Chapter 520 Good people are safe. (4/5)

The venomous spider within ten meters of Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze, with Jiang Xiaobai’s thoughts, the spider in one place within his sight instantly exploded its nest.

I saw the large and small spiders within ten meters, all screaming…With a sound, a bunch of spider silks burst out locally, and then they fell on the ground and twitched…Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth Slightly tugged, “growth pain”

After increasing the range, the power really makes people want to stop.

Just silently feeling the star power consumption in his body, Jiang Xiaobai also frowned slightly.If he uses the scope of growth pain, the star power consumption is at least ten times that of a single target.

“Brother, let’s help you.”

Just as Jiang Xiaobai was pondering, Jiang Xiaoxin and Xu Yan walked over. When Xu Yan raised his hand, a flame spell shrouded a group of spiders that had just fallen on the ground into a sea of ​​fire.

Looking at the raging red flames, Jiang Xiaobai looked at Xu Yan with some surprise.

“Sister Yan, you are actually a fire-type superpower”

Xu Yan arrogantly raised her chin at Jiang Xiaobai, and another flame shot out from her hand.

This time it turned out to be a range spell! I saw a mysterious imprint looming in a sea of ​​fire, instantly burning more than a dozen highly poisonous spiders.

And Jiang Xiaoxin on the other side is not too much.

“Ice Dance”

As soon as the skill was deployed, ice ridges fell from the sky one after another, nailing dozens of poisonous spiders to the ground.

With the addition of Jiang Xiaoxin and Xu Yan, one Ice Element, one Fire Element, the speed of clearing monsters began to accelerate greatly.

“Tsk tusk, this is the real two heavens of ice and fire.”

Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help boasting, but there was a strange smile at the corner of his mouth.

Jiang Xiaoxin didn’t hear the deep meaning, only when Jiang Xiaobai was…praising herself and Teacher Xu.

But Xu Yan was a few years older, and immediately tasted the ambiguity in Jiang Xiaobai’s words, and couldn’t help but glance at it scornfully.

“Do you want to learn about the two heavens of ice and fire”

When Jiang Xiaobai heard this, he couldn’t help but smirked at Xu Yan: “It seems that Sister Yan is also an old driver. I can fight Zhou Jia another day.”

“Zhou Jia”

Xu Yanxiu raised her eyebrows, and then cast a meaningful look at Jiang Xiaobai, “Do you often race with Zhou Jia?”

No, Jiang Xiaobai smiled and replied: “How can I beat Zhou Jia? She is a real old driver, specializing in driving the kind of car with the brakes and steering wheel removed!”

Xu Yan: “…”

After laughing for a while, Xu Yan suddenly frowned.

“There are so many poisonous spiders in this forest, isn’t there a boss-level monster?”

Jiang Xiaobai also found it strange.

I have shot at least a poisonous spider just now, but there has never been a poisonous spider with an abnormal body shape or a strange color.

After thinking for a moment, Jiang Xiaoxin said in an uncertain tone: “Perhaps the leader-level venomous spider is deeper in the forest.”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai and Xu Yan can only nod their heads.

It seems that there is no more reasonable explanation.

However, until the three of them 3 passed through the entire forest and came to a grassland, they did not encounter a leader-level venomous spider.

“There are a lot of poisonous snakes lurking in this grassland.”

Xu Yan stared at the grassland in front of her warily.

“And the number is more than the poisonous spiders we killed just now.”

Jiang Xiaobai has also noticed something strange.

In the seemingly calm grassland, a strange breath faintly spread.

If you sense it carefully, you can even smell a pressure similar to solidification from the air.

At this moment, in order to verify her words, Xu Yan suddenly threw a fireball in her hand.

Suddenly, the place where the fireball technique fell was burnt to black.

And there were at least dozens of scorched poisonous snakes remaining within a range of only a few meters.

There are also some small venomous snakes that have not been burned to death, slowly twisting their bodies on the scorched earth.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but feel a little headache.

Although these venomous snakes are not high-level, they are very poisonous.

And some venomous snakes are very small, and the color is grass green.

As long as you don’t pay attention, it will be regarded as a weed on the grassland.

What’s more, when Xu Yan burned like that just now, the whole grassland instantly began to change: “waves ups and downs”

But there is no wind at all.

Obviously, this is caused by the movement of the poisonous snakes hidden in the grassland.

Such a large number is simply… inexhaustible to kill.

It really makes Jiang Xiaobai feel troubled.

At this moment, Jiang Xiaoxin suddenly said, “I can try it and see if I can bless Daha with an ice armor.”

Ice armor is the basic defense technique in ice spells.

Ice-type awakeners can condense a layer of hard and smooth ice armor on themselves or their companions.

The cold air can also affect the surrounding enemies, causing their action to become stagnant.

“This is a good idea.”

Jiang Xiaobai nodded and said, “But am I, Zhao people still have to be careful, some poisonous snakes can spray venom.”

With that said, Jiang Xiaobai summoned Daha again.

Jiang Xiaoxin felt the prototype Daha, with star power in her hand, and directly blessed Daha with a layer of ice armor.

“Sister Yan, at this moment, I want to send you a word.”

Xu Yan’s face flushed, her nose deepened and asked, “What can I say to him?”

“A good man is safe.”

Xu Yan: “…”

However, embarrassment belongs to embarrassment, the method Jiang Xiaoxin proposed is…very effective.

Countless venomous snakes want to bite the Daha covered by ice armor, but they can only bite on the ice armor.

Many poisonous snakes are directly broken by the hard ice armor because of excessive force.

Viper: “…”

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