My sister-in-law has become a brave man.

Episode One Hundred: Flag Recovery with Linked Play. 」

"Should I guess this? Should I take it off?

In front of the anthem waiting for the answer to the coin-hit game that all of a sudden began, I asked the translucent three-haired cat floating in the air.

Puka, and spit purple smoke, Michele answers.

"I think you can do whatever you want. If it comes off, 'Professor' is going to be happy."

I'm not in the mood to do something delightful about Kanzaki's cipher, Anthem, who won't at all help decrypt the magic research material he left behind.

Then I will point to the right of the two hands offered in front of me.

"Per ~"

say as Anthem opens his hands.

The coin was indeed held in the hand I pointed to.

"Rio has good eyes. I knew which coin I had from the beginning."

"Well, if only you could grip that easily."

I thought it might be faux because it moves my fingers too plainly, so I answered feeling like I was wearing a shoulder blush.

"Michele, because that's what I'm talking about"

Anthem said with an upbeat smile to Michele, who smokes Xcel as she narrows her eyes deliciously.

"I won't see you today because the guest guessed."

That? I thought, apparently, I'm the only one.

Michele also replied, puffing, spitting purple smoke.

"Hmm, right. I'll tell my guests what I said."

Michele, who didn't like the customer from the start, disappeared with a lot of laughter.

Michele's half-clear appearance disappears, and I stare at the anthem that flattens my lunch sandwich.

"Hey, Anthem. I don't mind wagging around in my own house, but would you stop involving people without permission?

Anthem laughed a little about why, pointing at me as I held my mouth back.

"What? What do you mean?"

Even though this one has no idea what he's trying to say, Anthem doesn't even try to explain it, he repeats a mysterious gesture pointing to me.

And when I finished eating my sandwich, "Well," I stood up.

"Then I'll go back to deciphering your magic book. Go back to Rio."

... I wonder how far my pace is, this guy.

Dragging an unsuitable size white coat soot on his small body, Anthem walks out of the room hanging out.

I dropped that back off in a sigh mix and grabbed my own sandwich, which was still about to be eaten.

Oh, boy.

I was suddenly caught up in a meaningless conversation. It's annoying to me, too, but it would have been more unreasonable for a guest who refused to see me at his whim.

I can't imagine what I'll be involved in next if I don't just finish my research and get out of this habitat.

So after lunch, I lay down and put up with where I wanted to rest, and I went back to the task of reading the research materials again.

At dusk.

"Rio.... sorry to interrupt?

Regrouza, coming back from the city, opened the door to the library and called out.

He concentrated on the material at some point, raising his face to that voice and surprised that the sun was already falling.

"No, that's fine. Welcome back, Regrouza. Is something wrong?

It's unusual for him to come all the way to the library, even though we've been talking face-to-face a lot lately at dinner.

Asked if anything had happened, Regrouza swayed her tail.

"Meet an acquaintance today. I was asked if you could take one job. I said I'm still at work, but I'm struggling with a tough warcraft crusade mission, and I keep saying I want you to help me somehow"

He had been looked after, and it was hard to keep saying no, he says in a sinking voice.

I see.

It's about the instrumental regrouza, so if it wasn't even about me, I'm sure it would be a job that I would have taken on so well.

"Well, you can take it on for him,"

I've been stuck in the library the last few days, and I said I'm sorry that we were stopping Legruza's leg together.

"Because it's going to be a while before I read the material, and if there's nothing else, I won't move from here in the meantime. While I'm in this house, Regrouza can safely go out, right?

"... oh. I'm pretty sure this place is safe. There's another element of anxiety about you being at the Anthem."

Regrouza replied in an unspeakable manner.

Sure, I agree there, too.

A whimsical and irrational anthem doesn't know what to do next.

If you are left to be done with it forever, you may get weird learning and become more annoying, "Is this all you need to do?"

So don't do that, I'm just starting to think about doing something naughty as a payback & warning.

Well, once the research on the magic of immortality is settled, now that we're collaborators (who plan to) help us study the magic of going back to the original world, we're not going to be so bad.

"Daiji-bu. 'Cause I'm gonna be as close as I can be."

I don't want to involve Regluza in the flirtatious, so I wave and answer in a light tone.

He went low to get lost.

"Right. No, but. Again..."

"Hmm? Does it seem like a time-consuming, difficult job for Regrouza to get so lost? Hey, so far from here?

Then I can think of Regrouza or White Dragon to protect the Spirit of the Wind.

I'm under contract with the Great Spirit of the Wind. When I ride, the Spirits of the Wind help the White Dragon, too, so I can fly so fast and comfortable.

So why don't you ask the Spirit of the Wind to help you in the same way I don't have to ride?

"You're gonna move faster, you're not gonna be able to breathe on the sky, you're gonna be comfortable, okay?

So I told him what I had in mind, and I tried to promote it.

"You don't have to worry about me. I don't have a problem with the distance traveled or the target's warcraft."

Then what's the problem? and tilting his neck more and more, Regrouza sighed one thing and seemed to have made a decision.

"Okay. Then get the job. I know I can be back in two or three days, but if it seems to take any longer, I'll get in touch with this house via the guild"

Rio, so I said yes.

Regrouza says a little weak.

"You..., well, fine. It's your strength to be able to stay in the usual shape even by the“ that ”anthem. Look, you're not gonna get caught up in some crazy case until I get back."

"I don't always like it and get caught up in it, and of course I'm going to be careful. And Regrouza, you just said something very flagged."

This world is quite understandable and typical of a fantasy RPG system, so if Legruza had told the 'brave' Heavenly Sound the current line, oh, I would have guessed that something would happen next after he went out.

but luckily they are staying at my house and the 'professor' anthem protected by special magic.

