My sister-in-law has become a brave man.

Episode One Hundred and Four:

"Spatial Transfer (Teleport)"

In response to a "help" call from Heavenly Sound, it was terribly dark to say that it was still daylight ahead of me when I took Anthem to transfer.

But happiness or unhappiness, my eyes, who have come to this world and become intimate with the night, can see the darkness.

It was just something I didn't want to see if I could.


He noticed that I had come in the light of metastatic magic, and heavenly sounds screamed.

They don't rush over like they always do, because they nod around holding an unconscious Olga's laid-back body to protect it.

Behind a deep underground cave, surrounded by a frightening number of Necromancers (Reis).


"Hmm. I guess this is my turn."

When I called, I did not have to explain it in detail, but the long-living wizard, Professor (Professor), responded.

He goes by the heavenly sounds that keep his big eyes wet and still endure desperately spilling tears, kneeling down to see how Olga is doing.

Meanwhile, I started casting spells of divine language (Mystic Rune).

"O guardian of the quiet underworld, I see the wandering of a soul that can die."

What the hell happened, where are Vincent, Adelaide and the rest of us?

I've got a lot to ask, but now I better do something about a bunch of Necromancers (Reis) that are getting closer to us.

"It's the first touch of life and death."

The magic of the Black Bible I've used before, Summon.

"Welcome to where you should be."

The magic formation of the divine word unfolds around the fingertips of the previous, gleaming blue and white, from which emerges a worldly being that is not visible in the eyes of living things.

As it flew with a beard of basili and winged things, it swirled around the cave and returned to the magic formation with a herd of Necromancers (Reis) who were approaching us.

The wind of the unseen as it strokes its soul through its body blows, and the guardian of the Underworld returns to where the Necromancers (Reis) should be.

When the magic team disappeared, I shook my head gently.

We see a presence that is not of the world, but therefore, we pay off the aftertaste of a strange feeling (good) that the overlap between body and soul is shaken and flashed for a moment, and bring consciousness back to reality.

Heavenly sounds that moistened his eyes as he turned around grabbed Olga's soot of clothing so strongly that his fingertips turned white that he stared at the anthem that cured magic on him unconsciously.

The old wizard in a lot of white clothes, dressed as a boy, once he made sure the magic was working properly, stopped his hand and raised his face.

"What's it like?

When asked, Anthem said with a straight face.

"I'm sorry, though."

I breathe much more.

"He's alive."

"I wonder why you say such a shame!

I screamed unexpectedly at the next word.

Would it have been better if Olga hadn't lived, you outcast wizard!

"Oh, sister? This one...?

Exactly. Heavenly sounds have also been asked, but now I am not willing to introduce him as a collaborator (planned) in the search for a way to return to the original world at this time.

I answered briefly instead.

"It's a passing road."

Heavenly sounds are like, "Huh?," he rounded his eyes and wondered why the anthem was "hehe. It's quite a novel introduction," he smiled with a non-challenging face.

I swear in my heart that I will never bring Anthem again, and I speak to Heavenly Sound.

"Than that, Heavenly Sound. This place is fast."


Heavenly sounds whispered to me in a rare and hasty manner when I was about to leave quickly.

"I'm sorry, sister. But I can't move out of here right now. I don't know why, but I feel like I have to find something... But it's dark and I can't see anything, and Olga won't wake me up."

Can't you move out of here?

What the hell kind of trouble did you catch this time, it gives me a headache, but it's not a situation where I can still relax and tell a long story.

I connected my mind with “Darkness” to see what was going on around me, and it seems that the site, the bottom of a cave deep in the earth, is completely surrounded by dead spirits (Reis) and herds of demons.

Is this the Demon's Nest or the Necromancers' Ballroom?

I'm sorry for wanting to join both of them, but I hope Heavenly Sound can't move from here, and they're definitely trying to notice this one.

Not sure what to do about saying that to Heavenly Sound, Anthem, who apparently sensed what was going on around him, pointed up and said.

"Rio, it's only noon now. I mean, there's sun in the sky."

Oh, well.

"Speaking of which, the Necromancer (Reis) disappeared in the light of the sun, right? Then let's go out to the sun. Then the demons up there will crush you too, and this will cost you two birds a stone!

"I will continue to take care of this child, so good luck with the defensive magic."

Brightly, I felt uneasy.

I decide to keep the nail down one day.

"Of course we all protect it. Anthem, if you let Olga do some weird magic and stop being human, you're just gonna get really angry and you're gonna tell Mr. Camilla, right?

"He said it would just heal normally. You don't have to bother giving me your sister's name here, you just have to believe me."

Did you forget that I just said in my true face, "I'm sorry, but I'm alive right"?

What the hell am I supposed to trust about that?

I lowered my voice when I saw something unexpected.

