My ship girl, my world

Chapter 975 Qin Ge’s reaction

While the battle was going on in Sea Area E, Qin Ge was not idle at all.

"Commander, what do you think of Bismarck's report?" Zhenhai collected the previous reports and asked Qin Ge, who consulted the chart after hearing the report.

Qin Ge looked at the sea chart and nodded, "Bismarck made the right decision. After entering the sea area, I also discovered that it is impossible for us to win this sea area in a short time, so in order to maintain it, we need a long-term operation to establish Sea supply lines are very important.

However, it seems that the most special fortress in the sea area to be attacked and used as a supply is Bismarck. If she does this, she will be under a lot of pressure, but with her strength, she should be able to respond accordingly. "

"But it seems a bit risky. In fact, the best thing is to proceed step by step and push forward step by step. This can solve the interference on the route and avoid the support of a large range of surrounding fortresses when attacking that special fortress.

In this way, the firepower can be concentrated, and the better strategy will be blocked. It will not be necessary to bear the enemies from all directions when attacking the fortress, and then disperse the firepower. " Zhenhai said.

"Haha, originally our attack was a very risky thing. Although I agree with what you said, Zhenhai, as a commander on the battlefield, everyone has different personalities and the decisions they make will be completely different.

I cannot think that there was something wrong with Bismarck's command just because she did not make the decision we imagined. On the contrary, she must have considered her previous decision and felt that it might take more time to do so.

The order I gave her at the beginning happened to be to complete the strategy on her side in the shortest possible time, so this will also have an impact. "Qin Ge said apologetically.

"It does have an influence on this aspect. Bismarck's character... I'm worried that if they attack the special fortress, they will encounter the Arbiter." Zhenhai said.

"Is it normal to encounter an arbiter?" Helena on the side laughed, "If it is a garrison in the sea and there is no arbiter in it, then it would be too natural.

And even if you encounter one, you don’t have to worry. There are flying dragons there. They have been fighting the arbiters for a long time. I believe that with their power, even if they encounter one or two arbiters, there won’t be much of a problem. "

"Helena is right. Meeting the Arbiter has been a foregone conclusion from the very beginning. If Bismarck doesn't consider it, I will never believe it.

So I think we can just relax now, and we should take action accordingly. After all, if the Siren feels that the attack rhythm here is relatively slow, sending more arbiters to that side will put greater pressure on them. " Qin Ge said.

"Are we trying to contain our forces? But according to our strength, there is no way to directly attack the Siren Fortress in Sea Area A." Zhenhai said with a smile.

"Of course, instead of directly attacking the Siren Fortress in Sea Area A, the strategy we proposed before is very feasible. That is to push forward with force, and the breakthrough direction is in the direction of Sea Area A Fortress.

Such an action should attract the attention of the Siren, thinking that we will also carry out the related strategy of the Siren Fortress like Bismarck's side, so we will not send more arbiters there, which can be regarded as relieving the situation. pressure. " Qin Ge said.

"Understood, Commander, I will convey your order to them." Zhenhai responded.

"Well." Watching Zhenhai go about conveying the mission, Qin Ge walked to Helena and said, "Helena, which arbiters do you think Bismarck is likely to encounter?"

"It's hard to say. The agents currently distributed in the sea area are very scattered. Basically, there are agents for every arbiter. I can't be sure which arbiter we are facing now, let alone Bismarck. Which ones are faced with.

But now the arbiters in this world are all old rivals. If encountering some special circumstances, I believe Bismarck is not the kind of person to act on impulse. "Helena said.


While the two were talking, the order had been conveyed to each team, and everyone immediately chose to carry out Qin Ge's order. The small fights during this period are no longer enough to make everyone feel excited, they need a more intense battle.

It only took a short time to shrink the formation, and soon everyone was ready and began to break through to the Sea Siren Fortress.


The observer turned to look at Dream Weaver, "Similar to the previous calculations of Laplace Demon, Commander Qin Ge chose to advance towards the A sea area fortress. It seems that he is using his own actions to contain our power."

Dream Weaver said softly, "It's time to start the mental test. Send Hermite over."

"Hermit's ability is not something that ordinary ships can resist. Are you sure you want to do it to a human?" the observer wondered.

"Yes." Dream Weaver confirmed.

"Okay." The observer nodded and did not continue to ask. She was just reminding him and did not want to argue with Dream Weaver.

For her, just executing the relevant orders is enough.


In the sea area of ​​​​E, rumbling explosions resounded throughout the sky.

In the unknowing battle, there were almost no traces of Siren mass-produced battleships in this fortress. The only ones who are still on the field now, besides Strenkus and the testers, are some elite executors and agents.

Moreover, the number of the two is constantly decreasing, and they are no longer able to form a hindrance to the battlefield situation.

"It feels like the tester is much stronger, far more than when we killed her before." Musashi said with a frown.

"Naturally, judging from the reports you sent back before, the body he has now is obviously stronger than that then. It should be a new type of body, so an increase in strength is inevitable.

But after fighting for so long, it is not invincible. Now Yu Jing and the others are helping to drag Strenkus, and it’s time for us to unleash our firepower. Therefore, your people must not hold back now, and eliminate the testers, and the existing executors and agents in the sea area. We cannot be affected by them in the battle later. " Bismarck said.

"I understand, but did Gneisenau just tell us to retain a certain amount of firepower?" Musashi asked.

"What she said was to be careful of Strenkus's shield skill, but I feel that at the current pace, the battle will last for a while, and even if I have such a shield skill, I will definitely wait until I have it. Only let go when threatened.

We may not have reached that time yet, so feel free to pour out firepower boldly. Let us first eliminate the enemies in this fortress, and then go back and eliminate Strenkus with them. "


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