"The boy who lived in the village was attacked by demons and fled by himself, ah..."

At night, the guest room at Anthem's house.

When I heard about the new troubles from Heavenly Sound, which I had contacted at my usual time, I wrinkled between my eyebrows, "Hmm."

Heavenly Sound, who signed with the Great Spirit of the Wind by visiting [the Valley of the Wind], one of the five great sanctuaries of the world, is now on a journey back to the path he came to meet with the messengers of the Kingdom of Igusex.

This messenger is a Tanuki prime minister's men who made him travel properly by hitting the heavenly sounds that wanted to solve the slave problem in the kingdom.

It was dispatched by the Prime Minister, who panicked that 'Star Reading Witch' Adelaide had joined the Brave Party, and when he did, he plans to let Heavenly Sound negotiate painfully with his opponent.

But we'll see each other soon, at dusk this evening.

A scratchy boy jumped in to the Heavenly Sound party where he was preparing for Nojuku.

"My village is being attacked by demons! Help me!

That's all he said, he passed out, so Heavenly Sound first asked Alfred, your youth cleric, to treat him.

Next, let Second Knight Vincent and the Wizard Ruggie out for reconnaissance around the perimeter.

And now he's waiting for the remainder of the members and the scout pair to return, saying he's watching over the boy's treatment.

"So, what do we do next?

I know you don't have to ask me the answer, but I'll check again.

"Of course I'm going to help you," replied Heavenly Sound.

"There's still a little kid running in the woods all by himself, scratched up, and I'm here to get help. I can't leave you alone, and I'm sure there's a village close to us."

So if we don't go help ourselves, Heavenly Sound is already determined.

I knew it.

"Well -" he nodded as expected, but I'm a little hooked.

In time, wouldn't it be the prime minister who gets the most out of shifting direction to Heavenly Sound here and now?

Because now we can postpone somewhat our plans to negotiate troublesome Heavenly Sound against them, who showed their credentials as brave men by signing with the Great Spirit of the Wind.

If you're going to finally say it, I think it's the way Prime Minister Tanuki seemed to do it, fishing for other troubles for heavenly sounds with a strong sense of justice.

but there is no certainty just because I think that it will catch something in time.

"Hmmm.... what does Adelaide say?

Witch in trouble, please.

If you can glimpse the future or discover the past, "Star Reading Witch," you must also know if the boy who has been scratched and begging for help is at the hands of the Chancellor.

For a moment, I expected a round throw.

"Mr. Adelaide doesn't seem to be feeling well, and now he's resting in the carriage. Mr. Bardeaux told me you'd be fine if you took the night off."

Worried, he sighs softly to avoid being noticed by the heavenly sounds he says in his sinking voice.

You're not feeling well, you can't help it.

Yeah. For everyone, there are times when you're not feeling well.

But then I said silently that I had no one to talk to.

This one Regrouza just went to work, and when Vincent over there is out on reconnaissance, there will always be no one to talk to.

I thought about what to do, and concluded without a second that there was nothing I could do.

If you don't have someone to talk to, you have to do something about it yourself.

The usual.

but now I'm promising Regrouza and “I won't move on my own”.

Going to Heavenly Sound to see how things are going is going to break a promise?

I'll think about it.

First of all, Heavenly Sound is in the Kingdom of Iguzekus, so to go see him will naturally move from the Anthem's mansion in the Principality of Surrell Ode.

But Regrouza has been at Heavenly Sound for a while, so it's not like he's going anywhere he doesn't know.

Besides, if the boy who's been asking for help wasn't at the mercy of the Chancellor, there's a bunch of demons who attacked his village right next to our lovely sister-in-law.

I can't just leave that danger alone and relax in the South.

Yeah. I figured, hey, let's go out.

"Heavenly Voice. I'm going that way, so once you're out of communication,"

"What?! Sister, can you come over here?

He looks surprised, and the voice of Heavenly Sound detaches.

If you just go to Heavenly Sound, you can transfer with one spell because the Spirit of the Wind will identify you and tell you where you are.

I answered briefly as I made my way out.

"I can't stay very long, but I'll be right there. I'll talk to you later."

"Yeah! You're waiting!

I hear a delightful heavenly noise and hang up communication, change into outdoor clothes and go to the kitchen on the ground floor.

