My ship girl, my world

Chapter 971 Sudden Order

"I'm so envious of Javelin. I can stay with the commander and protect him. Lafite also wants to protect the commander..."

Lafite said boredly while traveling on the dark red sea.

Z23 looked back at Lafite, with a look of helplessness on his face, "I'm afraid Javelin is no longer with the commander now. She is probably the same as us now, and she is also working hard to explore the sea with everyone, and she is also fighting. It’s alive.”

"But, she is very close to the commander, but we are so far apart..." Lafite said weakly, and then looked at Ayanbo behind him, "Ayanbo, what do you think?"

"I feel the same, and the javelin is getting farther and farther away from the commander, but we are getting closer and closer to the commander." Ayanami said calmly, with a light shining in his eyes.

Lafite and Z23 were stunned at the same time. Z23 looked at Ayanami in surprise, "That's amazing. Why didn't I think of it?"

"Ayanami is so amazing..." Lafite couldn't help but stand up straight.

At this moment, a message came out from the public channel, "Attention, all teams, quickly return to the team's flagship. If you are in the middle of the battle, quickly escape from the battle."

Several people were stunned for a moment, and Lafite asked doubtfully, "We just came out not long ago, what happened again?"

Z23 shook his head, "I don't know, but this information comes from the public channel. It must be a message to all camps. It seems that the flagship has made big moves."

"Are you going to fight?" Ayanami tightened her grip on her sword.

"That's about it. Let's go back quickly!" Z23 said.


At the same time, all ships located in Area E of the core waters of the Pacific Ocean all withdrew from combat status and moved closer to their respective squadron flagships.

"What happened, Bunker Hill? We were fighting just now, but the public communication sent a message to come back to your place to gather?" Washington asked with a puzzled look.

Bunker Hill glanced at Washington and said, "Don't worry, take a rest and wait until Ticonderoga and the others come back."

"Huh?" Washington was speechless.

"Ara, it's not a bad thing to wait a little, and what happened this time is obviously very important, otherwise Bunker Hill wouldn't have said that." North Carolina smiled.

"All right."

Not long after, Ticonderoga's team also returned successfully.

"Haha, I didn't expect us to be the last one. Everyone seems to be moving so fast." Ticonderoga stopped with a smile and looked at the people who had gathered.

"Everyone is here, then I will say it." Bunker Hill nodded and said to everyone, "I received an order from the chief flagship before. In view of the fact that the strength of the Siren fleet in the core sea area has been greatly improved compared to before, In order to ensure that our later strategy goes smoothly, we must build a base suitable for supply in the E sea area.

After discussion among several flagships, it was determined that the Siren Fortress in the center of the E sea area would be the target of the attack. "

"Wait, that means that the flagships are planning to use Siren Fortress as our future supply point?" North Carolina asked in surprise.

Bunker Hill nodded, "That Siren Fortress is the center of control of the entire sea area. We have to capture it no matter what. The previous goal was just to clear out the Siren Stronghold next to it, and then we will prepare where to build it." Strategy, but now the target is concentrated there.

Moreover, clearing the Siren Fortress can return this sea area to our control, and also protect our logistics supply lines from being disturbed by Siren, so this is necessary. "

"Understood, just tell us what to do, I'm ready for a big fight!" Washington said gearing up, which made North Carolina laugh out loud.

"The mission of our team is to defend the left flank so that the main force does not need to be affected by other siren fleets when attacking," Bunker Hill said.

"Huh? I thought our mission was to directly attack the enemy, but after a long time it turned out to be to defend the flanks? Such a mission is really overkill for us, right?

Is this decision Bismarck's? Is she deliberately suppressing us, White Eagle? And hasn’t she heard of our task force? "Washington said with some dissatisfaction.

"I don't think we are suppressing our White Eagle, right? After all, this order was approved by the enterprise. And I think that if we give up the surrounding strategy and still forcefully attack the core fortress, then the surrounding Siren fleet may Use the strongest firepower to break through our defenses and ensure the safety of the Siren Fortress, right?

Therefore, if we talk about frontal firepower, I think the flanks of our defense are the places that are most suppressed by firepower and are also the places where the war breaks out the most tragically. "Ticonderoga said.

"Huh? Is there such a thing?" Ticonderoga's words made Washington calm down. She looked at Bunker Hill with disbelief, as if she was confirming something?

Bunker Hill nodded, "Yes, this time the flank defenses are all strong units from each camp. In addition to our team, there are also special forces led by New Jersey, York City, Hornets, and Lexington." aircraft carrier group composed of others.

Shigesakura also dispatched elite troops, including the aircraft carrier group composed of Shinano Akagi and others, as well as the main fleet of Izumo, Kii and others.

The same goes for Iron-Blooded. Even sea legends like Ulrich and Egil are placed in flanking troops, so you must not think that flanking is an easy position. As Ticonderoga said, what we The position you are in is the most dangerous position! "

"Ha, this is really great. I thought Bismarck was going to deliberately suppress our White Eagle or something. It seems that I blamed her wrongly. As long as we are placed on the front line, no matter how dangerous the position is, our task force will Nothing to fear!" Washington laughed, his eyes full of confidence.

"Really." North Carolina looked at her sister and shook her head, but the war was about to begin, so she didn't say anything, just looked at Bunker Hill, "Then when do we set off?"



"Now? Are you in such a hurry?" Zuihe looked at Shinano in surprise.

"Yes, this is the decision of the flagships." Shinano said softly.

"I do understand them. We now belong to the core sea area of ​​​​the Sirens. They may be watching us all the time. We cannot carry out our plans slowly as before, but we must cut through the mess quickly and carry out unexpected attacks. .

Obviously, if we carry out a raid now, the defense of the Siren Fortress will definitely be much less than if we slowly take a roundabout way. "Akagi nodded and said.

"Is that so?" Ruihe reacted and tightened his grip on the long knife in his hand, "Then let's go!"

"Well, our combat position is..."

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