My sister-in-law has become a brave man.

Episode One Hundred and Third:

Day 60 of the Other World

"Hey, Anthem. I'd like to get in touch with Regrouza, is there any way?

"You can do it if you have a magic guide. But it doesn't mean I don't have it, so I don't know if I can do it right away."

When I asked Anthem, who was stirring around the soup at the breakfast table, I got that answer back.

My sister Camilla, who was eating a salad next to him, says to me, um, it will be.

"You should be able to ask the 'Mercenary Guild' for a message, but I think it will be difficult to get it to you right away. Can I help you in a hurry?

"Speaking of haste, should we hurry?

Anyway, it's not about me, so I can't be sure.

Anthem asks me, speaking of which, if I return a bad tooth cut answer.

"Looks like he was out somewhere last night. That story?"

Yeah, I nodded and decided to think about it for a second before I told them.

I have already told you that I am the stepsister of a brave man summoned to the kingdom of Iguzex, so I have no trouble being known about this matter.

"I was out to Heavenly Sound yesterday, and it looks like you're in trouble again. Depending on the development ahead, I'm probably not going to move either. I just promised Regrouza I went out yesterday that I wouldn't move on my own."

Next to the gentle Camilla saying, "That's troublesome," Anthem laughed nicely at what he thought.

"I have a plan."

"I wonder why. I only have a bad feeling."

"It's a good idea, so don't worry about it. Rio promised Regrouza he wouldn't move alone, right? I mean, if you two are gonna move, no problem! So next time Rio goes out, I'm coming with you."

"What?... ugh, hmm?

Surprised by the unexpected suggestion, I had trouble answering.

Although I am anxious that if I take Anthem, the trouble will double or triple, I also feel like that's the easiest way to keep Heavenly Sound without breaking my promise to Regrouza.

Anyway, he's an outsider who dies in front of him and comes back as if nothing had happened, and he's been annoyed a lot on top of that, so accidental injury ahead of him wouldn't hurt so much.

Probably won't get hurt that easily.

"I'll leave it to Rio to figure out what to do, but I'm done deciphering the Book of Magic. You can always move."

"Already?! Have you finished deciphering those three books?

I should have just heard the other day that I enjoy reading the Book of Ambrose.

I rounded my eyes and I said, "Is that it?," he looks strange, then convinces him, "Oh."

"I guess I didn't tell Rio. I don't need to read all three books. [The bloody book Bloody Grimoire] was originally mine. The Black Bible has a copy."

Nevertheless, when I heard the voice saying that I had checked all the contents properly, I remembered.

Speaking of which, when I received the full book "Life Anatomia" handed to me by Anthem, I felt like it sounded familiar to me.

- - I'm a water bottle. Let me write down and give you knowledge of your vessel.

It was the same word that was said when the [bloody book Bloody Grimoire] was opened.

"I see. Because Anthem was the previous owner...... I didn't think there was such a connection"

"I wouldn't be surprised. The world of wizards is narrow, and ancient books of magic have been rolling around."

"Looks like it. But if Anthem is still alive, why was the bloody book Bloody Grimoire left without its owner?

"Oh, that's easy. Because my body died when I opened that book, and my connection to the book was broken. So the guardian of the book mistakenly thought I was dead and waited for the next owner to show up."

Well, you wouldn't think that person would be able to live if his body died, normally.

This means that Anthem is a bullshit being confused by even ancient prophetic books, and I looked at him with a slight shudderness and changed the subject, not at all serious and out-of-popular.

"[The Black Bible] also said he has a copy, but Anthem can also use the divine word (Mystic Rune)?

"I have it as knowledge, but I rarely use it."

Indeed, even watching this house and the anthems full of magic, most of the spells were constructed by ancient language (enchanted runes), and the divine language (mystic runes) never caught my eye.

How could that be?

I was curious, so I'll ask.

"What is that, a reason or something?

"Because ancient language is more user-friendly. Holy magic has a lot of influence, but it's hard to make a price for it anyway"

At some point we were all done eating, so Ellie clears the dishes and distributes the tea after the meal.

Anthem continued the conversation over a cup of tea.

"Ancient language is the language that manipulates phenomena. And when you use magic by ancient language, all you need is magic. If we use small magic, we use a little magic, if we use big magic, we consume a lot of magic, and each of us wizards causes the phenomenon we want. In contrast, divine language is the language that describes the world. So, when you use magic by divine words, all you need is love for the world."

"... aye?

Anthem shrugged his shoulder as he accidentally snapped even though words of no meaning appeared.