"Don't be alarmed if I do anything else, okay? You didn't cast a strange spell, because I'm listening to you."

"Rio is clever."

I saw an anthem that I would just say with a harmless face, and when this happened, I decided to end it fast.

Before this appearance and the contents don't match the odd flirtatious mind, we just have to clear up the problem and remove it from front of Heavenly Sound.

Even though I didn't have any other options in Legruza's absence, I brought him here myself.

"All right!"

Pan, slap her cheek thoroughly and get in the mood, first to investigate the situation in the area in more detail earlier.

To avoid inadvertent wound damage, check if there are any creatures within the range of attack magic you will use that have not yet been demonized.

"... Hmm. Some creatures are likely to wind up nearby, and this will not hesitate to do their best to look good."

To my back, gripping my fist and laughing "heh heh heh heh," Heavenly sounds came out in a frightened manner.

"Oh, hey...?

You're anxious not to know what's going to happen, your tongue seems attached.

He nodded vigorously in his still moist eyes.

"Wait a minute, Heavenly Sound. I'll make this a safe place in no time."

I'm going to do my job right beyond being called and popped out.

"Summoner, leave it to me!

So I said I wanted to reassure you if I could.

For some reason, the complexion of heavenly sounds seems to be getting so bad that I think this should already be shown in action rather than words.


I'm most used to defensive magic to myself and Heavenly Sound, and Olga and Anthem. Soooo hey, ready.

He raised his face and turned his back on the Heavenly Sounds, putting his hands up and concentrating the magic in his body.

What we're going to use is elementary magic.

The composition of the spell is simple and nothing is difficult.

It's just my “all power!” I don't know what would happen if I used that with, because I've never done it before.

As one wizard summoned by the brave man of light, I will try to experiment as I do my job.


Activates the magic assembled in your head with a Spell (Rune) spell.

Then both palms flashed red over me, and the moment I thought a giant fireball appeared over my head, it exploded with even more severe pressure on my whole body.

The shape as a fireball collapses and quickly becomes flame-like.


The flames that gushed out of my hand swept through the rocks directly above me, molten everything I touched, and, less than seconds later, transformed the surrounding landscape from a dark cave to a lava sea.

The all-category defensive "Almighty" (Aegis) didn't let the hot air through, and the lava never flowed over here under pressure that my hand was still releasing flames, but leaving this state alone is likely to cause trouble later.

Once his hands dropped and the magic was interrupted, the ball of fire (fireball), which was not a fireball but a flame emission, hit through the rock wall until it reached the ground from the bottom of the cave.

Then the flame release pressure disappears, pushing a wave of red, shining lava as it glances from its surroundings.

Although I learned one thing that my full power, Fireball, would be a flamethrower, I immediately took it to the next magic without the hippo breathing into my relaxation.

"Ice and Snow Exhale (Blizzard Breath)"

If you cast an ancient spell (Enchanted Rune), the [Bloody Magic Book Bloody Grimoire] activates a less powerful, map-destructing attack magic.

My whole body glowed blue and white, and there was a very cold whirlwind around me.

The wind grows stronger and stronger as even the lava sea freezes, and the entire underground cave, where the wind holes have just been opened, begins to rock in a giddy and disturbing manner.

Shortly afterwards, the sound of the first crack sounds.

Then there's the pisci pisci, and the sound it spreads.

In a cave where extreme cold winds were raging, it chained up and finally reached its limit when the power of Ice and Snow Exhalation (Blizzard Breath) reached the point where I thought, "Is this a tornado?"

Dodd Dodd Dodd Dodd War!!

Huge rocks of crashing caves pile up around us, mainly where we are.

Meanwhile, some of the "Almighty (Aegis)" that are not even frightening to that extent are peaceful.

There was no cold air, no shaking, just one heavenly sound open his eyes and pompous, but as if nothing else had happened, only the voice chanting the curative magic spell of Anthem sounds quietly.

...... yeah.

It looks like Anthem is just using very normal healing magic, so so far Olga doesn't seem to be in danger of being inhumane.

I was listening as proclaimed. I was a little horrified inside, but I saw what was going on around me.

Beyond the diamond dust, where moisture in the air was frozen by "Ice and Snow Exhalation (Blizzard Breath)", and the earth smoke curled up by the collapse of the rock wall, the sun's rays are beginning to enter the underground caves destroyed by extreme cold gusts.

Then some of the dead spirits (Reis), who were upstairs, sunlit up and vanished with a pitiful voice.

All right, all right. The demon's almost crushed with the cave already, and it's on schedule.

When the collapse of the underground cave was more or less over, the last finish was sprinkled with soil and smoke in the Tornado.

And now instead of underground caves, let innumerable Necromancers (Reis), who are right and left (oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo



The sad screams of the Necromancers (Reis), echoing in many ways.

