My ship girl, my world

Chapter 959 Explanation

The renovation of Santiago and Yuli went very smoothly. When the two soaring brilliance appeared over the port area, they not only attracted the attention of the entire port area, but also the attention of the nearby public port area.

They were a little speechless when they were together. After all, for a camp, the appearance of a super rare girl is something worth celebrating.

But what did they witness today?

In just one afternoon, three colorful rays of light rose into the sky, plus the previous war-weary ones. In just such a short week, Qin Ge's port area has already added four legendary ship girls at sea.

These are not four rares, but four sea legends. Although I was a little numb to Qin Ge's luck before, but now that I think about it, it is still too outrageous.

Against the odds, high-level officials from several camps had to prepare to pay a visit.

So just when Qin Ge was about to take Bismarck and Shinano to find Yu Jin and others, news came that they were visiting.

"Haha, the public port area is relatively close to the port area. It must have been the three rays of light from the sky that caught their attention today." Bismarck said with a smile.

"It is true that today is too conspicuous. Even if several sea legends were summoned in one day, it did not cause much shock because there were no other people around.

Sure enough, they attracted attention this time, but they definitely didn't have any malicious intentions. At most, they just wanted to ask. After all, our port area has stronger power, which means that the outcome of this battle is more certain, right? " Qin Ge said.

"That's what the commander said. How about finishing the matter here and then going to Ember's place? Anyway, I can't rush this matter," Bismarck said.

"Okay." Qin Ge nodded.

Several people quickly arrived at the reception room in the port area. Looking at the people with different expressions, Qin Ge couldn't help but smile.

"Commander Qin Ge is very happy today." Ruihe looked at the smiling Qin Ge and couldn't help but said, "But you must also know what we mean by coming, right? Including the past, it has been less than a week until now. There are four more maritime legends in your port area, I wonder if you can introduce them to us?"

"Oh, actually these four are no strangers to you, because I haven't summoned new ship girls recently. They have all been transformed and become legends on the sea." Qin Ge explained.

"Huh? Transformation? Can ultra-rare ship girls still be transformed?" Soviet Rosia was surprised.

"Other ship girls can be transformed, and ultra-rare ship girls can naturally be transformed as well." Qin Ge said with certainty, "Of course, unlike ordinary ship girls, the transformation of ultra-rare ship girls requires exclusive transformation props. .”

"Exclusive transformation props!?" Ning Hai was stunned for a moment, "I remembered that when Commander Qin Ge came to Donghuang before, he looked for transformation props about Anshan and Changchun, so you are referring to that kind of transformation Props?"

"Part of it is based on that, but more of it comes from some data we collected in the sea area and some other intelligence. It took nearly two years of research to create the corresponding transformation props. ." Qin Ge said.

"Is it enough to study for more than two years?" Xianghe was speechless. "From your tone, more than two years seems to be a long time. Do you know how long our camp has been studying for? At least It has been more than a few decades, but there is very little progress now. So many transformation props have been made in one or two years, it is really fast, isn't it?"

"Um... maybe the information we have is fundamentally different?" Qin Ge touched his nose, "But if you want me to share the information with you, it's not impossible, but now the information has basically been lost. It's working.

You also know that it is basically difficult for a legendary-level ship girl to appear in this world. Now that one has appeared, it has reached the upper limit of the world's allowed capacity. Just like my ship girl was converted into a ship before, this change is the only one. Even if I want to help you, I can't do anything. "

"We all understand this, and we are not here to ask for relevant information this time. We just want to confirm this information. After all, we are allies now. Your port area has become stronger, which will be of great help to our entire operation. ." Soviet Rosia smiled.

"By the way, which ship girls are being transformed this time?" Ruihe asked.

"The royal war weariness, the cherry blossoms in the evening, the white eagle in York City and Santiago." Qin Ge said.

"Them?" Ruihe couldn't help but nodded, "As expected, they are all familiar faces. I want to know whether these transformation candidates were selected by Commander Qin Ge himself, or are they limited to them after research?"

"Of course I didn't choose it. It would be great if a transformation like this could be quantified." Qin Ge said helplessly, "A transformation like this is basically done after the Rubik's Cube is matched and the corresponding information is recorded. Implement the renovation plan.”

"So that's how it is? It makes sense." Ning Hai nodded.

"So, we've finished asking questions about transformation. In addition, we still have a few questions to ask Commander Qin Ge." Ruihe asked.

"If you have any questions, just ask them directly. If I can tell you, I won't hide anything." Qin Ge said with a smile.

"Regarding the subsequent battles, when does Commander Qin Ge want to wait until he launches the final attack on the Pacific Ocean?" Ruihe asked, "Because although we have sent some support, if it comes to the final decisive battle, then we will fight with all our strength." The forces of our various camps must also provide more support.

After all, this battle will determine the future direction of the world. Not only your port area is struggling, but all major camps, including us, must also contribute their efforts to this battle. "

Qin Ge's expression became serious, "Although I have informed you before, I did not specify the exact time. In fact, there are some things in it that I can't say for sure now. I will tell you more in a short time." to increase the power of my fleet.

And I also hope to use this period of time to prepare everyone for the war. However, I believe that this period of time will not be too long. After all, if you want to conquer the entire Pacific Ocean in one go, you cannot rest for too long.

Therefore, if you want to dispatch support, it is best to start during this period. "

"Is this what it is like? Then we understand. In the next period of time, we will coordinate the affairs of the camp and send more support here." Ning Hai nodded.

"Yeah, we will too."


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