Chapter 72 Encounter (Eleventh, please order first!)

Many people think that the life of the rich may not be happy, but today, Zhou Jia wants to say that the happiness of the rich is really something you can’t imagine.

It’s like now, with enough star beads, but in just more than two hours, Jiang Xiaoxin, Zhou Jia, and Thursday Hai have vaguely reached the command of an arm with their newly awakened talent skills. a feeling of.

And because of this repetition in the process of star power loss and star power recovery, Trio 3 unexpectedly found that their star power has increased a lot.

This kind of two ends go hand in hand and it doesn’t feel too good.

However, this result was also more than two hours, even Thursday Sea consumed more than a dozen Bronze-level Star Orbs.

And Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia, the two daughters, spent almost 30 star beads.

Glancing at Jiang Xiaobai, Zhou Jia snorted in her heart.

I have to say that during this period, Zhou Jia was really stimulated by Jiang Xiaobai.

Therefore, what Zhou Jia thinks most now is… to quickly improve her strength, and then find the opportunity to press Jiang Xiaobai on the ground and rub.

Subsequently, the kelp head continued to walk in front on Thursday.

But on the previous Thursday, the sea slowly passed through a grass that was about one meter high, and when the field of vision was re-opened, in the line of sight, almost five meters away, there were a few that looked more than thirty. The year-old awakened man was immersed in the corpse of the bloodthirsty wolf in front of him.

Hearing the movement here, these awakened people also quickly raised their heads and swept toward the Thursday Sea.

When it was determined that those who came were not those…dimensional creatures, these awakened ones were relieved.

When the line of sight noticed the two women with slender figures and beautiful faces, the eyes of these awakened persons stopped.

Among them, the awakened person who looked slightly sallow, and looked a little thin, was even more brilliant in his eyes.


Suddenly, the strange noise that passed through the grass sounded again.

Two seconds later, Jiang Xiaobai also appeared next to Zhou Jia.

“It’s a bloodthirsty wolf”

And when they looked at Daha who was next to Jiang Xiaobai, the few people who were still a little dazed because of Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia immediately stood up quickly and looked attentively on guard.

However, in the next second, when they noticed Jiang Xiaoxin and others who had no reaction at all, and Jiang Xiaobai who was putting his hands on the pug’s head and gently rubbing, these awakened people reacted again, and their eyes couldn’t help but be surprised. He looked at Jiang Xiaobai a few times.

Obviously, being able to stand so intimately and get close to people, this bloodthirsty wolf is not one of those… ordinary dimensional creatures.

Most likely it was tamed.

The awakening skills of the awakened are various and strange, and it is naturally not a strange thing to be able to have the awakening skills that can tame dimensional creatures.

There are even many awakeners who use these skills to specially tame a cute dimensional creature and wait until its wildness is completely eliminated and put it in the real world.

At the same time, looking at the awakened people opposite, Jiang Xiaobai was also a little surprised.

Obviously, he didn’t expect to be his awakened person.

After all, the scope of the dimensional space is extremely large, unless it is some special dimensional space, otherwise it is extremely difficult for different awakened people to meet while keeping moving.

But after being taken aback, several people have already come back to their senses.

After taking a glance at the awakened people on the opposite side and dazzling his eyes, after noticing the dozens of bloodthirsty wolves on the ground, Jiang Xiaoxin’s eyes shrunk for a while, and she withdrew her gaze without a trace, and turned to signal. Go to the other side first.

After watching Jiang Xiaobai leave, the awakened people behind him have already gathered.

One of the awakened people had already got close to the sallow-faced man and asked in a low voice, “Brother Wei, depending on the age of those people and the clothes they wear, they should be students from Yucheng Middle School.”

Another awakened person nodded and said, “Hey, dare to come directly into this dimensional space, these little guys, they are so courageous!”

The man called Wei Ge… the sallow-faced man glanced at several shadows that had gradually disappeared, and the corners of his mouth suddenly picked up.

“Brothers, what do you think of those two little girls just now”

Hearing that, other people still don’t understand what it means.

Thinking of the young and beautiful Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia of the four just now, a long smile appeared on their faces.

“Hey, middle school student, yes, it looks like I have a good food today.”

Upon hearing this, Wei Houshan also smiled sternly.

…Walking slowly along the path in the Maolin, but within a few minutes, at the moment of seeing the bloodthirsty wolf, there is no need for Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia to speak. It was the first to rush up.

Jiang Xiaoxin and Zhou Jia are fast walking behind Thursday Hai.

When the bloodthirsty wolf started to attack Thursday Sea, they flashed together, and the talent skills were quickly activated.

Two bloodthirsty wolves were already beheaded between the electric light and flint.

With the cooperation of the trio 3 and the improvement in their ability to control their talents, the trio is gradually getting better.

An hour ago, when I met six or seven bloodthirsty wolves, the bloodthirsty wolves would still be a little flustered, but now, even when facing ten bloodthirsty wolves at the same time, they can calmly and freely respond.

According to this state, after a while, I am afraid that Jiang Xiaobai and others will need to change the venue.

Because of the different characteristics of bloodthirsty wolves, the number of bloodthirsty wolves distributed in this meta-space is also different.

The least number is naturally the kind of Maolin where a few people are now.

Even if there is a pack of bloodthirsty wolves, it is only a small pack, and the number is no more than a dozen at most.

And the places where bloodthirsty wolves gather are still those…in the canyon.

In those canyons, there are basically large bloodthirsty wolves.

There may be dozens or even hundreds of bloodthirsty wolves in each wolf pack.

And among these wolves, there may also be a wolf king whose level is equivalent to a seven-level star mechanic.

It was also when Jiang Xiaobai saw the growth of a few people and was already thinking about the itinerary of the next few people, the Daha beside Jiang Xiaobai suddenly turned around as if he had suddenly noticed something.


While the body was arching slightly, there was also a low voice in his mouth.

Noting Daha’s reaction next to him, Jiang Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and leaned slightly on the side of the tree trunk.

While rubbing the pug’s head, the corner of his eyes came before, when he noticed the faint figure over there, and when his thoughts turned, an interesting arc was already provoked at the corner of Jiang Xiaobai’s mouth.

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