My ship girl, my world

Chapter 950 The missing part

"Your Majesty, we can just go up and take a look. Why do we have to stay here? The commander and Senior War-weary are obviously there." The vanguard looked at hiding behind a tree, looking towards the place where War-weary had renovated, and peeked Elizabeth from the past said.

"I won't go over there. I can see clearly even if I stand here. And if I go over, will anyone ask? Warpity is obviously a ship of the same level as yours. Why is she now a legend on the sea, and you?" But he is still an elite, how should I answer this?" Elizabeth said while squeezing the bark of the tree with her little hands.

"Her Majesty is Her Majesty the Queen, and our royal family has not fallen to the point where Her Majesty the Queen is needed to fight, so no matter what level of ship you are, it will not have the slightest impact on us." Vanguard said quickly.

"I know your thoughts, but others don't, so in order to avoid similar situations, it's better to do this." Elizabeth said stubbornly.

Seeing her Majesty the Queen acting like this, Vanguard had no choice but to give up persuading her.

On the other side, War Exhaustion's transformation is still going on.

The images around her were constantly changing, just like telling how a new soldier transformed into a veteran. Everyone was shocked by this scene.

As a bystander, I watched the life of this veteran with shock and respect.

Until the image, the veteran dragged his broken body and used all his strength to break free from the chains that bound her through the storm. The spirit of never bowing to fate and always maintaining high morale gradually merged into the war-weary body as the image disappeared.

At this moment, the golden light in the core of the mind has disappeared, replaced by the colorful light blooming with colorful rays.

This ray of light gradually gathered, and finally, like a pillar of light, it soared into the sky and went straight into the sky.

This scene caught everyone's attention. Although the transformation of Anshan and Changchun just now was shocking, it was the emergence of the maritime legend that shocked people.

It wasn't until the light dissipated that everyone came back to their senses. At this time, the temperament of Zhan Xian in front of her was completely different. If Zhan Xian before gave people a sense of weakness, then now she has fully demonstrated her heroic side.

Blue air waves continued to rise from her feet, and everyone could clearly feel the huge power even from such a distance.

"Is this the transformation of the Legend of the Sea? It's incredible." Yixian said in shock.

"Yes, this scene is better than the sea legends that were summoned before." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"The commander is also very pleased, right? The approaching port area already has so many maritime legends and powerful ships. I believe the commander is already confident about the victory in the subsequent battles." Volga smiled.

"To put it this way, it's a bit too complacent. We should always stay vigilant and welcome every battle seriously. Only in this way can we ensure victory in the final battle." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Yes, it is."

While talking, War Exhaustion finally returned to its normal form, and then walked over with a relaxed look on his face.

"War Exhaustion, the transformation is complete. This new look feels really good... Let's welcome the new battlefield together, Commander."

"Haha, it seems that you are very powerful, but now is not the time for fighting. It is also very important to recharge your batteries before the battle, especially since you have just transformed and have not yet fully mastered the power you have, so take advantage of this opportunity Take a while to hone yourself, and when the war begins, I am very much looking forward to your activeness on the battlefield." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"I will definitely not disappoint the commander's expectations." Zhan Ti said.

"Okay, then go back to Elizabeth quickly. I'm worried that if you haven't gone back for so long, she will call me again and ask for you." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Haha, in fact, Commander, after work, you can also come and sit with Her Majesty the Queen. Although she says so on some things, she still cares about you very much in her heart." Zhan Xian smiled.

"Just wait until I find time to come. And isn't everything we are doing now so that we can have more time to get together in the future?" Qin Ge said.

"Well, then I'll leave first. Commander, please also take some rest."


With the completion of the transformation of Zhan Xian, the ship girls surrounding here gradually left. Zhan Xian and Yixian also left one after another, leaving only Qin Ge and Belfast walking towards the office again.

"Master, haven't today's documents been processed? Why did you come back to the office again? Did you miss something?" After Belfast returned to the office, he asked Qin Ge doubtfully.

Qin Ge smiled and shook his head, "Today's files have indeed been processed, but it's not because I missed anything when I returned to the office. Next, please help me contact Helena of Ember. I have something to ask her. .”


Although I don’t know what the specific matter is, since my master said so, there must be something important.

Belfast acted quickly, and Helena appeared in the office not long after.

"Haha, at this point in time, you specifically called me here. Is it because of Bismarck's affairs, Commander?"

As soon as the two sat down, Helena said straight to the point.

Qin Ge looked at Helena and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "It seems that nothing in Minato can escape your eyes."

"Of course, I have been watching the commander." Helena said softly, with a little dependence and a little stubbornness in her words.

"Okay, so since you have already brought it up, I don't have to beat around the bush. I want to know, what are the chances of the ship modification that Helena mentioned before, for Bismarck? How much does it have to do with you? ? Can we complete this ship modification before we start the war?" Qin Ge looked at Helena and asked directly.

"The answers to these questions are very simple, let me tell you one by one. First of all, ship modifications such as York City and Hornet will go smoothly, because their historical forms are there, and their minds There is already a file of ship equipment in the core, so you only need to carry out modifications to the ship equipment, and you can have combat effectiveness at any time.

But Bismarck is different. If she uses York City's type of ship modification to modify her, the chance of failure will be more than 90%. Helena said looking at Qin Ge.

"Because in this world, your Bismarck lacks an important process."

"What process?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully, suddenly remembering what Helena said before, "Is it metamorphosis?"

"Yes, I fell into hell due to greed for power. I didn't wake up until the last moment, but it was too late. In the end, relying on my own will and obsession with my own camp, I survived and slept for a long time. Until Wake up in the world, become enlightened, and become a truly wise leader."

Helena said with a smile.

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