It seems like you can be attached to an annoying whim, as you did earlier, but the inheritance of the Book of Magic is over, and there will be no such thing as putting your life in danger more than once, just so.

Regrouza, a resident of this world without games, naturally did not know what would be “flagged” and asked what it was, but it was difficult to explain it, so she asked me to listen and changed the story.

"So, when are you going?

"It would be better as soon as possible. I'm talking about the crusading Warcraft being handy, being caught up and ferocious. We must strike our hands as soon as possible to prevent any further damage from spreading"

If that were the case, Regrouza acted quickly.

I'll start by talking to Anthem, serving him and asking him to tell the story to Mike the store number at the gatekeeper, a magical creature who lives in this country for a long time.

"The exorcism of the sandworm? Also, I've been asked to do a lot of rough work."

"Although I remember being a big warcraft and certainly a tough opponent. Was it that much trouble?

"Oh, you haven't been in this country in a while. Of course you don't."

Michele spoke in a rare and serious tone as she eased purple smoke from a xel in one hand.

"Yo, I'm just hearing rumors, I'm not actually a wack to watch. Hi. I hear there have been more demons in this country lately. I've never heard so much about demons before, but even around the southern desert that leads to the sanctuary, they're all tingly."

I thought I'd drop Regrouza off, and I was going around after him, and I frowned perfectly at the unexpected information.

To the desert that leads to the sanctuary, demons?

The sanctuary is a place where heavenly sounds are likely to go, so I want to eliminate the danger as much as possible, so I went to see how things were going in the western sanctuary [Valley of the Winds].

It is still new to my memory that I unexpectedly unleashed a large amount of attack magic on a demonic opponent who was hissing massively and somehow signed with the Great Spirit of the Wind of Dark Attributes.

No way, the southern sanctuary [Desert of Fire] is in the same situation?

I should have heard that the Principality of Surrell Ode is the furthest from the Devil's Continent, so the demon damage is minimal.

"Is the sanctuary okay?

I couldn't stand it and broke into conversations.

It's a place where heavenly sounds are likely to go, because it's big, but now the inhabitants of this world include many of my personal acquaintances.

If there is a chance of danger to them, including Regluza, and if you have the power to get rid of it, I want to keep the sprouts of disaster on early.


"I don't know that, miss. Everyone cares, but nobody gets in the sanctuary."

I don't know, so I lost momentum after getting my nose screwed by Mike, who answered relaxed back to his usual condition.

Legruza's chilling voice echoes to confusion about what to do.

"Rio, I'm going out and I'm going to look into that, too. Wait till I get back."

He checked briefly.

"You remember what I promised you?

I don't move on my own anymore.

"Yeah, no problem."

I remember, and I'm not going to break my promise, and when I nodded, Regrouza hit my back with Pong so he could snort, and put Mike's story back into the matter of the Warcraft.

"Michele, I'm talking about the warcraft ahead. How exactly is it bothering you?

"So it's a demon. Sandworm was originally a big, strong warcraft, wasn't it? Normally, I don't get tempted and demonized. except when it's going to be crusaded. If you get angry where you're hurt and tired, you just don't have a sandworm or a clump. Demonize and become even more troublesome enemies."

It doesn't just mean we should take down a big warcraft, it seems like a harder job than I thought.

But Regrouza just nodded, "Well."

They convinced me of something with the current story.

I said, "Is that it?" He snapped his neck.

"Regrouza. Isn't that kind of work unusual?

"There are few demons in the kingdom of Iguzekus in the west and the Duchy of Surrell Ode in the south. It will be rare for those who do not cross into other countries, but not the demonic North or East. Especially in the Van Grey Empire, the northernmost part of the continent, where warcraft demonizes during crusades."

Hehe, surprisingly impressed, Regrouza went on like one.

"So you were all in a hurry. There's something sweet about being prepared to protect yourself from temper because there hasn't been a lot of demons in the south for a long time."

It is also a problem that everyone was poorly equipped, but it is also the fault of the "Mercenary Guild", which neglected to take action more than that.

Michele said to him like that from the top of a cushion loaded high.

"Then you can tell me what to do.... Well, if Rank S just stopped by to say something like that, guess what happens next."

Cocksucking, Michele had a mean inclusive laugh and sucked on the xel looking delicious.

I couldn't find out what would happen to me, but seeing Regrouza, who turned out to be even more bitter than before, would surely be a huge hassle.

I'm kind of worried about letting him go like this because he's so caught up in something physical.

"Regrouza, the people here are the only ones who can do something about it. If you only work where you're asked to help, I'll take care of the rest and you can come home."

Unexpectedly, Regrouza nodded in a bitter mix, knowing.

"When I do my job and gather information, I go back"

And I said, "Go away," and I dropped off his back, "Go away," and I called the name of the Great Spirit of the Wind.

"Sherrice. Regrouza and White Dragon, please."

The gentle wind stroked my cheeks instead of my reply, and the silver glow splashed under Regrouza's feet for a moment.

That night.

After dinner, I went back to the library to read the materials again, and the windows didn't even open, but a silver breeze blew.

Heavenly sounds echo through [Wind Jewels (Orbs)] buried on his back.

"Sister, I need you to ask me something."

I guess this is troublesome because of the way things are.

I see.

It seems like a mechanism whereby Heavenly Sound collects the flag raised by Regluza and kicks me in too via the Spirit of the Wind (Kaiyu).

This world's sense of stability to the "promise” system, I don't have a hammer...

"Sister? Are you busy right now?

And what a linkage play, I sighed with a distant eye unexpectedly, worried by the heavenly sound of not getting a reply.

"No, I didn't do anything, so I'm a jerk."

I can't help but be discouraged by this strange sense of stability in the world here.

I decided to listen to Heavenly Sound about what kind of trouble I was in.

"So, what the hell happened this time?

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