Then Ellie, who was cleaning up dinner, noticed and turned around and asked me if I could help you.

"No, because I want to go out now. Where is the anthem?

"I'm sorry. You're in an underground quarantine space, so nobody can come through right now."

Is there even a quarantine space in the basement in this mansion...

No, I'm not surprised.

I don't really want to think about what Anthem is doing there, I think.

"Fine then. Even if I go out, I plan to be back soon.... Ah. Speaking of which, this mansion is magically isolated, too, right? I'd like to use metamagic to go out, but could it be bullets?

That's fine, Ellie answered right away, so I'm relieved.

Apparently, Anthem arranged not to collide with the magic that isolates the mansion because he uses metastatic magic.

You look like a child, and you're unreasonable to say what you're going to do, but that's just the owner of the knowledge and strength Regrouza has at a glance.

And then if you don't even have that personality, you're an honestly respectable wizard.

Well, there's nothing I can do without it.

Switch your head and decide to concentrate on Heavenly Sound.

"Well, let's go."

"Yes. Take care, you're not coming"

I assembled magic in my head, waving gently at Ellie, who politely gave me a courtesy to drop me off, laughing at a few mandrakes who waved "ho" back from her feet.

"Spatial Transfer (Teleport)"

The magic formation unfolds, and for a moment vision is filled with its brilliance.

But in the next moment, he was already standing in a small empty space where a row of brave men camped in the woods that sank into the darkness at night.

"Sister! Hiccup!

When you see your face, hug the heavenly sounds that jumped at you, and first make sure there are no scratches anywhere.

She seemed healthy without any problems, so I felt safe for a moment while replying and saw what was going on around her.

"Long time no see, huh? I talk to you every day here, so I always felt like I was with you. Well, I'm glad you look good."

As always, the incineration is divided by a line of heavenly sounds and a line of adelaids.

At Heavenly Sound Incendiary, Cleric Alfred takes care of the boy-like injured in the example, with First Knight Gilbert and Carriage Knight Robert Douro at the turn of fire.

At Adelaide's incineration, mercenary Bradley is on fire, and Adelaide and Bardeaux can't see each other in the carriage.

I greeted Bradley with a gentle wave, and when Prince Earthley, who was sitting in front of the burning fire, noticed this way, he got on his knees (knees first) correctly, and somehow decided not to see about the beginning of prayer (oh, I feel like it's getting worse and worse...).

... Is that it?

Secondly, he tilted his neck, realizing that there were not enough people for the Heavenly Sound party.

"Heavenly Voice. What happened to Olga and Lakshas?

"Olga just went to the nearby river to get some water"

Lakshas followed that help, and so on.

I'm a little surprised at that change I can't imagine from him being an all-you-can-do Wagamma before.

By the boy maid Olga, the golden cat beast, Lakshas, seems to be doing well.

I see, I nodded, and now I can get a grip on the trends of the Heavenly Sound Party.

The next time I came here, I connected my senses with the Spirit of the Wind to fulfill my purpose.

I'm pretty tired, so I don't really want to do it.

I haven't used it in a long time, "Spirit's Eye".

"Sister, what are you doing?

Sama Heavenly Sound, the brave man of light, who still exhibits a crisp glow in his dark attributes, asked me when he closed his eyelids.

So finally, speaking of which, I recall slowly, remaining in my arms jumping at me when I metastasized.

But it was also troublesome to move to the heel now and disconnect with the Spirit, so I answered dressed as it was.

"I'm watching the neighborhood. It'll be over in a minute, just a minute."

Together on my back, Heavenly Sound said, "Huh?" and tilted his ankle so that it could fall on this shoulder.

"I don't know, strange. We came together, but your sister is becoming a wizard who can do more and more amazing things."

I thought I said it lonely somewhere, yeah! and suddenly I was in the mood and said, "I have to work hard too!" I can tell.

No, as a lady, I'd like to say that you're also hanging in there, so remember to take a little bit off your hands.

I sighed and swallowed it because I didn't think you'd listen to me when I said it.

Leaving aside what can't be done, switch consciousness to what needs to be done now.

Through the eyes of the spirits of the wind who connected the senses, I saw what was happening around them.

Behind the softly amber earth with as many lives as the stars, the aquamarine underground waters flow.

