My sister-in-law has become a brave man.

Episode Eighty: A Rich Order. 」

Day 44 of the Other World

When I woke up thinking it smelled good, it was noon.

Regrouza, who was cooking dinner in a pan on fire nearby, notices me up in the first place and asks.

"Rio. Are you okay to wake up?

Before opening his mouth to answer, his stomach rang "Guru" and replied at will.

Regluza nodded and dished out, "Eat for now," so thank you.

Speaking of which, this is the first time I've known that Legruza is a good cook since I started to go wild away from the city.

It's an outdoor dish, so it's usually a choice between baking or boiling, and the main thing is the meat of the prey he's always hunted for.

Besides, the way the meat is cut and seasoned is so full, "Don't worry about the thin ones!" Target man's cooking.

What is it, but it's good to cook meat without burning it because of a hard nose, and vanilla that eliminates odors and softens the meat, plus you're skilled in the use of salt, and you can always cook simple dishes that are luxurious and tasty.

Today's soup is also gobbled with a pile of broiled (abalone) meat and sunny imo, and it tastes very good with a good saltiness addition or subtraction on top of being edible.

"Regluza's rice is delicious whenever you eat.

"I guess your“ yummy ”is just wide.

"Still, really. Did someone teach you how to make it?

"How to make it. It was the master who taught me. I said that if I wanted to eat it anyway, I would like good food, and I was focused on the use of vanilla.

And during the journey, his apprentice Legruza was put in charge of cooking, so he was planted with that particular as a matter of course.

"You better learn how to use vanilla, too," she nodded, "Yeah," and I sincerely appreciated it.

Thank you, stranger master.

Thanks to you, Regrouza's dinner is still delicious today.

"More than that, Rio. What happened yesterday?

Talk about it if you can, but remember what happened in the [Valley of the Wind], chewing around the meat, swallowing very much and opening the tease mouth.

"The child in the [Spirit Stone of the Wind] on the [white talisman" White Amulet "] was pulled to the [Valley of the Wind] and magically cleaned up the demons that were occurring in large numbers.

Then the [Spirit Stone of the Wind] broke and a child named “Another Great Spirit of the Wind” came out and stuck it on his back.

Ah. I didn't mean to, [white talisman] I think I broke it, I'm sorry?

"... Hmm. You don't have to worry about [white talisman]. I don't use it.

I don't know one thing more than that. Did the Spirit do something to you? What do you mean, stuck to your back?

When I looked at my back in tune with "darkness” while eating imo, between my shoulder blades and my shoulder blades, on top of my spine, I buried something like a pearl of an earlier odor on my thumb.

Moreover, around its beads with strong wind magic, there is a white pattern reminiscent of bird wings.

Before I knew it, I got more tattoos...

"Rio? What's up?

"... Mm. I'm sorry. I don't know, I got a white bead buried in my back. But it doesn't seem like a bad thing. Sherrice called for me, my mother.

Speaking of which, Jack also calls me "Odd".

It's a world where you don't have children, but you can have them often.

For a Warcraft or Spirit, is magic that much of an influence?

I've never even had a lover, and if I was in a complicated mood, Regrouza would say, "Did I call you my mother? Who?" he asked.

"of the self-proclaimed“ Great Spirit of Another Wind, "Sherrice.

The moment I answered, a soft breeze swept white vortexes in the air, making me look like a translucent silver boy.

Mother, did you call?

... No.

You show up light, call yourself "The Great Spirit of the Wind".

It's Sherrice. And I don't need to call myself that. Because I am truly the great spirit of the wind.

Really? I nodded with a sigh.

You're a my-paced kid.

"Legruza, this kid just said, Sherrice.

I don't even need "kun". Shelly, call me. And my mother is the only one who can ask me my name, so I won't tell her.

The only name I can hear?

As soon as I didn't understand what it meant and was hanging my neck, Regrouza nodded, "Sure, I won't be able to hear it just by name".

"The name of the Great Spirit is a sign of the covenant that the Great Spirit can only give to his opponent.

"Pledge? Did you do that?

When I said my name was Sherrice, my mother called me Sherrice.

"... yeah? No way, is that a pledge? I usually thought it was an introduction, and I just didn't call you without thinking about it.

"Hmm? Mom, you don't know anything. Well, no. [Wind Jewel (Orb)] looks familiar with your mother's body already, and you don't have to worry about it.

"No, no, no, wait a minute. It's not a story that I can flush without worrying about.

What's that [wind jewel]? He's buried in my back?

"Yes, a piece of my power. The wind in this world is on my mother's side, Mark.

"It's some kind of Eli story that the wind of the world will be on your side. But why me again?

