ark of our fleet? Why is this paragraph Haven’t you seen her in a while?”

Belfast smiled, "Has the master forgotten? Isn't the Royal Ark in the confinement room in our port area now? And both of them are there."

"Confinement room?" Qin Ge was stunned, "Ahem, does it mean that he has been locked up since that swimsuit competition until now?"

"Of course, no one would release them without the master's order." Belfast said righteously.

"Well, although they did make a mistake, it's enough to punish them, and they don't have to be locked up all the time. After you go back, you go to the solitary room and release them.

But tell them that if something similar happens again in the future, then I will not be merciful. Qin Ge thought for a while and said.

"Yes, I understand, Master." Belfast smiled.

Turning back to look at the people who were still bickering, Qin Ge smiled and said, "Okay, even though I say so, everyone treats them as treasures. How can I still not understand your thoughts?"

"Hey, Commander Mingjian." Several people said with a smile.

"By the way, are you ready to celebrate the New Year? Are you planning to celebrate the New Year together as three of you tonight, or are you going to celebrate the New Year with your respective ship girls?" Qin Ge asked.

"Originally, we planned to celebrate the New Year together, but the three of us cobbled together and couldn't put together many programs, so we just celebrated the New Year together with our respective ship girls.

In this way, everyone can get together, chat, and perform performances. It feels surprisingly good. "Zhang Xiaotian said.

"That's good, actually I want to do this, but now I have too many ship girls, and I am no longer allowed to celebrate the New Year in such a leisurely way." Qin Ge said with emotion.

"Can I think of this as Versailles?" Li Chenming said helplessly, but he soon laughed, "By the way, the commander may be the first among us commanders to achieve the hegemony of ships."

Qin Ge was stunned, "Shuo Qi Hegemony?"

"Yes, it means having all kinds of ship girls. This is a word recently invented by Zhang Xiaotian. Unfortunately, it is just a dream for him." Chen Baijun said speechlessly.

"I didn't say I wanted to realize it. Can't dreams be made by others?" Zhang Xiaotian rolled his eyes.

Qin Ge smiled and said, "Ha, as long as you have the will, I think it's still possible."

"that is!"

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