Chapter 159 Tips open

A girl, throwing herself in her brother’s arms, this is a very harmonious scene no matter how you look at it.

But no one present could ignore the extremely huge coercion emanating from that seemingly petite body!

This is a saint!

The corner of the primordial mouth that pays the most attention to respect and humility twitched, if it weren’t for the coercion being too huge, he probably couldn’t help but step forward and preach a few words.


Forget it, it’s better to obediently pretend not to see it.

Fuxi also smiled bitterly, and hung up Nuwa’s little nose: “You, now you are a saint, a little majestic, okay?” ”

“Cut, majesty has a fart!” Nuwa cut immorally and said, “Could it be said that if you become a saint, your brother is not an older brother?” ”

That’s true, but you’re a saint!

“Besides, we are saints, whoever dares to BB is to offend the saint and beat him to death.”

The corners of everyone’s mouths twitched at the same time.

“Haha, Lord Nuwa is right.” Di Jun smiled and bowed forward: “No matter what our cultivation is, relatives are always relatives. ”

“Besides, if even saints are limited by the minds of others, what is the use of this testimony?”

Fuxi glanced at him meaningfully.

Di Jun’s words seem to be fine, but the words are out…

Nuwa is the emperor of the demon clan!

Others have also noticed this, the Heavenly Court is already extremely strong, if you add a demon saint…

Di Jiang and the others’ faces were slightly gloomy, there were no saints in the Wu clan!

Nuwa didn’t care, and after getting down from Fuxi, she coughed.

“I will preach in the palace, and everyone who is destined for it can come, and all Taoists can go together.”

Then, he took Fuxi’s hand and sneaked into the palace.

The crowd could still hear the twitter of show-offs.

“Brother, look at us, are we strong enough now?”

“Brother, look here, is the decoration better than that of the Heavenly Court?”


It sounds like a little girl’s pride.

Everyone you look at me, I look at you, smile bitterly, and walk in.

Walking into the palace and facing the saint, no one is stupid enough to make a mistake here.

Just like in the Zixiao Palace, Nuwa sat on the high platform of the palace, and there were countless cushions in the hall, and everyone sat down according to their status and strength, waiting for the sage Nuwa to start preaching.

There was no grab for the same position as Zixiao Palace, and everyone sat down one after another.

The only question is…

Fuxi sat next to Nuwa.

“This is a saint! Why can an unsanctified guy stand next to her? ”

I don’t know how many times a similar voice emerged, especially primitive, and the corners of his mouth were almost deformed.

You know, don’t look at Sanqing, Zhun Ti, and Zhu Yi are nominally Nuwa’s junior disciples, but in fact, when they call Nuwa, they all have to be called saints!

But now Fuxi …

“Big brother, this…” Primordial had a black face, he couldn’t look at this kind of person who didn’t distinguish between honor and inferiority.

If it weren’t for the huge gap in strength, he would probably have shouted the words ‘Nuwa is not worthy of being the head of our line.'”

Lao Tzu and the old god were there, and when he heard this, he spoke: “Fuxi, very strong.” ”

“Huh?” Primordial frowned.


It is that Fuxi is indeed very strong, even if he has cultivated several times now, he has not been able to defeat Fuxi in the primordial manner.

But no matter how strong you are, can you have a saint?

Why can you stand by Nuwa’s side?

Lao Tzu’s eyes drooped slightly, and he remembered the scene just now.

Nuwa threw herself in Fuxi’s arms, which was an action that undermined the majesty of the saint in the eyes of others, but only Lao Tzu discovered one thing – Nuwa’s coercion has not yet dissipated!

The coercion of the saint level, even if he is close to enlightenment, still feels boundless pressure.

And when Nuwa threw herself into Fuxi’s arms, Fuxi’s expression didn’t even change a little, and her face didn’t have the slightest pressure.

It’s like…

It’s an ordinary girl, pounced on an ordinary brother!

Lao Tzu thought to himself, and subconsciously touched his body.

There, there was a bag, a bag that Fuxi handed him.

Obviously, the power can be used in his sleeve, or stored with a magic weapon, but this bag has always been close to him.

After everyone was seated, Nuwa began to preach.

This sermon is not as mysterious as Hongjun, and it is mainly about Nuwa’s way of creation, which is the law of Nuwa’s major.

Therefore, the content of this sermon is of little significance to the top power of the three cleansing, receiving quotations, and quasi-mention.

The main thing is to refer to the law of Nuwa to learn from each other’s strengths.

But for others, it’s an incredibly precious opportunity.

Nuwa is not Hongjun, she does not need to preach three times like Hongjun, and each time is extremely long.

Because Hongjun is enlightened and sanctified, and Nuwa is the law of life!

Therefore, this time Nuwa preached only 800 years.

Time passed in a hurry, and just before most people heard enough, Nuwa stopped:

“This sermon, for this end, how much you can comprehend depends on the chance of Er.”

The implication is that it is a send-off.

The power of the Hong Wilderness is not stupid, most of the people directly bowed, thanked the saint and left directly.

Di Junduo said that when he needed the treasures and manpower of the Heavenly Court, call him.

Taiyi glanced at Nuwa more, as if confirming his future realm.

Lao Tzu glanced at Fuxi, did not say much, and left immediately.


And when Lao Tzu returned to Kunlun Mountain, he called down Tongtian and Primordial Two.

“Do you remember what Fuxi said at the beginning?” Lao Tzu groaned and spoke.

Tong Tian and Primordial glanced at each other and nodded.

After my sister is sanctified, this package will automatically open. ’

This is your chance of sanctification! ’

Although there were some contradictions in Sanqing, their perennial life made them feel the same.

At the same time, they took out the bag that Fuxi handed them, and the zipper of the bag had been opened.

Then the three of them touched it in their bags, but it was a note.

There is only one word on the note of the primitive, babel duo – teach!

And on Lao Tzu’s note, there was one more word – people!

“People … Teach…… Person…… Teaching…” Lao Tzu pondered for a long time, his mouth constantly muttering.

I don’t know how long it took, he suddenly opened his eyes.

It is obviously the appearance of an old man, but the essence in his eyes is not even in the prime of life!

“Two junior brothers, I want to go to the Terran to take a look.”


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