"I slept in a cocoon the whole time, because it was my mother who gave me the power of darkness to take me to the sanctuary of the wind.

Without my mother, all I had to do was hatch as a normal superior spirit, even when I was full of time, and if I could not go to the sanctuary, I could not hatch as a great spirit.

But thanks to my mother, I could be born as a dark wind, so as a pair of light winds, I can be a force in maintaining the sanctuary of the wind.

Thank you, even if you smile at me, I don't know how.

I drank some dish soup to calm down and asked again.

"I'm not sure“ Another Great Spirit ”in the first place, but what's going on with the Great Spirit of the Wind I've been around for a long time?

"The wind of light keeps the place in the sanctuary. I'm tired because even if the demons broke into me and vandalized me, I've had to do something by myself before. It should be a lot easier now that I'm here to help.

After that, I asked Sherrice questions and talked to her, and she finally understood the situation.

First of all, Sherrice's term "wind of light" refers to the Spirit of the Wind who was empowered by "Goddess of Light" to become the Great Spirit.

"Dark Wind" is about Sherrice, who got the power of darkness from me and hatched it yesterday as the Great Spirit.

Previously, there was only one "Goddess of Light" empowered by his hatching, which now seems to have two great spirits of wind, hosting two forces: light and darkness, opposite poles.

A spiritual stone, by the way, is a cocoon in which the spirits dwell to infuse their power.

After some time in the world, the Spirit resides in a stone that suits him and adds strength, and when he gains strength in the carpet, he hatches it from the stone as a superior being.

And Sherrice, who just hatched yesterday, can explain all this because she shares her knowledge with the "winds of light" that have existed for thousands of years.

Consciousness and emotion are separate, but they also know what "wind of light" knows, and vice versa, which makes it impossible to hide.

"Two great spirits of the wind? [Wind Valley] More to protect, should I say?

"Right, that's fine. If the wind of light regains its power and we reconcile, there will be no more incursions into the demons.

"Will the demons stop breaking in?... hmm? Speaking of which, how could a demon have broken into a sanctuary where no one was allowed into the things of this world?

Demons are not creatures. It's a disease that erodes and destroys the world. So the wind of light alone couldn't stop the intrusion.

"But with Sherrice, can we stop the intrusion?

"It's not my presence that matters. The wind of light and the wind of darkness, that those two are aligned.

Order brought about by the harmony of light and darkness. Because that's the only way you can get rid of a disease called demons.

Sherrice spoke in a singing tone.

"Light and darkness are superior to the four great spirits, immense power that leads to the gods that form the backbone of the world.

It has a powerful influence on each one alone, but for the first time when its true value is in harmony with that which is in opposite poles.

It is a rich order in which the great forces behind the tables of the world are created only when they are together while maintaining equilibrium.

A rich order, brought about by the harmony of light and darkness.

That's the only way to get rid of a disease called a demon that erodes the world.

At the time of the "Night Hunt" disturbance, I remembered a story in which spiritual users said, "There are things that are born with black colors because the world needs them".

Light is not enough.

You can't just darkness.

With everything in opposite poles in harmony, the world finally reaches peace.

For the first time, I felt that I needed the presence of “darkness” at the opposite pole of the light, which is welcome to everyone.

Something in the back of your throat means that the words are not coming.

Sherrice said to My Pace, not to worry about me like that.

"I wonder if this is all we can talk about.

Mom, it's time for me to leave. My mother wiped out the demons more or less, but [Wind Valley] is still a little unstable and I can't stay away for much longer.

Call me back anytime. I'll come when I feel like it.

Bye, and I waved my flickering hand, and Sherrice disappeared just as lightly as she did when she showed up.

After a while of silence, Regrouza said.

"You've got a very similar son.

No, I'm not a son because I didn't have one.


"Appear pretentious, disappear pretentiously again. With a pungent face and a laugh, he has powers that I can't imagine from the outside.

A pungent face...

"And both, it seems, are important to this world.

I don't know, but Regrouza stirs a pot with soup.

I heard a low voice as I blurted out at the broiled meat and imo twirling around in the pan.

"At this rate, there's going to be something in the other sanctuaries that calls you Mother.

... I'm afraid I can't deny it, Regrouza.

I'm dying to disappear, too, aren't I?

"You can go anywhere. But then you're taking me with you.

You get into trouble on your own when you're fluttering around alone, and it's a hassle to look again.

Besides, I guess I'm your guide, huh?

I accidentally spilled a snare and a grin at the words that sounded silently from my blue eyes.

"... yeah. Next time you flutter away, Regrouza will also take you on the road.

With the road, Regrouza's tail crumbled with a bitter smile, shaking like a light.

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