My ship girl, my world

Chapter 955 Ship decoration modification

The conversation with Bismarck did not last long. Both of them were resolute and decisive people, especially Qin Ge, who had prepared everything before. Until now, he just needed Bismarck's attitude.

But now that Bismarck has made his attitude clear, there is no need to think about anything else.

Finally, when Qin Ge finished today's work, the two of them and Aurora notified a few people who came back yesterday, left the office and came to the scientific research institute, where several other people were waiting.


When everyone saw Qin Ge's arrival, they hurriedly greeted him.

"Well, everyone moved so fast. I thought you would have to wait a while before coming back." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Hehe, I have been looking forward to the ship modification since I came back yesterday, so I rushed over as soon as I received the commander's notice." Bumblebee said without any concealment, and his whole body was filled with excitement. The feeling of excitement was obviously due to the fact that he was very concerned about this ship modification.

"Haha, I'm also looking forward to how you will look after the transformation. I believe you will become very powerful." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Of course!" Haman said arrogantly from the side.

Qin Ge smiled and touched his nose, then looked at Santiago and Xili, "You two can wait until later to carry out the transformation. Let them carry out the ship modification first."

"It's okay, Commander, we're not that anxious anyway." Xi Li didn't care. Anyway, Qin Ge called her back this time for the purpose of transformation, so it was just a matter of time, so she wouldn't have any worries.

Seeing Santiago and Xili nodding, Qin Ge turned to look at Helena who was waiting next to him, "Helena, can we proceed now?"

"It's ready at any time. The machine debugging has been completed. Commander, just wait here." Helena said, then turned to everyone, "Then who should you start with?"

"I'll go first!" Bumblebee said without hesitation.

Helena looked at Qin Ge. Qin Ge nodded and said to Bumblebee, "The whole process of ship decoration modification will be quite dizzying. It is equivalent to a new shaping of one's own ship decoration, so it will be temporary for a period of time." lose consciousness.

But don't worry, this is only temporary and will be resolved soon. "

"I understand. I feel very at ease when Helena does things. Moreover, my sister and I have participated in the research and development of this project before, so we still have some understanding of the process." Bumblebee said with a smile.

"Well, then please invite Bumblebee into the machine. In order to ensure normal operation, entering the machine will restrain your hands and feet and close the hatch." Helena reminded Bumblebee.


Bumblebee answered cheerfully, and walked into the huge machine in front of him. It looked a bit like a builder in appearance, but it was much larger than the builder.

Countless tubes and cables connect the huge machine, which looks very sci-fi.

Bumblebee walked to the machine, Helena pressed the button of the hatch, and then the hatch slowly opened. Looking at the humanoid cabin inside, Bumblebee stepped forward and lay down.

As soon as she positioned her arms and body, several straps shot out from the gaps on the side and tightly fixed her hands and feet. Although Helena had explained it before, it was obvious that Bumblebee was still a little surprised, but he quickly reacted, gave up resistance, and lay relaxed in the cabin.

"Then let's start. It won't take long and it will be over soon."

Helena said as she pressed the button of the machine. Then the hatch slowly closed, and no one could see Bumblebee anymore.

On the screen connected to the machine on the side, rows of data were immediately displayed. Helena typed quickly on the keyboard, her eyes very focused, staring closely at the changing data on the screen.

After a while of tapping, Helena pressed a red button on the keyboard. Immediately afterwards, the entire machine began to shake violently, and some roaring sounds began to be made during the shaking, just like the changes in the mental Rubik's Cube during construction.

And the reason why such a movement is happening here must be because the mental cube needs to undergo certain changes when renovating the ship's equipment.

The whole process is not slow at all, on the contrary, it is even faster than the construction time. The rumble of the machine only lasted for a while and then gradually quieted down. After the rumble quieted down, the hatch of the modified machine began to slowly open.

Just when the hatch opened a gap, a golden light came out from the gap. Along with the light, there was also a very strong fog.

Qin Ge was stunned for a moment. He knew that modification could increase a ship girl's level by one level, but could just changing the ship's outfit also increase a ship girl's rarity level by one level?

You must know that Bumblebee was originally an elite ship girl, but now judging from the golden light revealed from the hatch, it has clearly been transformed into a super-rare ship girl.

In fact, it wasn't just Qin Ge, several other people also sounded surprised sounds. They were obviously amazed that the modification of Yu's ship's outfit could improve the rarity level of the ship girl?

At this time Langley looked at Helena, "Helena, can I ask you something?"

"Okay." Helena replied, "You say it."

"I have carried out a transformation before and upgraded it from the ordinary level to the rare level. If I carry out the ship modification, will it upgrade to the elite level?" Langley asked.

"I don't know specifically about this, because all the information is recorded in your mental Rubik's Cube, so only after you go up and read the file information in your Mental Rubik's Cube through this machine can you judge the ship's modification. Will there be a qualitative leap?" Helena said.

"Is this what it is like? I understand." Langley nodded.

During the conversation, the entire cabin door was completely opened, and the thick fog gradually dispersed with the air. What was revealed to everyone was a ship girl who was the same as the previous Bumblebee, but with a different temperament, and especially Compared with their previous figures, the current figure of the Bumblebee is obviously much better than before.

In addition to his figure, his clothing is much bolder than the previous Bumblebee. If it felt like a western cowboy before, this one is completely like a western cowboy wearing a bikini.

Amidst everyone's surprise, Bumblebee opened his eyes, then looked at everyone with a smile and said, "Essex-class aircraft carrier, the Bumblebee who has gained new powers is me! But to be honest, besides the ship Apart from appearance and combat effectiveness, there is not much difference compared to before... Commander, don’t look at me like this, I’m still very grateful, okay?”

Qin Ge couldn't help but smile, "I feel relieved when I see you like this."

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