"That's the best thing I know, I just quoted the words of something that extremes sacred magic. Speaking of which, how long has it been since he was sealed? I think he's probably still feeling better under the seal, but he's a pretty interesting young man with two names: 'Fake God'. Next time I see you, I'll introduce you to Rio, so you can ask me more yourself."

"Don't hesitate."

"Huh? Why?

I responded promptly and the anthem is decent in a way that I really don't understand.

No, it's sealed like that, because I'm not willing to bother asking a suspicious human being a question like, "What is sacred magic?"

If possible, I don't come near you, and I want to pass without seeing you for the rest of my life, or something.

"Magic to travel the world is sacred magic, isn't it? Isn't Rio interested?

Speaking of which, yes!

"Ooh...... Anthem, a little more about sacred magic"

"So he said we should talk about 'fake god'. I was just teasing when I helped study tenma. Why don't you go unseal him today?

"That's never gonna end with just talking, is it? Please, won't you try to do something too weird?

"Is it weird to unseal it? I'm not sure about Rio's standards."

It's you I don't know, flush the word with a sigh and get back to it.

"I probably don't know too extreme to hear about someone that extreme. Earlier, the eye for the world, that's sappy. Just let me know what Anthem understands."

"I hope Rio is okay with that. How far did I tell you?

"To the point that sacred magic is hard to understand the consideration. Specifically, it's hard to understand what's going on."

"As it becomes difficult magic, I wonder where the balance becomes unscrupulous. It's not so much healing magic, like it's used in the temple of the Kingdom of Iggex or anything, but when it comes to more difficult magic, the consideration is weird. You think the magic of invoking the little devil will require the lives of many people, even though the great magical consideration of rewriting a part of the world, for example, can be the life of one bird? So you think that sometimes a wizard dies if you make a mistake in consideration? You have no idea what's going to happen."

Oh, yeah, and Anthem added, like it's nothing.

"It was the trap set in the Black Bible."


During this morning's conversation, which was often surprising, that was definitely bomb number one.

"Damn. I can't believe a trap's been planted inside the Book of Magic. I didn't expect that. I was stupid......!

Moving the place to the library where I would do my usual material reading, and having received a detailed description of the trap from Anthem, I shook my fist all the way down to my desk.

"I should have known the bad character of those authors, but I was alarmed...!

"Doesn't it look like I had a problem with it in particular, and I don't have to worry about it? Oh, by the way, there's no trap in my entire book, Life Anatomia."

I stare at an anthem that stretches my chest well enough to say the obvious, with a jit eye.

"Even if there are no traps in your magic book, it's the most vicious. You can do whatever you want with your head without confirming your intentions."

"Yeah? It's out-of-heart. I'm the most harmless and good of those authors."

"It's harmful to smashing in that it's still alive. I think Anthem should think about the meaning of the word" good ”once."

"You don't have to bother thinking about that, you know it right?

The anthem that you say with a face you hardly seem to understand, you decide to leave it alone already.

It's about the three magic books that I own.

Relax yourself, say it in your heart, and confirm.

"Erm. First, the trap that was set in the [bloody book Bloody Grimoire] was the magic of the subspace warehouse. When a normal wizard uses this, he needs too much magic to die at the time he creates the subspace"

"Rio isn't dead, and it looks like he's been able to maintain it, so no problem. Yeah, but that magic falls on the spot with everything you keep in it when the user dies, so you should just be careful there. I used to have a big shame about wizards after I died because of them, and sometimes I needed a lot of magic, but they were getting less and less used, and they were obsolete."

"... thanks for the advice"

It doesn't seem like a problem right now for now, so next time.

"The trap of the [Black Bible (Noir Bible)] is the consideration of a demonic summons that will answer every question if you call it. Believe and summon the consideration written in the Book of Magic and the devil will attack you angry at the wrong consideration"

"Rio doesn't like summons or anything, so you've never done it before?

"Yeah. So this doesn't matter either.... so, last. [Amber Book (Ambroid)] Trap"

Is this the most hideous, evil, or dangerous?

"Some of the Attack Magic's Thunder Spear Rain (Thunder Rain) is just a little bit wrong, and when used, it bursts at close range and is outrageous."

I have used the attack magic "Ice Spear Rain (Freeze Rain)" written right next to me in action against "Princess Tsubaki", so I think I would have inadvertently used this one, and now I have a cold sweat.

It is a trap that is likely to cause damage not only to the person who used it, but also to the allies around it.

But other HR anthems are the same mypace.

"Well, I was impressed when I found you that I often thought about planting it in such a place. Of these three books, the successor seems to be the easiest to catch"

"There, because I'm not impressed. If you're thinking about apprenticing yourself and planting a trap like that, [Life Anatomia] burn it, right?

"Hehe. Do you think you can burn my magic book so easily?

