My ship girl, my world

Chapter 984 Protection

With the three Siren Fortresses in hand, the situation has now become clearer. Except for the ship girls in the sea area where Qin Ge is still continuing to advance the sea area according to the previous rhythm, Bismarck's side has entered the rest stage.

Just like what Qin Ge said before, the purpose of rest is to better prepare for the next stage of the battle.

And according to the intelligence in the three Siren Fortresses, if the guess is correct, the game in the fourth season must be Arbiter Empres.

Compared to the three arbiters encountered previously, Empres is much stronger.

Regardless of what happened in the secret room or Helena's story, Empres' true strength has always been a mystery.

Qin Ge has very few of her abilities and detailed information. It is precisely because of this that he told Bismarck that they should not rush to join him, but to repair them to the best condition and maintain control of the sea area. At the same time, it will appear again during the final attack on the Siren Fortress where Empress is stationed.

Because the Siren Fortress stationed by Templarans had been breached earlier, the women unanimously decided to place the frontline headquarters here, which meant that Qin Ge stayed here and did not need to be at sea with them. drift.

The climate in the entire core sea area is changing very rapidly now, with frost, snow and rain coming at any time. This is not only a challenge to them, but also a challenge to Qin Ge.

Therefore, placing the headquarters here can at least make everyone feel more at ease when they are on the front line.

On this day, Qin Ge was looking at the sea chart in the Siren Hall. When the man's next attack direction and actions were taken, he suddenly felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Then he raised his head and looked at Zhenhai and said, "Zhenhai, do you have a strange feeling?"

But something happened that surprised him, that is, Zhenhai seemed to have not heard his words and was still doing his own thing.


Qin Ge was stunned, his uneasiness became more and more obvious, and then he immediately walked towards Zhenhai. But when he walked to Zhenhai and wanted to reach out and touch Zhenhai, he found that his hand had passed through Zhenhai's body.

Zhenhai was clearly in front of him, but he couldn't touch it at all. Such a strange phenomenon left him stunned. But he was also someone who had seen big scenes, so he quickly recovered, moved his eyes away from Zhenhai, and then observed the entire hall that had become strange.

Did the sirens do it?

Qin Ge thought for a while and then shook his head.

It should never be done by the sirens. After all, such a thing is too unreasonable. Judging from my understanding of the sirens, if they had such energy, they would definitely not be what they are now. They still need to be turned on. Parallel space to conduct relative experiments.

But if it wasn’t a siren, who would it be?

Qin Ge didn't know, but maybe he could cheat.

"If you wanted to shock me, congratulations, you have done it." Qin Ge looked at the hall and said with sharp eyes.

At this moment, a delicate laugh rang out.

"Haha, he is such an amazing person that he can still recover so quickly when he encounters a situation that he has never been exposed to before, and he also considers ways to deal with it."

A fiery red figure suddenly appeared in front of Qin Ge. She looked particularly charming. But when Qin Ge saw her appearance, he was very surprised.

"Akagi!" Qin Ge frowned, "There is no soul imprint at all, and I am the only one who owns Akagi in this world, so you are Akagi from another world."

Although the woman in front of him was very different from his own Chicheng, Qin Ge still confirmed her identity at a glance.

"Haha, you guessed it right, Commander Qin Ge." Akagi in front of him said with a smile.

Qin Ge narrowed his eyes, "So what is your purpose? To kill me? Or something else?"

Akagi chuckled and his eyes became cold, "What if I said I wanted to kill you?"

"Haha." Qin Ge suddenly laughed when he heard Chicheng's words opposite him, "If you really wanted to kill me, you wouldn't have created this special space and wouldn't have said so many words to me.

And you have such a powerful force, even my fleet may not be able to resist your actions. So it is very simple to kill me, there is no need to tell me so much.

Then you must have other purposes, tell me and let me hear it. "

"Haha, it's interesting. Although he doesn't have any special powers, he is indeed the person that my dear ones value so much." Akagi's cold expression began to fade away, and then he regained his previous charm.

At this moment, a figure in a blue kimono appeared next to Akagi. With Qin Ge's surprised expression, she saluted Qin Ge, "Commander Qin Ge, please forgive Akagi's willfulness. Originally, I came alone this time, but I couldn’t resist her temper, so it ended up like this.”

" are the Shinano in my dream, so is this a dream?" Qin Ge's eyes suddenly shrank, "In other words, you have already come to this world."

"Hehe, you reacted so quickly." Akagi smiled and nodded, "It's true, we are in this world, and we have been here for a while."

"That's right, so I came here this time just to say hello to you as a commander." Shinano explained.

"So he came to this world too?!" Qin Ge said in surprise, then rubbed his forehead, "Didn't he say last time that he would not come over until the matter was over?"

"Because the matter over there has been solved, now we are waiting for your experiment here to be completed, and then we can start it completely. And didn't my dear already say it before? He wants to see how the ship fights. I wanted to see a real naval battle, so I came here early." Akagi explained.

Qin Ge nodded, "I see, so the purpose of your visit this time is to inform me and ask me to speed up?"

"No, Commander Qin Ge just needs to continue to act according to your plan, and this time he came here just to inform you. The commander said that because of some rules, he can't meet you now and needs to wait until everything is completed. After that," Shinano said.

"Besides, there will definitely be an earth-shattering battle before this. In order to ensure the safety of Commander Qin Ge, he asked me to provide you with a layer of protection."

"Protect?" Qin Ge asked doubtfully.

"Yes." Shinano nodded, and then a blue butterfly suddenly appeared in front of her, flew gracefully, and landed on Qin Ge's shoulder.

For a moment, Qin Ge felt that he was refreshed. The fatigue accumulated in the past disappeared in an instant, and his whole body was full of strength, as if he had endless strength.

Looking at the surprised Qin Ge, Shinano explained, "This protection can keep you in good condition and at the same time ensure your safety. No other force in this world can hurt you."


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