My ship girl, my world

Chapter 973 The Arbiter Appears

"The outer control center of the eastern core sea area is under attack. Is the defense going as planned?"

The observer turned his head and looked at the Dream Weaver with his eyes closed not far away.

"According to plan." Dreamweaver said softly.

"Understood." The observer connected to the communication system, "Arbiter Strenkus and the tester, proceed as planned."


A very obvious tester's voice came from the communication, but as for Strenkus, there was no sound at all.

However, it was obvious that everyone was already very familiar with Strenkus' performance, so they did not answer her and had no dissatisfaction with her.

Then, silence returned to the entire hall.


Everything went smoothly, Bismarck couldn't believe it.

Although the defensive power of this Siren Fortress is very strong, much stronger than other Siren Strongholds, it is still a bit awkward when faced with the main force of several camps.

But the more this happened, the more surprised she was.

"There is no one guarding such a large fortress? There are only some executors and agents, and you can't even see the Siren's experimental mechanism. Isn't this a bit strange?" Companies in the same industry also raised such questions, And not just her, even Musashi next to her didn't look good.

"The calmer it looks, the more abnormal it appears. In short, everyone is asked to be careful. Maybe the Siren has started some conspiracy again." Bismarck ordered.

"Understood." Everyone nodded quickly in response. After all, the current situation was a bit too abnormal. Although this was only the outer Siren Fortress, it was really strange that there was no guard.

After making these arrangements and watching the vanguard fleet continue to move forward, Bismarck said on the public channel, "All flanking troops, please note that if you find any abnormality during the battle, no matter how big or small it is, please report it to me at any time."

Soon the messages received by each flagship came from the communication. Although it sounded a bit messy, it at least made Bismarck feel relieved.

"Do you suspect our flank will be attacked?" Musashi asked.

"I don't know, no one can say for sure about the current situation. After all, we have entered the fortress now, but we have not encountered resistance from the elite sirens or arbiters. There are only this kind of executor agents, and there are mass production types. Obviously it does not meet the standards of this fortress.

So I think this is because the Siren has some misguidance, making us relax before giving us a severe blow. There is nothing here about the main force. The most worrying thing is the flanking force. Although they are powerful, they are indeed far apart. If they encounter something like an arbiter, they may cause serious losses. .

That's why I informed them to report to me in time whenever they find any abnormality on the sea, so that we can accurately determine whether we should retreat or continue to resist based on the information reported by them. " Bismarck said.

"What you said makes sense. I also think it's weird here."

Just as a few people were communicating, a red light fell from the sky and landed in the fortress. And this red light made everyone's eyes involuntarily focus on the point where the light fell, and as the light disappeared, the figures of Stelenkus and the tester appeared in front of everyone.

"Here it comes!" Bismarck condensed and looked towards Strenkus's position. A strange yet familiar sense of gravity appeared in her feeling again, which reminded her unconsciously of her time in the Pacific Ocean. appearance.

"Be careful, it's Stelenkus! Pioneer fleet, be alert!" As someone who had faced off against Stelenkus before, the company quickly reacted and immediately said in the attack channel.

At this moment, several black and red blades of sword energy shot out from the separated fleet, hitting the target where the red light disappeared before.

Ember takes action.

As far as the eye could see, I could see these black and red blades of sword energy, splitting open the Siren fleet blocking the way, and landed directly in front of Strenkus, who looked very dark and full of intimidation.

Stelenkus didn't speak, he just raised his arm and used his powerful arm to directly hold the black and red sword energy.


Accompanied by a violent explosion, the sword energy exploded instantly, but in the storm of explosion, Strenkus stood erect and did not suffer any harm at all.

"Embers!" the tester standing aside said with a smile.

Strenkus looked forward, and then her suit lit up. Indirect observers could see that he actually used the power of his legs to jump into the air, and then smashed his suit down hard.

"Be careful, she is going to use a weak gravitational field! All vanguard ships, move back and be careful to avoid the barrages!"

A calm voice suddenly appeared in the main attack channel. All the vanguard ships were stunned for a moment, and then Bismarck's voice immediately sounded.

"She is the Ember Dragon, please follow her orders quickly!" Bismarck said.

In an instant, the vanguard ships quickly retreated toward the rear.

But at this moment, Strenkus also fell down, and the huge, shining ship hit the sea.

Except for all mass-produced Siren models, almost all ships felt at this moment that they were being pulled by a force and kept moving towards the place where Strenkus was.

And the closer this force is to Strenkus, the stronger it feels. Especially the vanguard fleet, although it is retreating now, it feels that the retreat speed is almost as fast as walking on land.

And at this time, as Strenkus landed, the shining light of her ship's suit spurted out an endless barrage, rushing towards the front. Everyone quickly activated protective measures, and amid the pull of the gravitational field and the barrage, almost half of the ships in the vanguard fleet were damaged.

The power of the arbiter is clearly revealed at this moment.

While the power of this gravitational field continued, Feilong had already arrived at Bismarck's side, "Today's battle is a bit difficult. The opponent not only wears recovery and transfer modules, but also wears air defense enhancement, artillery enhancement and lightning strike enhancement modules.

I suspect that she is also equipped with an overload module and a shield module, and the most important thing is the red light that just opened. According to the previous information, it should be a module called the grand debut! "

Bismarck narrowed his eyes, "What do these modules do?"

"The modules I told you earlier can be understood as corresponding enhancements. As for the recovery module, when Stelenkus is present, all recovery effects on our ships will be transferred to the local body.

Therefore, do not use the special skills of ships with recovery capabilities. All ships that can use emergency repair devices should use that one.

As for the overload module, I haven't seen it yet, but they are some disgusting things. And the module that made the grand debut, if I guess correctly, is that every ten minutes she fights with us, her strength will increase by 10%. "


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