Chapter 160: Lao Tzu Wanderers! (One more subscription requested)

Terrans, there are definitely big secrets!

In fact, everyone has thought about this, how great the merit of Nuwa’s sanctification is, it is an individual who will think of something.

However, everyone did not care too much, because everyone knew that the Heavenly Dao was rewarding for creation.

For example, Fuxi, the first doll of the Hong Wilderness, the first pot of the Hong Wilderness, the first bowl, the first pair of chopsticks…

All of these are rewarded with merit.

Perhaps, creating a race will make the rewards of the Heavenly Dao a little more?

However, when he saw the words ‘person’ and ‘teaching’ written by Fuxi, Lao Tzu only felt the Hongmeng purple qi in the true spirit, and it seemed that he had a feeling of being about to move!

Fuxi really didn’t lie, he really gave himself the opportunity to become holy!

However, the strong are the strong, and Lao Tzu can become the strongest below Hongjun in the original history, naturally there are his reasons.

Just said a few words to the two brothers, and then he decisively got up and came to the coast of the East China Sea, where the Terrans are.

With Fuxi’s announcement, coupled with the momentum of Nuwa’s sanctification, there were no demon races around for a long time, and all the demon races began to withdraw under the order of the Heavenly Court, retreating and giving the Terrans a territory.

Sanxiao and the others were not idle, they took advantage of this time to set up a formation, which could be activated at any time, and they could block the enemies of the Daluo Golden Immortal level.

In fact, there were many people who wanted to befriend the saints of the demon race, and a large number of demon races sent a large number of melons and fruits, spirit plants, magic weapons, and even the blood and flesh of the big demon and so on.

But they were all blocked back by the three nights.

And now, Lao Tzu is here.

He did not inform Fuxi and Nuwa, but walked step by step on the coast of the East China Sea.

He is a quasi-saint, and Sanxiao is just a junior who has just stepped into Da Luo, and it is not difficult to hide from them.

There were also days when Nuwa preached, but the Terrans were still ignorant and extremely weak.

Looking at the appearance of the Terrans, Lao Tzu couldn’t help frowning.

This Terran… Too weak!

Because they have no mana, they can’t transform their clothes, so most Terrans use leaves to cover their shame.

Because it lacks mana, it is difficult to climb the fast-growing flood barren fruit trees like a small mountain, so it can only pick up fruits that fall after ripening and falling.

The cultivation path is also extremely bumpy, and you can see it at a glance with Lao Tzu’s eyes – the strength of this group of Flood Barren Race is not even comparable to the newborn Wu Clan baby!

Fortunately, it is Fuxi who shelters and guards for three nights, otherwise any bloodthirsty demon clan can kill this clan!

Even if the harm of foreign enemies is eliminated, this group of Terrans is still much less than when Nuwa first created people…

How could such a race bring down so much merit?

Lao Tzu’s brows furrowed deeper and deeper, straight… He saw the Terrans coming together.

The newborn Terrans are very weak, although their qualifications are not bad, but their physical weakness makes it still difficult for them to survive in the flood.

Unlike the day, after the sun sets, the temperature drops suddenly, and without the slightest cultivation, the Terrans without clothes will definitely freeze to death.

However, Lao Tzu saw that all the Terrans gathered the women in the middle, and they lay outside and gathered together.

The cold wind blowing made the outermost male body tremble, but they still put women, children and old people in the warmest center!

People are close to people, people are next to people, in a big circle.

It minimizes the heat swept away by the cold wind, and shelters the weakest old people and children…

Lao Tzu was silent for a moment and sighed.

This situation cannot be said to be absent in floods, but it is very rare.

Demon race, witch race…

Most of the two ethnic groups, in the case of everyone’s powerlessness, the first thing people care about is themselves.

Especially the demon race, if you don’t kill you to eat meat to maintain your energy, it’s already very good!

But the Terrans…

Lao Tzu thought about it and cast a spell to become an old man similar to the Terrans, who also covered his body with leaves.

Then, walked over.

“Huh? Old man, it’s almost dark, how can you have one yourself? A man, seeing Lao Tzu, was stunned, and then immediately greeted enthusiastically.

“Come on, come on, come in.”

“Brothers, make room for this old man!”

Saying that, he got up himself and made way for a passage.

The weaker men inside were lying in the circle on the inner floor, and they also got up one after another, making way to the position of the old man and child in the center.

“Come on, come first.” The man smiled: “It’s so cold in the flood waste, you probably feel very uncomfortable like this…”

“I haven’t eaten, I still have some fruit here.”

Lao Tzu opened his mouth and was actually speechless.

Even if he becomes a Terran, he doesn’t think that a group of people will easily accept himself.

What if it’s an enemy?

What if he had bad intentions for his own people?

But this group of people…

“Really, there is no vigilance at all, how did he Fuxi educate the Terrans?” Lao Tzu couldn’t help but say in his heart.

But why…

Heart, very warm.

Walking in a little, Lao Tzu was born cold and hot, but you can also feel that the inside is much warmer than the outside.

Because of the icy cold wind, it was blocked by the outermost men who were relatively strong, and the wind that occasionally got into it was also blocked by the men on the second and third layers.

Even if the wind is stronger, it will not be blocked by the strong women behind the men.

Children and the elderly cannot be said to be not affected by a little wind, but the chances of survival are also very large.

Even, probably bigger than the men in the outer circle …

And they didn’t do nothing.

Lao Tzu walked all the way from the outer layer to the inner layer, and saw with his own eyes that the children and old people inside all tried to reach out to the stomach of one person outside, hugged them, and used their own hands to block the wind blowing into the stomach.

Children help the elderly, old people help women, women help men…

Circle by circle, even the weakest children are trying their best to work hard for their race.

I don’t know why, the people here are obviously very weak, and any demon clan can kill them all.

But Lao Tzu had a feeling in his heart.

Terrans, strong!

It may even be the strongest in the Flood Barrens!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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