Chapter 71 Because you are not fierce enough (Tenth update, please order first!)

After the battle just now, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia and Thu Hai need a certain amount of time to regain their energy.

During the process, Jiang Xiaobai continued to tease the bloodthirsty wolf in front of him.

And the movements become more frantic.

Just like now, after touching the head of the bloodthirsty wolf, Jiang Xiaobai raised his left hand and placed it in front of the bloodthirsty wolf.

Looking at the hand that was handed to him, although the bloodthirsty wolf was a little dazed, the instinct of the dimensional creature drove the bloodthirsty wolf to open its blood basin.

But when the bloodthirsty wolf bit down, the teeth were closed and it was completely empty at the same time, and Jiang Xiaobai himself didn’t know when he took the hand that was passed to the bloodthirsty wolf’s mouth back.

At the same time, before the bloodthirsty wolf came back to his senses, a slap was already on the bloodthirsty wolf’s face.

After that, Jiang Xiaobai continued to pass his hand to the mouth of the bloodthirsty wolf in the same way.

The bloodthirsty wolf, who had not yet realized all the true meanings, opened his mouth again.

It’s just that this time, without waiting for the bloodthirsty wolf’s bite, he already felt a pain in his old face.

Then, looking at the slender and delicious hand in front of him, the bloodthirsty wolf clearly realized.

Lifting his head, he looked at Jiang Xiaobai in front of him bitterly, no matter what…

No matter how Jiang Xiaobai’s hand swayed in front of him, the bloodthirsty wolf turned a blind eye.

From the previous break, Zhou Jia’s sight was… on Jiang Xiaobai and the bloodthirsty wolf.

Especially when watching the bloodthirsty wolf being played around by Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia’s heart was even more moved.

After all, girls, for this kind of furry things, always lack resistance.

But Zhou Jia was certain that once she stepped forward, she might be defeated by Jiang Xiaobai’s poisonous tongue and come back.

In the end, Thu Hai, who was next to Jiang Xiaobai, couldn’t help asking: “So what, classmate Xiaobai, can you let me touch this bloodthirsty wolf?”

Hearing that, Jiang Xiaobai shrugged and said, “You are free.”

On Thursday, Hai Wenyan poked his hand, and then handed out a hand to put it on the bloodthirsty wolf’s head.

But it didn’t wait: the hand fell, and the bloodthirsty wolf over there suddenly turned his head and looked fiercely staring at the Thursday Sea.

Seeing this, where on Thursday Hai Hai dare to continue, the hand originally handed out quickly returned.

After shaking his hands with lingering fears, Chu Hai couldn’t help but said, “Forget it, I’m still a little scared…!”

Although it was interesting to see Jiang Xiaobai teasing this bloodthirsty wolf, when he faced it personally, he was still a little scared.

After all, the one in front of you is not a real pet, but a dimensional creature! Jiang Xiaobai waved his hand and said, “It’s okay, you are afraid of it because you are not fierce enough.”

“Not enough… fierce”

On Thursday, Hai looked at Jiang Xiaobai with some doubts.

“Yes, it’s like this.”

As he said, Jiang Xiaobai’s head turned lightly, and when he looked at the bloodthirsty wolf, his face suddenly sank.

The bloodthirsty wolf with a fierce look facing Thu Hai looked at Jiang Xiaobai’s suddenly cold face. The original hairy and arched body immediately fell on the ground, and his head was protected by his two front feet and his hind feet and still “whoop”.

A few times.

Thu Hai: …turning his head and looking at Thu Hai, Jiang Xiaobai said, “Look! It’s okay if you’re so fierce, as long as you’re super fierce, it’s super scary.”

On Thursday, Hai’s eyelids jumped, and then turned his head to look at the bloodthirsty wolf who was killed by Jiang Xiaobai before, thinking that he might not be fierce anymore.

After resting, the group continued to walk through the forest.

But compared to before, Jiang Xiaobai has one more pet beside him.

It was also time to meet a few bloodthirsty wolves, and Jiang Xiaoxin and others had already begun to fight.

About ten meters away, the bloodthirsty wolf at this moment turned his head and glanced at Jiang Xiaobai.

When he noticed that Jiang Xiaobai’s gaze and attention had been kept far away, the eyes of the bloodthirsty wolf who had been succumbing to Jiang Xiaobai’s side moved before.

A few seconds later, Jiang Xiaobai was named “Daha” next to him

The bloodthirsty wolf tried a small step backward on both hind legs.

He raised his head and looked at Jiang Xiaobai again.

Seeing that Jiang Xiaobai didn’t respond, Daha moved two steps back with his two front feet and heels, and then looked at Jiang Xiaobai with a timid expression.

In this kind of slow movement, it was only a few steps away, but it took a full minute of bloodthirsty wolf.

But the bloodthirsty wolf’s eyes were a little bit of joy, as if it was the joy of escaping from the cage and returning to freedom.


However, at this moment, a figure suddenly rushed out of the grass on one side, and then leaped straight towards Jiang Xiaobai.

But it was another bloodthirsty wolf who was alone and attracted by the sound.

While the body was still in the air, this bloodthirsty wolf had already reached out its sharp claws and swung towards Jiang Xiaobai.

But when the bloodthirsty wolf was only less than three meters away from Jiang Xiaobai, he was about to tear Jiang Xiaobai in half with his sharp claws.

Suddenly, the bloodthirsty wolf leaping up in the air suddenly wailed, and its body fell directly from the air.

While kneeling on the ground with his two front feet and hind feet, the thrust of his body still pushed the bloodthirsty wolf all the way through the dirt on the ground and arrived in front of Jiang Xiaobai.

Regarding…this bloodthirsty wolf that appeared suddenly, Jiang Xiaobai glanced at it, lightly raised his head and directly punched out.

“Familiar voice, familiar picture.

With a punch, the bloodthirsty wolf’s head exploded again, and even the wailing voice fell to the ground softly before it was too late.

At this moment, Daha’s line of sight has always been on Jiang Xiaobai’s side.

Naturally, the whole picture from the companion’s hand to the ground fell clearly in Daha’s eyes.

Seeing the familiar scene again, Da Ha still couldn’t help his body stiff.

At the same time, after he solved the bloodthirsty wolf who wanted to attack him with one punch, Jiang Xiaobai’s left hand was already raised and his palm was slowly squared.

Its descending position is exactly where Daha was before.

When he noticed this, Daha’s body slammed into a violent spirit, and his four feet ran quickly.When the palm of his hand fell in the air, he took the initiative to move his wolf head up.

At this moment, Daha’s heart was broken.

At the same time, there is a kind of stability inexplicably.

Especially when I felt Jiang Xiaobai’s constant rubbing on his head, after looking at the companion’s corpse that fell on the ground and dripping blood from a meter away, Daha moved his hind legs and left him when he was about to escape. Those wolf footprints cover the past.

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