Chapter 164: Primordial Arrogance, Drilling Wood (Five More Subscriptions)

In the end, the entire sect was suppressed, dead and fleeing, and a large number of disciples were harvested by others as mounts, and the entire sect did not know if there were any disciples.

However, he is not primitive!

Manjushri, Puxian, Cihang, Burning Lamp…

Such familiar names appeared in Buddhism in the future!

Although it did not have the point of almost the total extinction of the sect, it also lost half of the high-level of the sect.

Second brother, don’t laugh at third brother, you are the same.

Of course, he doesn’t think about those things at all now, just with the joy of holiness.

But soon, his face froze.

Because he found that he had added up his three Qing, he had occupied the four percent of the Terran’s luck.

Lao Tzu established a human religion, accounting for two percent, and Tong Tian and Primitive each accounted for one percent.

And Nuwa…

One person occupies sixty percent of luck!

Luck is like the shares of the next generation, you have shares, you can naturally get benefits from the company (Terrans), and you have a greater right to speak.

But now Sanqing’s right to speak together is actually not as good as a Nuwa!

“Fortunately, this Terran was created by Senior Sister Nuwa, we just take advantage, isn’t it normal for us to have a voice that is comparable to them?” The sky is open.

Now that he has preached, as for the luck of the human race, only Lao Tzu of the Liren Sect cares more.

As long as you want, no matter what kind of creature you are, you can join the sect and worship in the intercept religion.

“Tongtian, we are the true sect of Pangu, and this creature in the flood desolation should be taught by us.” Primordial frowned: “Even if it is the Terran created by Nuwa Daoyou, but in terms of teaching, it should still be handled by us.” ”

“Teacher Hongjun is also a creature of the Hong Wilderness.” Tong Tian muttered: “Isn’t he still educating us?” ”

Primordial face darkened, but he really couldn’t find anything to say.

Primitive and arrogant, he has always regarded himself as an authentic Pangu.

But the authentic Pangu sect is not the first to become holy, but needs others to guide you to sanctification?

But on the other hand, Hongjun is a teacher!

“Third brother, is that how you talk to your second brother?” Primordial couldn’t help but say.

Tong Tian said without being soft or hard: “Second brother, Nuwa is a senior sister.” ”

Well, it’s Senior Sister.

But you call him ‘Nuwa Daoyou’.

If you are humble, please obey it first.

“You—” Primordial was about to strike when he was angry.

Lao Tzu sighed, the way to do nothing, natural selection.

But looking at the contradictory feelings of the brothers, it’s really not good.

But fortunately, a voice suddenly appeared in the sky, interrupting the primitive, heavenly quarrel.

“Whoever becomes holy shall open a dojo in his thirties.”

It’s Hongjun’s voice.

Although the original is arrogant, he has more respect for Hongjun.

In other words, Hongjun’s strength must be respected even by him.

So he bowed slightly and said together with Tongtian and Lao Tzu.

“Obey the orders of the Dao Ancestor.”

Then Lao Tzu nodded at Fuxi, flew to the sky first, and then it was primitive, without saying a word, and left directly.

Tong Tian also laughed and said to Fuxi: “Fuxi Daoist, come to my new dojo when you have time, you and I will rest as soon as I get drunk!” ”

And then the same fly out of the sky.

Fuxi touched his chin, nodded in agreement, and then watched several people leave one after another.

Lao Tzu seems to have discovered something, Tong Tian is as bold as ever, but primitive…

It seems that after becoming a saint, his strength is extraordinary, he is immortal, and his arrogance is even greater.

But Fuxi didn’t care.

No matter what, Lao Tzu, Primordial and others all occupy the luck of the Terran race.

Luck is like equity, although in the eyes of many people, watching their company being injected and held by others looks like their own industry has been stolen by others, but in fact, it is not.

They have a stake, but they also do things for the company!

Possessing the luck of the Terrans, even if they are unwilling, they must do their best to assist the growth of the Terrans, protect and educate the growth of the Terrans.

Although the luck of the Terrans will be divided, the cake will be made bigger!

Terrans, too, will be stronger!

On the contrary, although Nuwa paid a little luck, she would get more.

Like what……

Fuxi lowered his eyes slightly.

Lao Tzu preached, facing the entire Terran race, almost all the Terrans listened to Lao Tzu’s instructions.

After the sermon, the cultivation of the entire Terran race has also improved a little, and they can start hunting weaker beasts.

Today, there is a tribal patriarch who takes his people out to hunt.

But he didn’t want to hunt, thunder suddenly fell in the sky, which startled everyone, and hurriedly dropped his prey to flee, looking in fear at the roaring flames that burned because of thunder and lightning.

In fact, it was not a single race, and the surrounding beasts were also frightened and fled after seeing the sky-high fire.

However, the man’s eyes lit up.

The Terrans are afraid of the cold at night, and have been attacked by all kinds of mosquitoes and wild beasts, and poor and innocent tribesmen die every day.

But now these beasts are afraid of fire!

The man immediately realized that if the fire could be brought to the tribe, if it was not extinguished in the tribe for a long time, would the tribe be protected from the attack of wild beasts in the future?

At the same time, this flame… So raw and warm!

So he picked up a branch, and with flames burning on it, ran towards the tribe, but unfortunately it was far from the tribe, and he tried many times without failure.

Just when he was depressed, he suddenly smelled a fragrance.

It turned out that the meat he was hunting was burned by fire.

Although the surface of the prey’s meat was scorched, but the Terran life was very bitter, the man still tore off a piece and put it in his mouth, although the meat was a little burnt, but it tasted very good, unlike raw meat, full of endless bloody taste, and easy to chew and swallow.

Then he understood that flames could not only drive away wild beasts, but also be used to roast meat, allowing the people to eat delicious meat.

He looked at the wood and thought for a long time, there were countless dirt and rocks around, but it was still wood that ignited the flames.

He thought of a lot of ways, to smash with stones, to kick with his feet, to stab with wood …

Eventually, he began to try drilling wood, grinding and grinding when the temperature of the pole reached a certain level. Smoke rose from the branches in his hands.

A gentle breeze blew by, Mars burned, and the smoking branches actually burned.

Let him dance with the burning branches.

Suddenly, a beautiful woman wearing a light and elegant long dress appeared, and the woman he also knew – it was the Yunxiao Fairy who had guarded the Terran race over the years!

“From today onwards, Ru is the Flintstone.”

Yunxiao spoke softly, as if a ray of spiritual light had been injected into the Flintstone’s mind.

The Flintstones took a deep breath, knelt on the ground, and said loudly.

“Heaven and earth are witnesses, today the Wu Flint clan drilled wood for fire, and got a flame, the Terrans can bid farewell to the day when Ru Mao drank blood, not afraid of wild beasts, and heaven and earth learned !!!”

“Boom !!!”

As soon as the words of the Flintstones fell, a thunder sounded in the sky, and the Xuanhuang Qi gathered.

Heaven descends merit!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – receive

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