My sister-in-law has become a brave man.

Episode 81: The Eye of the Spirit. 」

At the end of lunch, Regrouza and I confirmed our next appointment.

[Wind Valley] is protected by Sherrice, the Great Spirit of the Dark Wind, so it's okay if Heavenly Sound goes.

So first, we go back to the Heavenly Sounds and report, "[Wind Valley] is safe," and then we talk about going to the Principality of Surreal Ode to meet the former human wizard, the 'Professor (Professor)' Anthem, who we know in Regrouza.

That was a quick decision on the rough part, but I just made a note on one point: how far should we talk about what happened in [the Valley of the Winds]?

I'm like, "You'll find out it's a dark attribute, and you'll definitely scold me if I tell you I went into the sanctuary where the demons are ravenous all by themselves, so I want to lie to Texto without telling you anything."

Regulza says, "It's not something you can hide forever, tell me everything you can't talk about and get scolded."

"What happened this time in the [Wind Valley] in the first place won't be able to be hidden, no matter what," he affirmed.

I felt somewhat disadvantaged, but I argued, "That's not true".

"The Great Spirit of the Dark Wind is on my side. If you stop saying," Don't tell him about me, "he won't have to give me my name for now.

Ah. But Dark Wind and Light Wind, are you sharing knowledge? The person Heavenly Sound contracts with is the wind of light, and I can't even stop because I haven't seen the wind of light... "

I found a hole in my words along the way, and I failed to argue.

One more reason was added by Regrouza, who sighed, "Haven't you noticed?" at me, who said that I certainly can't hide it.

"Besides, you, you'll wake up in the same room or carriage as Amane. If they saw the [wind jewel] on your back, what were you going to say?

"Hmm. Sister, I woke up to art! Like what?"

"Wake up to reality before art. And don't try to deceive me by saying the right thing. You just don't like Amane scolding you after all.

"No, that happens. But I still can't really talk about it, and I don't really want to worry about it.

"Anyone who tries to hide anything will sooner or later lose their trust. Don't confuse what you really can't talk about with what you just don't want to talk about.

"That's for sure, you're the best. You're a crisp teacher, Regrouza..."

"Stop being a teacher. If I had a student like you, I would fall with a headache.

Let's make sure it's better than that. What do you mean you can't talk about it?

I think they told me to go crazy in the first half, but my blue eyes rushed me to think about it.

"Um. First of all, the contract I had with Sarrell before I was born. Then, it is impossible to return to the original world.

"Is there two things I can't talk about? But neither will be something you can hide through forever. When will we be able to talk?

"Regarding the return to the original world, look and think anyway and say if you can't find it at all.

... about my contract with Sarrell, I'll probably have to talk to you then.

Regrouza nodded and returned to the conversation.

"Then there's nothing wrong with telling Amane about what happened in [Windy Valley].

"But regrouza. Is it dangerous to find out that I'm a dark attribute in this country?

"Sure, it's a story about choosing someone. It would be easier to avoid being known to the upper echelons and temples of the kingdom of Igusex, and in particular to the heretical inquisitors.

... Hmm. So why don't we just talk to Amane and The Star Reading Witch?

Oh, that's good.

If Adelaide were present, the heavenly sounds might make it hard to scold!

I felt optimistic at once and nodded, "Yeah, I will".

At the end of the conversation, finish the fire, get rid of the tools, call White Dragon and get ready to leave.

The dragon that carried us, as usual, tried to fly on Regrouza's signal.

That moment.

A white, shining wind blew, quickly rising the winged White Dragon high above heaven.

Obviously a different rapid acceleration, a steep rise, but the dragon protected by the silver wind maintained its posture without any problems, and there was little load on me and Regrouza either.

This is probably one of the consequences of the [wind jewel (orb)] influence, Sherrice said, "the world wind will be on your side".

Regrouza said after a moment of looking at the ground, calmly watching how things were going and instructing him to go to the flying dragon at high speed.

"Rio, can you slow it down? We're gonna overlook Amane and the others again like this.

"Right. But I don't want to throw this speed away... Hmm. If you know where Heavenly Sound is, you can go that far in a straight line, right?

"That's true, though. Do you understand that?

Unfortunately, there is no exploratory magic in my three magic books (Grimoire).

The browser load of the bloody guide Bloody Grimoire says, "No need for anything fragile. Break everything and take what's left, Meteorite Strike!".

[The Black Scripture (Noir Bible)] says, "A Necromancer is ideal if you want to explore, you can also pull through walls. Now chant, Summon the Necromancer."

And Ward in the Book of Amber (Ambroid) said, "If it's important enough to look for, it's better to enslave it from the beginning with the Slave Beast Contract, Contrast Slave. Then you will return to life with the voice of" Summon the Slave Beast ".

I don't know if the authors really say that, but each of the magic described runs through like this, so there's nothing I can possibly use to find Heavenly Sounds.

