Chapter 468 Itchy hands for a while

Drake, with his head full of question marks, soon discovered that Wei Xuehai, Zhang Xunkun and Qi Hanshan were already surrounded by him at the same time.

“Damn it, it’s the kid’s calculation!”

Sensing the… undisguised killing intent on Wei Xuehai’s trio 3, Drake’s heart sank. This was clearly aimed at his own killing.

What about submitting evidence to the competition committee?This Jiang Xiaobai is probably the same as he thought, only the dead can keep the secret.Drake’s face is uncertain, and Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes are locked.

If it weren’t for Zhang Xunkun and others to stop in front of him at this moment, Drake really wanted to tear this kid alive.

“Look at me not pleasing to your eyes”

Jiang Xiaobai smiled, and put his hands around his chest.

“It’s okay, I’m used to watching it.”

“Don’t talk nonsense with him, Drake, today will be your memorial day next year!”

Zhang Xunkun rubbed his hands together, and the star power in his hand condensed in an instant, and in an instant he had condensed into a long knife like the condensation of stars.

“Xingli Shaping!”

Seeing the star power long knife in Wei Xuehai’s hand, Drake was slightly surprised.This Xunkun star power can be condensed and formed so easily. Unmatched meaning.

As for Liu Hanshan, he just took a step forward with an unmoving look, and his body suddenly began to swell violently, but in a blink of an eye, an old man who originally looked weak and weak suddenly became a strong man with a height of nearly three meters, and the star power on his body fluctuated. , Is extremely manic.

At the same time, beside Wei Xuehai, there was a palm-sized blue bird suddenly.The blue bird had extremely long tail feathers and a pair of eyes staring at Drake very spiritually.Although it was small, the fluctuations that emanated from his body were also in the Nebula Realm! Wei Xuehai’s true talent is actually a summoning ability, and this blue bird, Jiang Xiaobai, don’t say that he has seen it before, and has never heard of it.

“very good!”

There was a trace of madness on Drake’s face, and the star power surged wildly on his body, “It’s not that easy to miss me!”

As soon as the voice fell, the star power in Drake’s hand surged out and went straight to Jiang Xiaobai, turning a blind eye to Zhang Xunkun and others.

Seeing this, Zhang Xunkun couldn’t help feeling horrified, his figure flashed, and he was already in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Drake’s move, is it because there is no hope to escape, and it is impossible to get Jiang Xiaobai to be buried. At the moment Drake started, Wei Xuehai and Liu Hanshan and others made the same shot. Liu Hanshan punched out, although the punch is slow, there is space It seemed to be shaking slightly.As for the blue bird that Wei Xuehai released, its wings were lightly flapped, and two wind blades were formed in an instant, almost instantly, and it had already reached Drake’s back.


The two wind blades are like cutting through thin paper, easily breaking through Drake’s body protection star power. Drake ejected a blood arrow, but suddenly a strange six-pointed star array appeared under his feet. The blood spurted out, and the six-pointed star array was clearly activated, and Drake’s figure suddenly flashed and disappeared in front of everyone.

Looking at the six-pointed star formation on the ground, everyone’s expressions moved slightly, this Drake’s true talent is actually a teleport talent, this kind of talent, but it is known as the strongest life-saving talent! “This Drake, I don’t need the dignity of a strong man. ”

“Fortunately, I chose this space law dimensional space. This Drake uses the teleportation array, and it can only teleport a few kilometers nearby. Let’s search!”

…A valley a few kilometers away.

Drake’s face flashed out of the air like a white paper, and his face became even more ugly.

The attack on the Nebula Realm, especially Drake, is also very uncomfortable at this moment.

“Humph, I want to kill me Drake, it’s a bit early.”

Drake wiped the blood stains from the corners of his mouth, and his gaze fell on a nearby Voidwalker.

“Why did you change color?”

Drake had just realized that this Voidwalker had actually launched a self-destruction skill.


After the explosion, Zhang Xunkun and others had once again appeared in front of Drake.

“Want to catch up with me, dream!”

A trace of hideousness appeared on Drake’s face, and a six-pointed star quickly formed under his feet.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but sink.

If Drake is allowed to run away this time, I am afraid that in a short time, he will never have the chance to kill Drake again.

It is a pity that there is too much difference between the realm of himself and Drake, and the skills cast cannot affect Drake at all.

Without a hit, Jiang Xiaobai felt even more anxious.Suddenly, looking at Jiang Xiaoxin, Jiang Xiao: Suddenly, there was a movement in his heart, and there was no time to explain, he directly pulled Jiang Xiaoxin into his arms, and then hugged him.

Jiang Xiaoxin, who was hugged by the princess, couldn’t help but flushed, feeling helpless and embarrassed, she even beat Jiang Xiaobai’s chest a few times.

“Brother, what are you doing, I haven’t prepared yet!”

“I’ll talk about it later!”

“Hold your sister in your arms and kill!”

Suddenly a flying knife appeared in Jiang Xiaobai’s hand, and Xing Li instantly locked Drake on.

Drake, who was activating, suddenly felt Xingli’s pause: His attention was suddenly attracted by the inferior flying knife thrown by Jiang Xiaobai.It seemed that the flying knife was the most rare treasure in the world.


…I believe in your evil! Drake was just taken aback, the star power circulating in his body had returned to normal.

Partly, partly itchy… I really want to scratch it… But at this moment, Zhang Xunkun’s star power long knife has arrived… With a kitchen knife in his hand, he cuts the wire, sparks and lightning all the way.

Jiang Xiaobai looked at the scene on the court, and suddenly remembered a dish called Baiqie Chicken, a thick kitchen knife, and a knife cut it towards the chicken wings.

Clean and neat… “Ah”

Listening to Drake’s miserable howl, Zhang Xunkun never thought that Drake would be cut off one hand so easily. Seeing Drake’s other hand placed in a local position, he subconsciously thought of Jiang Xiaobai… Bring smoking skills.

“Xiaobai, your skills can actually affect the Nebula Realm”

When he was surprised, Zhang Xunkun didn’t know why, and suddenly felt that his situation seemed to be tight.

This is so special that Jiang Xiaobai won’t do this trick to himself. After listening to Zhang Xunkun’s words, Wei Xuehai and Liu Hanshan immediately understood, and they couldn’t help looking at Jiang Xiaobai in amazement.

However, he found that Jiang Xiaobai was holding Jiang Xiaoxin in his arms, with a calm expression on his face.

“Accident, accident.”

Jiang Xiaobai grinned, “For a moment… your hands are itchy.”


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