Chapter 467 Brother, your acting skills are too exaggerated!

At this time, the Voidwalker had already caught the flying knife thrown by Jiang Xiaobai.

Wei Xuehai thought that his business was over, and he no longer paid attention to the Voidwalker. Instead, he wanted to ask Jiang Xiaobai, what does it mean by doing this…I want to see the Voidwalker changing color before he exploded. It would be better to just grab it. A chameleon…However, before Wei Xuehai could speak, Jiang Xiaobai said again: “Principal Wei is so stunned, why quickly control that Voidwalker.”

Wei Xuehai’s face turned dark and his figure was vertical, and he immediately brought the Voidwalker back.

“I want to see what tricks your kid is playing! If you can’t say one, two, three, see how I settle accounts with you.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai just smiled deeply, and then threw a “growth pain” at that…Voidwalker

, Looking at that…Voidwalker began to leak slowly…Wei Xuehai and the others looked inexplicably, and wanted to ask several times, but they were all stopped by Zhang Xunkun with a black face.

“Don’t worry about anyone, I’m waiting for this kid to explain to me personally!”

As soon as the voice fell, Jiang Xiaobai said lightly: “Let Voidwalker explain to you.”

After that, Jiang Xiaobai ignored the three 3 principals and played a game with Voidwalker on his own.

Wei Xuehai’s face became darker and darker.

However, it will continue to “leak” until the fourth time

When the Voidwalker from was captured, Wei Xuehai and others’ expressions finally changed 673.

“Why hasn’t the color of this Voidwalker been restored to its original state”

Zhang Xunkun said in surprise.

“Because this Voidwalker is about to blew himself up.”

As soon as he finished speaking, Jiang Xiaobai pulled Jiang Xiaoxin away from him.

Hearing that, the three of Wei Xuehai, Zhang Xunkun, and Liu Hanshan hurriedly jumped ten meters away, and they did not forget to yell at Jiang Xiaobai.

“You stinky boy, you actually yin us!”

Accompanied by the three 3 principals spitting out, the Voidwalker has already performed “Dimensional Burst”


Boom – The remaining elemental power in the void walker burst out in an instant, and a huge sound wave immediately resounded through the entire dimensional space.

… “It’s terrible-Jiang Xiaobai, you almost hurt us!”

Wei Xuehai had lingering fears and shouted directly at Jiang Xiaobai.

“What the hell are you doing so much?”

Looking at Wei Xuehai, who was jumping like a thunder, Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and said faintly: “This test proves that by following the method just now, you can change the conditions for Voidwalker to use the Dimensional Burst skill.”

Zhang Xunkun and the three of them listened to it, and they were taken aback.

“You mean…”

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t wait: Zhang Xunkun finished speaking and nodded directly: “Yes, I just want the Void Walker in this dimensional space as my eyeliner!”

Speaking of which, Jiang Xiaobai swept the learning sea lightly.

“If there are hundreds of Voidwalkers, they will explode when they see other types. Guess whether Drake can hide his whereabouts.”

After listening to Jiang Xiaobai’s words, Wei Xuehai finally realized it.

It’s no wonder that this stinky kid just said that he would let someone explain it to me!…Next, the three principals of Wei Xuehai, without Jiang Xiaobai’s instructions, began to catch the Voidwalker and then gave it to Jiang Xiaobai.

And Jiang Xiaobai repeated the same trick, tuned all the captured Voidwalkers to the critical point of self-destruction, and then released them one by one.

After busying for a long time, at least a quarter of the void walkers in the entire dimensional space exploded directly because of Jiang Xiaobai’s repeated torture.

This is so, in the past half a day, there are also hundreds of dimensional creatures that are full of hatred for humans wandering around.

The four men kept busy, but Jiang Xiaoxin sighed to Jiang Xiao.

While the three three principals were all going to catch the Voidwalker, Jiang Xiaobai would have lost something, “Yes, I blew so many Voidwalkers, there is not a single star…”

As he was talking, there was a huge cracking sound in the distance.

Before the sound disappeared, Liu Hanshan and the three had rushed to Jiang Xiaobai’s side.

“It should be the goal.”

Jiang Xiaobai raised his brows and said to Zhang Xunkun and others.

Wei Xuehai, Liu Hanshan and Zhang Xunkun nodded together, and then whispered: “You two, be careful, we have to hide first.”

As soon as the words were finished, the three 3 principals had disappeared.

“Finally it’s time for me to act!”

Having been bored for so long, Jiang Xiaoxin has long been unable to restrain her.

…Drake feels that today’s dimensional space is a bit inexplicable.

From sneaking into this cold-color meta-space, all the dimensional creatures I encountered were violent and a little abnormal.

Although Voidwalker is full of strong hatred for life-like creatures.

But it has never been like today, every dimensional creature that I have encountered, as long as it is aware of its own existence, it will explode without hesitation.

Not even any other attack method! Although with Drake’s strength on the seventh floor of the Nebula Realm, avoiding the self-destruction of the Voidwalker is simply… more than enough.

However, Drake still felt strange in his heart.

However, when he thought of Jiang Xiaobai in front of the competition committee that he had collected evidence of his connection with the dark web, Drake couldn’t take care of that much.

Before entering this dimensional space, Drake had already made up his mind that he must kill Jiang Xiaobai today! Along the way, Drake encountered a lot of Voidwalkers who activated his Dimensional Burst skills.

It’s not surprising.

Finally, in the depths of the dimensional space, Drake found Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin.

I saw that Jiang Xiaoxin was fighting a Voidwalker, while Jiang Xiaobai was sitting lazily on the side, watching Jiang Xiaoxin move her hands while gesticulating.

“You kid still has the heart to point others”

Drake sneered and floated directly in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

“Principal Drake, why are you here”

Seeing Drake, Jiang Xiaobai showed a hint of surprise on his face.

Upon seeing this, Drake thought he had succeeded, and couldn’t help laughing wildly: “Didn’t you have collected my evidence? I want to see how the dead handed the evidence to the competition committee!”

With that, Drake laughed again.

However-“I’m so scared.”

Seeing that Drake was about to die but still didn’t know it, Jiang Xiaobai didn’t even have the thought of continuing to play with Drake.

At this time, Drake noticed the flamboyant expression on Jiang Xiaobai’s face at all, and thought that Jiang Xiaobai was saying the truth.

“Haha, I also want to thank you for choosing this dimensional space.

Here, your wings are hard to fly.”

As soon as the voice fell, Wei Xuehai’s voice suddenly sounded.

“Principal Drake is right. In this space, it is indeed difficult to fly!”

And Jiang Xiaoxin finally couldn’t help but vomit: “Brother, your performance just now was really ostentatious.”

Jiang Xiaobai: “……”

Drake: “”

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