So until now, I had to look with my eyes, though.

"It looks like we could use some help from the Wind Spirits via [Wind Jewels], so we might be able to find it if it works.

"Well, that's amazing. Then give it a try. A lot of hassle if possible.

Yeah, and nod and take a deep breath.

Closed his eyelids, he focused his consciousness on [the jewel of the wind] buried on his back, and through it he called to the spirits of the wind that were gathering around him.

They are curious and immediately respond by showing interest.

I asked him to scrub down the White Dragon's flight speed first, then see what he could and couldn't do.

The Spirits of the Wind cannot take on the figure of man like Sherrice of the Great Spirit, nor can they talk.

But it looks like we can share our senses, and it feels blurry, but we can communicate our intentions.

The spirits admiring the power of Sherrice living in [the jewel of the wind] convey dokadoka feelings of "fun" and "joy," so when you turn your consciousness to them, you can interact with them quite lively.

It always seems to protect me when I fly in a dragon, and this seems to be a natural treatment if I have a covenant with the Great Spirit in their realm of the sky.

And then, if you give magic through [Wind Jewels] when you want them to do something specific, the spirits you feel comfortable with seem to cooperate.

However, unlike “darkness” like some parts of the body, it is frustrating to share your senses with the spirits of the wind who can only come into contact (contact) through [the jewels of the wind] and to continue to maintain them.

Still, it doesn't seem like an impossible thing, so if you connect your senses with the Spirits of the Wind trying to do as much as you can for now and ask them to come down to earth.

Before asking me to look for Heavenly Sound, I forgot and fell in love with its overwhelming beauty of the world as seen in the eyes of the Spirits of the Wind.

The earth is amber.

In the wind of silver, the swaying grass leaves are emerald.

The trunks and branches of the trees are topaz, and the waters that are sucked up from the earth through them are pieces of aquamarine.

If the pearl bird wings, the flickering, and ruby flowers scatter.

There is a kaleidoscope of living, heartbeating gems.

The breath of life that cruises without staying for a moment shines vividly, and from time to time, the shadows of demons that erode the world are darkened and disturbed.

Sometimes I'm flattered, but the world like it was made of countless gems was wonderful and beautiful.

but it's so sparkling that I kept watching it and in a matter of minutes I got a headache and wanted to get to the bottom of “dark”.

Ugh. My eyes don't hurt, but my vision hurts.

It's a dark attribute, so I wonder if it's vulnerable to glowing things...

Start exploring a little accustomed to adjusting the intensity of the senses that connect with the spirits, to the extent that they can be blurred.

Heavenly sounds are under the protection of The Goddess of Light. It's a light attribute, so maybe a diamond.

And Adelaide is empowered by The Goddess of Harmony. "The Star Reading Witch," so it would feel like Opal, the rainbow light I saw when I was commissioned.

In other words, if the diamonds and opals were nearby, it would be confirmed.

I asked the Spirits of the Wind to "look for the signs of" The Goddess of Light "and" The Goddess of Harmony "," and followed the streets through the eyes of the Spirit, who shared his senses himself.

Fortunately, curious and fast traveling, they found signs of the 'Goddess of Light' without taking much longer, and also informed us about the signs of the 'Goddess of Harmony' that were right around the corner.

But I thought maybe so, but the unexpected occurs that the two are really in a "glowing diamond and opal" state and can't confirm their faces with that too much brilliance.

The others somehow know the contour, but only the two of us, Heavenly Sound and Adelaide, are so radiant that we really have no idea.

I don't know what to say, darkness attributes are full of sparkling glow.

As I shared my senses with the Spirit of the Wind, I thought, "I don't know your face, but you can be sure, okay," and whirled around its brilliance ~ I heard a heavenly sound.

"Sister? Are you there?

What a yu super sensation, and, sighing, I recognised my sister-in-law's genius and said, "Yeah, I'm your sister. I'll be back soon," he says, touching the brilliance of the diamond with the wind.

I probably didn't convey my voice, but I felt like I caressed my hair so I pulled my consciousness back to my body that this would be good.

"Thank you" to the Spirits of the Wind, and give them magic by asking them to accelerate the White Dragon toward the Heavenly Sounds.


Asked by Regrouza, who noticed the dragon accelerating rapidly again, he answers with his eyelids closed.

"I found it. I didn't know your face, but I heard your voice, so I'm pretty sure. The Spirits of the Wind will guide you later, so I'll take care of it.

I refused to share my senses with the Spirits of the Wind, so I am no longer connected to their eyes.

Yet it kind of makes me lose my mind because I kept seeing the world too glorious.

"Right. It didn't seem like normal spiritual magic, but anyway, well done. You should rest until you get to Amane and the others.

"Yeah. Hey, rest..."

I breathe deeply, relieved by the darkness where my eyelids are closed.

I was just going to take a short break, but at some point I fell asleep.

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