My ship girl, my world

Chapter 980 Abnormality

"Report damage."

Looking at the smoke-filled sea, Bismarck said with a sigh of relief. Although the victory was achieved, it must be said that this was a difficult battle.

From the very beginning, it was full of adventure. If the enemy sends two or more arbiters during a fortress battle, the current situation may not be like this at all.

It is a very bold act to arrange some of the top combat forces around the fortress and lead some elite combat forces to conduct a sea invasion.

Simply speaking, he won the war in the end, and he made the right bet.

"Thirty of White Eagle's companions entered the state of ship damage, and twelve entered the state of major damage. This time we were damaged a bit seriously. I'm afraid we won't be able to fight such a large-scale battle again in a short time." Enterprise frowned.

"The heavy Sakura is about the same. Among them, the destroyer, light cruiser and heavy cruiser were more severely damaged. There are thirty-two in total, and fourteen have entered the ship damage state. After all, they are on the front line." Musashi accepted. After reporting to his own camp, he said to Bismarck.

"The Sardinian Empire is not that serious. This is also related to the relatively small number of our warships. Most of the warships are located on the periphery. The current damage is within the acceptable range. After repairing it, we can continue to leave the station." Veneto said.

"Iris's condition is similar. Although she is also damaged, it does not prevent her from continuing to fight," Richelieu said.

"The Iron-Blooded are in average condition. Most of the forwards have been damaged and cannot continue fighting for the time being." Hu Teng said to Bismarck. After all, Bismarck is now the chief flagship and cannot only be responsible for the Iron-Blooded. Therefore, Hu Teng is allowed to serve as the commander this time. The iron-blooded flagship.

"Received, our current mission is to occupy the fortress and support the peripheral sea areas. After all, the battle is not over yet." Bismarck said, "So the teams that just came to support returned to their positions, and the damaged ship was Ground treatment, medium damage and lightly damaged ones are all about occupying this fortress. The other main forces will support the peripheral fleet according to the situation."


All the flagships nodded and arranged their affairs in their own camp.

Watching everything unfold in an orderly manner, Bismarck nodded, then turned on the communicator again and contacted Prince Eugen, who was still fighting on the outside.

"Eugen, how is the current situation in the Atlantic Rim camp? In such a fierce battle, are they seriously injured? Do they need support? Are there any complaints?" Bismarck asked.

"The situation here is quite stable. With our help, they can already establish a foothold here. As for complaining, they have nothing to say. They are already warriors who have fought for a long time. With such a distribution, they can also understand.

In terms of battle damage, naturally some people were injured, but the injuries were not particularly serious, and there was sufficient logistical support, so even if someone was injured, they could be repaired as soon as possible.

According to their original words, it was their honor to be able to participate in such a great war. The main thing is that wherever they are needed on the battlefield, they will go all out. "Prince Eugen said, without the usual frivolity in his words, with a little seriousness belonging to a soldier.

"That would be best. The battle in the fortress sea area is over. I have arranged for people to go to your place to support you. As long as the siren attack in this sea area is calmed down, the initiative in this sea area will be in our hands. It’s in hand,” said Bismarck.

"Haha, the commander will be very happy to see such results. It's a pity that I'm not by his side now, otherwise it would be fun to tease him then." Prince Eugen's voice suddenly became frivolous, obviously It was because thinking of Qin Ge made me feel happy again.

"As long as we maintain this offensive, we will join up with the commander soon, and you will be free to do whatever you want by then. Not much else to say. When the battle is over, in addition to the patrol team, notify others to come to the fortress sea area. Meet up," Bismarck warned.

"I know, Persian Cat-chan just arranges the other camps. The commander letting you become the commander-in-chief this time is a trust in our iron-blooded people and a trust in you. Don't let him down." Eugen The prince smiled.


After Bismarck finished responding, he hung up the communicator and looked back to see the Embers.

She narrowed her eyes slightly and then glided over.

"Thanks to your help, if not, we would have been caught off guard in this battle." Bismarck stopped and said to the leading flying dragon.

"You are too foreign to say that. We are now considered people from the port area and are the same as you. And we also cooperated in this battle together, so there is no need to thank you so much." Feilong said, his tone a little dry.

"Although I say that, I still want to thank you. Even if it's a companion, it's okay to thank you, right?" Bismarck said, "You guys take a rest first and leave the final scene to us."

"That would be troublesome."

The two nodded to each other, and Bismarck watched Feilong and the others leave.

At this time, Musashi glided over, looked at Bismarck's weird look, and couldn't help but smile, "Did you see it too?"

Bismarck turned his head and said, "I thought I was the only one who found it a bit strange. It seems that you also find it strange."

“If Embers were as strong as they are today, I really don’t know how they could have fought against the Arbiters before.

After all, when Amagi told me before, Arbiter Strenkus appeared together with two other arbitrators. Now one arbiter has already fought so hard, so if there are two more, I'm afraid Will the situation change completely today? "Musashi smiled.

"But why do you say they have joined our port area? The soul link with the commander is not a lie." Bismarck asked in return.

"This is also something I doubt. As ships, even if they are metamorphized, they will not change their original nature.

So they shouldn't lie to us, but now they are obviously hiding something from us. But it still wants us to go all out to discover those things. In short, it feels very contradictory and very weird. "Musashi said.

"Perhaps they want to cultivate our combat experience for the Arbiter?" Bismarck smiled, "In short, we can't make a direct definition until the results come out."

"Would you like to mention it in the report? I believe that with the intelligence of the commander, he will definitely think of it." Musashi asked.

"Then let's make this decision first and see what the commander thinks. Anyway, we're not sure of their true purpose right now, so it's best not to state it explicitly."


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