I waved to them one after the other, "Buddha me", and after dropping off the last one, I finally turned back to Heavenly Sound.

"It's over, Heavenly Sound. It's safe here now, so you don't have to be able to move for a while.... So, what kind of trouble did you get into this time?

Unlocking the rainbow chavon's defensive magic, Almighty (Aegis), the cool breeze that had blown into the bottom of the giant hole stroked his cheek.

comfortable with the sunlight falling down with her.

... but.

"Heavenly Voice?

Heavenly sounds with their eyes rounded appear to be speechless, causing their mouths to open and close gently when they are stiff.

I was going to protect you perfectly from the magic shock, but it seems like you're in a kind of shock.

I wanted to calm him down with water, but unfortunately I don't have a pet bottle or a water bottle.

I crouched next to him because I didn't have any, and I said, "Yes, take a deep breath. Suddenly, yes," he repeated, calming him down after a while.

"... sister"

But he was just able to speak up, and Heavenly Sound wasn't calm at all.

"I'm so glad you helped me. Nothing, you don't have to be this far......!

With tears, with a very sad voice.

"What if all of a sudden such a big hole is empty and someone lives right around the corner is in trouble......! And what should I say to everyone...?

Now it was my turn to make my mouth pound.

No, 'cause, you know? Heavenly sounds were troubling, there was still a situation where Necromancers (Reis) and demons were about to strike, there was no regrouza, and the Anthem could not move at Olga's disposal...

"Your sister just helped me, but, but..."

With eyes that still seem to be flooded with tears, the heavenly sound of my troubled face asks me.

"What do we do...?

When you look at me like that, Oi, my head turns white.

I don't know what to do.

What shall we do...?

As the sisters were about to look at each other in confusion, Anthem, who seems to have finally finished Olga's allowance, stood up with a breath of "fu".

I look around with tongues and hips with just the trick I'm used to, and I say, "Hmm, this is a good view," like nothing, and I notice how we are.

"Is that it? You look like neither of us can float. What's wrong with you?

"What do you mean what's wrong? Um,... yeah, it's a hole. He couldn't have made a hole in this place. I don't know what to do."

"If you don't like holes, try to fill them"

He said, "Oh!" I struck my hand unexpectedly.

"Sure, the hole will disappear if you fill it! There was a magical spell of perpetual immobilization in Anthem's guide book."

"My book of magic will help, won't it?

"Very rarely, just a little bit."

After I admitted it and nodded, I said to Heavenly Sound.

"It's good, Heavenly Sound. Because I'll fill this hole properly later."

"It's such a big hole, but it can be filled...?

"Because I'll do it magically. I think we'll be done soon."

The first thing I remember but have no place to use it and I end up with something I haven't used once before, but it's probably the perfect magic for this.

If so, I would like to use it as soon as possible, suppress my feelings and continue with the words "more than that".

"Earlier, you said you couldn't move here right away. I think all I saw was a Necromancer (Reis) and a demon, what can I do for you?

"Whatever, I don't know how to answer it."

Heavenly Sound said as she glanced around herself, which became the bottom of the great hole, but stopped her gaze at a certain point.

"Sister, over there! There's something down there!

All I could see in my eyes was just the ground, but when I let it go, the heavenly noise was the momentum that seemed to go digging there with my bare hands, so I touched the nearby stone and cast a spell.

"Stone Statue Creation (Craft Golem)"

Create a mini-sized golem smaller than your own body to make you dig where Heavenly Sound says you are.

I kind of feel like, "Dig here. Wow."

The stone golem dug the ground forcefully, even in mini sizes, so I watched as I sang, "There's no poaching in our sprinkles."

After a while, Gatsun, and Golem's hand hit something.

"There was?

"Hmm? Looks like there was something rusty, metallic in the rust...?

I glance at my hand from behind the golem and answer the heavenly sounds that builds up and asks.

"It's like some kind of system crap you'll find at the construction site. Well, let's just have them dig it out."

After letting them dig around for a while, I found out that that rusty metal crap buried in the ground was round-shaped and seemingly heavy.

"This is no good. You can't lift a golem, it's not the weight we can hold."

"Then I'll try!

After being treated by Anthem, Olga lay softly on the ground asleep with a much bloody face, and the heavenly sounds rose.

It's kind of strained.

"Hands, be careful not to get hurt"


Heavenly Sound, who walked over here, replied cheerfully and crouched next to the golem, reaching out and touching rust metal.

The next moment.

- Cut!

A tremendous amount of light was emitted and my vision was painted white.

It's a rough, pure light that makes my head jerk.

I closed my eyelids reflexively, and then I sighed.

This light is the same as when Heavenly Sound entered the [Awakening Fountain].

That means that something related to 'The Goddess of Light' is here.

"Sister, look, this!

After a while I opened my eyelids, I saw that there was a heavenly sound with a beautiful golden clasp.

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