Chapter 163: Three Clear Preachings and Sanctification (Four More Subscriptions)

To establish a human religion, it is natural to bind the luck of the human race.

In the current luck of the Terran race, Laozi accounts for 20%, and Nuwa accounts for 80%.

Originally, Fuxi should also account for three percent, but he gave all his luck to Nuwa.

Instead, he preached forcefully that he didn’t need those things.

As for the matter of sharing luck with Lao Tzu, Fuxi didn’t care.

The Terran race is so big, it will be even bigger in the future, can it be said that if any cat or dog comes to set up a religion, he can share luck and become holy?

How can it be!

To enjoy the offerings of the luck of the Terrans, you also need to shelter the Terrans!

As soon as Lao Tzu came over, he directly took out his cultivation method, and it was even more based on the Terran race, and the modification was completely in line with the physique of the Terran race.

Its name – Jindan Avenue!

Let the human race start cultivating, this is the reason why Lao Tzu is qualified to occupy the luck of the human race!

However, Lao Tzu looked at Fuxi’s appearance, and the corners of his mouth couldn’t help twitching, a little prodded.

Because his Jindan Avenue is a Fuxi learner!

“In the face of my sanctification coercion, like a breeze supporting my face, the Jindan Dao I taught the Terran was born out of the Dao he taught to the Wu Clan, and even knew my method of sanctification…”

Lao Tzu is silent, he is now, but a saint!

Fuxi has not yet become holy!

“Is preaching with strength that strong?” Lao Tzu squinted.

Suddenly, two rays of light fell from the sky.

The heavens and the primitives came together.

“Congratulations big brother!” Tong Tian laughed: “Wupangu True Sect, finally out of the saint!” ”

Primordial also frowned with joy, but still maintained a somewhat dignified reprimand to Tongtian and said, “Third brother, we should be honored as saints.” ”

“After becoming a saint, how can you and I still have such an attitude towards saints?”

Saints and below saints, have very different status!

“But there is no change between Nuwa Saint and her brother.” Tong Tian muttered, but still smiled.

“However, it’s great that the eldest brother can become holy!”

Lao Tzu sighed in his heart, the way he cultivated Wuwei, and he was a little clearer about the thoughts of the two brothers.

However, I don’t know what to do.

“If the feelings are deep enough, then the ending is good, if the feelings are not enough, then the ending is also our own problem…”

Just as Fuxi taught the Terrans, is there a risk?


Not to mention the cliff of the beast, even ordinary nights can kill people.

But did Fuxi tube?


Whether they can afford it or not, it is their own choice.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest.

This is also the way to do nothing!

Lao Tzu paused and said, “Two junior brothers, at this time, you should seize the opportunity.” ”

The two were stunned, and at the same time took out Fuxi’s note.


Thinking about the reason for Lao Tzu’s sanctification, the meaning has been clearly laid out.

Primordial happily sacrificed the Pangu Banner, learned from Lao Tzu, and said aloud to the sky: “My name is primitive, I am a disciple of the ancestor of Hongjun Dao, but I was transformed by the Great God of Pangu in Kaitian, and I am the true sect of Pangu, and today I have established a sect here to explain the teachings!” ”

“Illustrator, Akira. Ying Tianshun people, explain the avenue. ”

“I suppress the luck of the interpretation with the innate treasure pan ancient flag, all living beings, those with excellent qualifications, can enter my teaching, learn the supreme avenue, and learn the !!! of heaven and earth.”

Lao Tzu’s human teaching is fundamental, so the Terran Qi Luck is the most, but the primitive and Tongtian Interpretation and Interception Sect are different, so the Terran Qi Luck is only a small part.


Colorful auspicious clouds filled the sky, and endless merit descended from the sky, but compared with Lao Tzu, the momentum of primitive sanctification was a little weak.

The momentum is weak, but it is still smooth sailing to realize the holy way!

From then on, the Yuan God was placed in the void, did not account for cause and effect, immeasurable calamity and immortality, and lived with heaven and earth.

The huge sage coercion was covered with the flood wilderness, and the flood desolation beings who had just felt Lao Tzu’s sanctification on the side knelt down again.

“Congratulations junior brother, everything will not be destroyed from now on.”

Lao Tzu spoke lightly, his expression unchanged.

“Congratulations to the second brother for successfully preaching, and from now on he will live with heaven and earth, and all disasters will not be extinguished.” Eyebrows fluttered in the sky.

The original was not as plain as Lao Tzu, and the joy showed on the surface, and he laughed loudly: “Hahaha, where, where, junior brother also seize the opportunity and quickly preach.” ”

After congratulating Tongtian, he took a deep breath and took a step forward.

“My name is Tongtian, a disciple of the ancestor of Hongjun Dao, it was after the Pangu Great God opened the heavens, and the Yuan God was transformed into the Pangu True Sect, and today I have established a sect here, as: Truncated Sect!!”

“Interceptor, intercept the first-line heavenly machine!”

“I suppress luck with the ultimate innate spirit treasure southern flame light banner and the central apricot yellow flag, among the three realms, all sentient beings, those who have the fortune can enter my door, learn the supreme avenue, heaven and earth learn the !!!”

Tong Tian preached that he was inferior to Lao Tzu, but his momentum was greater than that of the primitive, which made the primitive face turn black not long after he became holy.

Tongtian Dao has a clear heart, and he has talked with Fuxi several times, and discussed with many powerful Dao.

Compared to the arrogant primitive, his cultivation is a little stronger!

After Lao Tzu beheaded three corpses, he preached with merit, and the original Fang Cai beheaded two corpses, so he directly preached merit.

And although Tongtian is not as good as Lao Tzu, it is about to cut off the third corpse, which is stronger than the original!

But fortunately, what made the original gratifying was that both he and Lao Tzu suppressed qi luck with innate supreme treasures, and only Tongtian’s suppression of qi luck with the ultimate innate spirit treasure forced a lot worse.

Fuxi Tai Wei had already completed the number, naturally he could see the original expression, and he laughed in his heart.

The suppression of qi luck is not a high level, and the effect is good.

If Fuxi didn’t snatch away the Four Immortal Swords, Tongtian would suppress Qi Luck with the Immortal Sword Array.

But that thing is not used to suppress luck at all!

In terms of effect, it is not as good as some ordinary spirit treasures, which will only lead to the continuous loss of his luck in intercepting the sect, and in the end, the entire sect is almost destroyed, the death of disciples, the apostasy of the apostasy, and there is almost nothing left.

Although the number of things used is not enough, from the perspective of the effect of suppressing qi luck alone, it may be a little stronger than the four swords of the Immortals.


Fuxi looked at Primordial and sneered inwardly.

“It is indeed difficult to suppress Qi Luck when the Four Sword Masters of the Immortal Immortals kill, but is your Pangu Banner really so suitable for suppressing Qi Luck?”


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