My ship girl, my world

Chapter 964 Decisive Battle

"The Siren's movements have slowed down. Don't miss this opportunity and attack with all your strength!"

The keen King George V noticed the testers' laxity and ordered the Royal Fleet to attack heroically.

But this kind of attack just suits the tester's wishes, "Very good, the energy level is still rising... Come on, vent your anger to your heart's content!"

The Royal Fleet continued to attack Bismarck with heat, artillery shells and torpedoes. The water column of the machine rose into the sky. The scattered water column met again. After a huge energy flow, it was instantly evaporated into water vapor, and the entire battlefield was gradually transformed into water vapor. Shrouded in white mist.

"Unknown weather suddenly appeared in the surrounding area! This white fog not only affected the optical images, but also the field of view of the carrier-based aircraft... The Bismarck is currently unable to be observed!" Royal Ark Report reported.

The tester also looked in the direction of Bismarck, "The history of human evolution and development... is the history of technology and learning. For the sake of learning, all sacrifices are worth it..."

Not far away, King George V suddenly felt a sense of depression, "Is it possible that this ominous premonition..."

Without any time to think, she immediately ordered over the communicator, "Everyone! Evacuate immediately!"


A strong beam of light penetrated the water mist and carved out a huge airflow tunnel. The huge beam of light instantly penetrated the armored area of ​​George V, leaving a huge cave.

King George V's eyes were cold, and he looked coldly towards the direction of the beam, "Bismarck, after all, you still... pay attention to everyone, stay on level one combat alert!"

After the fog dissipated, Bismarck gradually appeared in everyone's field of vision, surrounded by a black and red light, exuding an ominous aura, and the tester had long since disappeared.

"A great man once said that there is no god in this world. If there is, how can I bear that I am not that god? So, there is no god in this world!" Bismarck looked at the royal people, and there was a burst of madness in his eyes. .

"Have you finally revealed your prototype? The iron-blooded battleship!" King George V's eyes were cold. "For a moment, I thought you had a little bit of the glory that belongs to a warrior. It seems that I am just overly concerned. Royal Fleet You have never been afraid of failure and death, but you gave up your dignity as a battleship in the end. Whether you call yourself Suspicious or the sun, we will completely defeat you and your conspiracy!"

The battle between the two sides became more intense. The mass-produced siren summoned by the tester seemed to have become a foil at this moment. This was a fateful duel, and it was also a duel of awakening.

"Finally we are at a distance where we can face each other. You used this weapon to defeat Hood at that time. I was right at this distance, Bismarck!" The figure of King George V stopped not far away from Bismarck. Come down.

Although he wanted to say something, but couldn't, Bismarck chose to remain silent.

"Then we will defeat you at this distance and defeat you, this fanatic believer who has lost his glory!"

"Glory...? I..."

"The Royal Fleet must fight whenever it encounters an enemy! Fire!"

King George V's order interrupted Bismarck's words, and fierce artillery fire came, making her resistance look so weak.

At this moment, the black aura around Bismarck became even stronger, causing her to scream.

As the huge beam of light converged, countless Siren ships were sucked into it and crushed into powder. This scene left everyone in the royal family stunned, but a more dangerous situation emerged.

"Be careful, Bismarck is aiming at the center of the fleet!" Royal Ark said anxiously.

"There is no way to escape... All personnel are prepared to deal with the second impact!" King George V immediately judged.


As a bang came, no one in the royal family was harmed at all. Just when King George V was confused, he discovered that after the energy gathered around Bismarck, a huge explosion interrupted everything, and also destroyed most of Bismarck's ship.

"Huh...huh...this is, is this...your limit!!" With a trace of struggle, Bismarck raised his head and said into the distance.

The tester who had disappeared reappeared. She looked at Bismarck and said, "He actually destroyed his own main gun. Well... Sure enough, he still couldn't perfectly integrate with the Rubik's Cube..."

"Haha, I didn't expect... Even the will that I thought was strong enough... would be completely eroded by this power for a moment." Bismarck said with some fear, but more of a free and easy attitude.

"Report record: Test result No. 151, this is the influence of the Yuan Rubik's Cube when the target actively leaves the activation state. It can be preliminarily presumed that it has the potential to become a key point, but the overall performance does not reach the target's tolerance limit..." The tester loyally said Recorded.

"Siren, I don't know what your plans are, but this honor cannot be tarnished by you!" After Bismarck finished speaking, he turned his attention to the royal side.

"Soldiers of the Royal Fleet, although we have had grievances for many years...but it is a pity that I cannot be defeated by you like this. The iron-blooded fate will be determined by myself! Eisen und Blutüber alles!"

Bismarck's last main gun fired the last shell in the direction of the Royal Fleet. Since the ranging equipment had been completely destroyed, the shell deviated from the track and exploded into a splash in the distance.

"You can't aim normally anymore, but you still choose to fight back. Why are you so persistent..." Shengli looked at Bismarck not far away and murmured.

But King George V was no longer as cold as before. Her expression was serious, "I take back my previous opinion of you. If this is your last choice, we will send you away with artillery fire!"

All members of the Royal Fleet concentrate their final firepower on Bismarck! ! "


As the last shell fell, the place where Bismarck stood became a sea of ​​fire. She held the iron-blooded flag tightly in her hands, which had become more and more broken in the battle, but even in the face of such powerful artillery fire, she still stood and refused to fall.

"Still unable to achieve...our long-cherished wish...a majestic navy that can return to the ocean...

Iron discipline... and the glory of blood, at least in the end the iron-blooded battleship can still choose to face its own destiny...

You once said that music can always evoke two completely different lessons in people's hearts, one is war, the other is pastoral tranquility. That's it, I can finally feel the peaceful side...

Sorry, my sister...I still look forward to walking side by side with you in the end..."

These thoughts, like words whispered in the ears, were quietly transmitted to Bismarck's heart. She watched everything calmly from beginning to end, feeling the sadness and persistence she had never had before.

"It's really, really amazing!"

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