I proudly say to him, this time I give him my chest back.

You're confident it won't burn?

Anthem looked disgusted for the first time.

"Right. Is Rio close to the Dragon Man? Exactly. First Source Fire is troublesome.

All right! I think I finally beat Anthem!

It's not my power, though!

... Uhm. Something tells me it's not my power.

"Ha... Still, why are we all coming for the lives of our successors? I don't care what you think. It's an outside job. Didn't you want to pass your knowledge on to future generations and leave a book of magic? Honestly, I have no idea what people are thinking about trapping me like this."

I feel like that's a problem once I understand it, but I'm also angry that I don't understand it.

Anthem replied to me in a grumpy way.

"It's a complicated wizard's mind that you want to keep your knowledge for future generations, but you can't forgive what you don't deserve as a successor to become the owner of your magic book."

"It's not complicated or anything, it's just a waste of high pride. Be the wizard of future generations whose lives will be targeted because of such things. Besides, this trick came after the book guardian almost killed me! I just assume you're giving your successor your knowledge, and you're after the lives of future generations of wizards?

Right, says Anthem, smiling relaxed.

"It's a lot of fun to write a book of magic like a crystal of your knowledge. But when I finish writing and wonder who reads this, I think most wizards. Oh, my time is over now. The wizards of the next era are born and they read this. I'm sorry I'm not there."

I've never exactly come to that frontier.

Unexpectedly silenced, Anthem continued his words.

"Though most wizards think so, they just end up thinking so. Some wizards play a little prank, and future wizards will understand and read it. But if it works, the authors of these three books, who subtly set the trap that their successors would die for, I'm sure, just had a bad personality."

I thought I'd end up with that conclusion, give it back a little snuggly time, and I wanted to scream, but heh.

I wondered if there was any reason for Anthem to deliberately reverse this nerve.

What the hell kind of a wizard has lived long enough to talk about the sentiments of an elderly wizard and too long?

I realize that I don't know anything.

It is the immortal sister who lives with her, the magical creatures with no life span and the mandrakes who are not sure if they are plants or animals.

The house is more robust than some castle, more bonded and more robust, and isolated from ordinary people to not even see it from the outside.

At the entrance and exit gatekeepers, this is also placed magical creatures with no life span.

What the hell is he like to live now after all the years without placing a normal creature by his side and distracting him?

I took one breath thinking, well, I'm sure you're not the only one who makes it so easy for me to understand.

Switch your consciousness and answer the anthem.

"Okay. In the meantime, I've confirmed the Wizard's trap, so enough about the old wizards with bad personalities. Now I have to get rid of this pile of material and... Anthem, how can you help me?

I say by pointing to a mountain of research material at the hands of second-generation braves, a dangerous thing that makes me headache when I try to read it.

The anthem of being able to read that normally nodded, "Can't help it?"

"If you don't read all of this, I won't be able to get into any research on your sister's magic."

All right, while Anthem is motivated, let's digest this dangerous thing as much as possible.

Ask him which one to read from, give him the top material and ask him to read it.

The letter only looks like a flock of dying mites, but the contents are a proper magical study.

Take note of the summary of the contents of the material that Anthem will read on a blank paper and bear in mind what I think is important.

We continued to read the material over lunch, but asked Ellie, who brought us the meal, to deliver the letter to Regrouza to the Mercenary Guild.

By the way, the content of that letter that I asked for a proxy in a common language moves a little because my sister got in trouble, but I'm talking to my landlord, so it's bullshit, something short that anyone can see.

But the landlord means Anthem, so Regrouza says, "Are you sure it's okay to talk to him? I'm sure it's the first thing to think about."

If the 'Mercenary Guild' job has cleared up well, I'd appreciate it if you could come home early worrying about it, what a thought.

Unfortunately, he didn't make it to the next call because he wasn't sure how far he was going to go to work though and said it would probably take a few days to get this letter delivered as well.

"What am I going to do, sister!

It was before dusk that the wind jewels (orbs) buried on my back became hot and my voice chopped up in a quiet library.

I don't know what the hell happened, Heavenly Sound. It's like I'm already crying, in a bitter voice.

Definitely, an emergency.

"Heavenly Voice? What's the matter with you?

I felt like I had been given ice water where I was optimistic that there would be squires, Adelaide, and nothing that dangerous.

"Olga, Olga won't wake me up......!

Heavenly Sound says in a trembling voice.

Cancer, and an anthem came by me who stood up and offered me one hand without saying anything unusual.

"Sister. Please, help...!

I'll be there soon, even spared while I answered, and when I built magic in my head and grabbed Anthem's hand, I cast a spell.

"Spatial Transfer (Teleport)"

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