When the wind of silver blew, the grass leaves of the emerald swayed, and the nuts of the bay and the yellow crystal (citrine) fell from the tree.

In the distance, he sighs with admiration as he hears the voices of the beasts who resonate with attention to the mountains.

The Kaleidoscope (Calade Scope) of the living and heartbeating gems is beautiful to see at night.

But what that means.

"Hmmm...... Good news and bad news patterns."

Though I can occasionally see the dirty colour of the temper, there is no sign that there is a large group of demons imminent enough to swallow one village.

I don't think the village of the boy who has asked for help is as close as Heavenly Sound thinks.

"Sister. Good news and bad news?

Hearing the words spilled inadvertently, Heavenly Sound asked in wonder.

I generally see what's going on around me, then disconnect myself from the spirits, and at some point I send out (okay, go away -) Jack, who was sending me the image of waking up.

That's how I finally got to move, so I answered as I walked away from the heavenly sounds that remained stuck and toward the incendiary fire together.

"The good news is that there are few demons near here.... Ah. Now it's all gone."

My wok doesn't like demons.

He added words, noting that Jack, who had left the ground through the shadow of a tree some distance from the fire we were in, had trampled down and extinguished several demons wandering a little further away.

Heavenly sounds tilt my neck in a way I'm not sure.

"He's gone?

"Yeah. For now, there are no demons near here. Don't be alarmed, but I think you'll be safe tonight."

"Um, is that, thank you? Is that it?"

Heavenly sounds thank the discipline (Rigi) for not explaining why it happened at all.

I didn't even bother to say that Jack did it, so I said, "You're welcome?" He returned it in doubtful form as well and continued the conversation.

"So, the bad news is that it doesn't seem that close to that boy's village, so it's going to take a little while to get there"

"... it is."

When he reached the burning fire, Heavenly Sound stared at the boy looked after by the cleric youth and clouded his expression.

"It's still so tiny. You've only been through the woods by yourself, and you've run far. There's nothing to eat, nothing to protect yourself from, and I'm sure you were terrified."

Yet this child, and the heavenly sounds raise his face with a strong eye.

"Best of all, I helped your mother and father, and I said, Please help my family and the villagers, not myself."

Yeah, I snorted and responded, grinning bitterly in my heart.

Heavenly sounds, which are not customary to doubt people, are determined to help a tired, sleeping boy.

As I said myself, I don't have anything to eat or defend myself. I don't feel conspiracy, wondering how he could have gotten here.

Oh, boy.

But that's, well, okay.

That's my job.

"Okay. Then you go with care. I have to go home today."

When I came, I said, "I'm going home," and Gilbert, the first knight on the fire, said, "What are you doing here," and Heavenly Sound said, "What? Already?" he creaked dissatisfied.

Somehow I'm starting to make excuses.

"No, Regrouza's going to work now. You were talking about me not going anywhere while I was away because there was nothing in particular when I went out. Thought you'd be long enough to go to Heavenly Sound to see how things were going, and now you're here. Well, so, not really, you can't stay long."

Even though I'm saying that, I talk about what Regrouza's job is and what he's in right now, he gets all kinds of question-attacks and he talks in front of the bonfire for a while.

But it was a coincidence that Jack was my stepping stone until he discovered them.

Behind the woods, a long way from the heavenly sounds, eating something without even setting fire to it, two men.

Jack found them and told me (there's something -), connecting them to “darkness”. I blind myself to the shadows near them.

I think this is the prime minister's men.

Bandits don't have an atmosphere, and I don't feel like a very normal traveler.

... Confirm, I'd like to try.

I know magic that manipulates memories, and I can use restraint magic.

Oh, the mood of a horse with a carrot in front of him.

I want to be fed, but I don't want to do anything to break my promise to Regrouza.

Hmm. Think for a while and conclude.

"Heavenly Voice. 'Cause it's really time to go home."

"Oh, yeah. I'm sorry I pulled it off. Tell Regrouza I said hello."

"Yes, sir. I'll say hello when I get back."

Heavenly sounds, while still seemingly a bit of a shame, finally freed me.

I assemble magic in my head just as I did when I came, bye bye, and activate it with a gentle wave.

"Spatial Transfer (Teleport)"

And also, out in the woods.

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