Chapter 521 Demon Rebirth (5/5)

After entering the depths of the grassland, larger venomous snakes began to appear, constantly spraying venom on Daha and Jiang Xiaobai on Daha.

Fortunately, Jiang Xiaoxin and Xu Yan were prepared.

One after the other, the two displayed a shield of frost and a shield of fire, blocking all the venom sprayed by the poisonous snake.

But Xu Yan suffered.

Not only had to resist the strange feelings that kept coming from him, but also had to concentrate on setting a fire shield.

Don’t mention how difficult it is.

But Jiang Xiaobai is very leisurely.

In the past, the left hugged and the right hugged, now it is “front hug and back hug”

And “back hug”

That person keeps giving himself “benefits”

…After Daha ran for half an hour, the trio 3 finally came to the edge of the grassland.

Looking around, I saw a huge basin suddenly appearing on the periphery of the grassland.

After Daha stopped, Xu Yan blushed and jumped down, and seized the opportunity to pinch Jiang Xiaobai secretly.


Jiang Xiaobai was unprepared, and couldn’t help but whisper under the pain.

“Brother, what’s wrong with you”

Jiang Xiaoxin looked back at Jiang Xiaobai, her face full of care.

But I saw Jiang Xiaobai jump to the ground, pretending to be painful 013: “I was accidentally stung by a beautiful snake just now-I seem to be poisoned!”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaoxin looked anxious, and hurriedly jumped off Daha, and then quickly walked towards Jiang Xiaobai who was still pretending to be.

However, Jiang Xiaoxin immediately understood after catching a glimpse of Xu Yan, who was blushing.

“Brother, you are driving again.”

With that said, Jiang Xiaoxin turned her head blankly.

Jiang Xiaobai didn’t care, took the binoculars from Xu Yan with a light smile, and came to the edge of the grassland.

As soon as he glanced down, Jiang Xiaobai couldn’t help but his face changed slightly.

Seeing this, Xu Yan and Jiang Xiaoxin also hurriedly took out their binoculars and glanced down.

I saw “creeping” in the basin below

There are countless dwarf monsters resembling humanoids! These monsters have a pair of wings, their bodies are yellow, and their mouths are fangs, they are constantly biting each other.

Looking at the dwarf monsters who were attacking each other and swallowing them…Xu Yan’s face turned pale, and said to Jiang Xiaobai and Jiang Xiaoxin: “This is the lowest level of hell creatures here, the bigger ones are’little monsters’. ”

While speaking, Jiang Xiaoxin stretched out her hand and pointed further away.

“Look over there, those…the guys with reddish bodies are one level higher than these…the little monsters, everyone calls them’monsters’ ‘.

These…monsters that rely on instinct to fight can only use their claws and teeth to attack, but they can add a state of ‘doom is coming’ to humans.”

“Doom comes”

Jiang Xiaobai wondered, “What the hell is it?”

However, Xu Yan replied nervously: “These…lower underworld students exert an influence on people’s mental state.

People who fall into ‘Doom is coming’ will have a much higher chance of making mistakes, but because people didn’t associate this situation with monsters before, they just felt unlucky.”

Hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai had already understood and thought about it: “So after discovering that this situation has something to do with those monsters, your grandpa and the others call this skill that affects people’s mental state’Doom comes.’ ”

Xu Yan nodded, and said with a sad expression: “My grandfather has warned me specifically not to underestimate the monster.

Although their attack power is extremely weak, they are numerous.

Once the awakened is surrounded by monsters, they will be constantly affected by the ‘Doomsday’ skill, and it’s easy to make mistakes in battle and even lose their lives.”

There are some things that Xu Yan did not say clearly, but Jiang Xiaobai faintly guessed that those people who entered the mysterious passage Xu Jingsong must have been besieged by monsters and paid the price of their lives for it! “Brother, shall we go on now?”

Looking at the small monsters and monsters underneath, Jiang Xiaoxin’s pretty face couldn’t help but appear pale.

It’s not that Jiang Xiaoxin is scared, but those…the little monsters crowded into a pile are really disgusting.

Especially looking down from above.

Those… piles after piles, and the little monsters that are still squirming slowly are like piles of maggots… Jiang Xiaobai thought about it for a moment, and smiled faintly: “Go down first. Take a look, if it is too dangerous, we will turn back immediately.”

If he didn’t bring Jiang Xiaoxin and Xu Yan, Jiang Xiaobai would definitely take the opportunity to go deep into the hell space.

After all, Xu Yan was able to enter the hell space this time, and it was only through Xu Yan’s grandfather Xu Jingsong that he was able to make the trip smoothly.

If I miss this opportunity, I really don’t know if I can ask Xu Jingsong to help next time.

But compared to other things, Jiang Xiaobai cares more about Jiang Xiaoxin and Xu Yan’s safety.

Three people 3 slowly approached the basin and walked down the steep path.

As soon as they arrived on a slightly spacious rocky road, the more than a dozen small monsters in the basin that were attacking each other had already smelled the breath of human beings.


These…the little monsters let out a scream, and then rushed towards Jiang Xiaobai’s trio 3.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoxin condensed her star power, knocked out several ice cones, and nailed these little monsters to the ground.

However, Xu Yan frowned tightly.

“Killing alone is useless.

My grandpa said, these…little monsters belong to the hell type creatures, and after all demons are killed, they will be reborn in the hell space.”

Upon hearing this, Jiang Xiaobai nodded thoughtfully, and then smiled slightly at Xu Yan and Jiang Xiaoxin.

“Old rules, you stay here and don’t move, I’ll fix these things.”

After speaking, Jiang Xiaobai greeted him alone.

At this time, several small monsters nearby, after discovering the movement here, also rushed over with their teeth and claws.

Jiang Xiaobai’s eyes condensed, and a fist has already been swung to the face of the little monster who rushed forward.

Just listen to “bang”

With a cry of the earth, this little monster has already flew up and then smashed into the pile of little monsters in the distance.

Xu Yan glanced at it, and in an instant, the little monster was torn apart by other little monsters! But at the same time, a deep crack suddenly appeared in the mid-air not far away, and a… little monster came from inside. Jump to the ground vigorously.

Seeing this, Jiang Xiaoxin couldn’t help asking Xu Yan: “Is this the devil’s rebirth in the hell space?”

Xu Yan nodded solemnly.

Although I have heard about the rebirth of the devil from Xu Jingsong, it is the first time Xu Yan has seen it with her own eyes.

If you change the place, perhaps Xu Yan will find it incredibly magical.

But at this time, Xu Yan, like Jiang Xiaoxin, only felt weird in her heart.

Especially, there was a faint howling sound from the deep demon’s rebirth door!!

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