My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 267: The Emperor's Statue Collapses

Imperial Capital Famous Teacher Hall.

On the large square in front of the Famous Master Hall, stands a hundred-meter-high statue. This statue is none other than the supreme controller of Fengyun Continent, Fengyun Emperor.

At the same time, he is also the head of the main hall of Fengyun Continent Famous Master Hall.

The statue is carved from a huge white jade stone. Its face is lifelike, not angry but powerful, and it has an unrivaled aura of dominating the world.

When people see it, they can't help but feel the heart to worship.

At this time, under the statue, a group of famous teachers wearing famous teacher robes were respectfully paying homage to the statue.

At this moment, the statue suddenly burst into a dazzling light, like a scorching sun that illuminated the entire Hall of Masters.


"The emperor appears"

"Quick, quick, let's pay our respects as soon as possible. Don't let the Emperor mistakenly think that we are being careless. Otherwise, if the Holy Wrath of Thunder descends, we won't be able to eat and walk away."

Seeing this, the famous teachers under the statue quickly exclaimed, and they all knelt down and paid homage to the statue.

"what happened?"

This vision quickly alerted the famous masters and master guards in the famous master hall. They were seen running over from all directions in a hurry, looking at the statue of Emperor Fengyun that was emitting thousands of rays of light with shocked expressions.

"What's going on? This is the emperor's appearance. Why don't you kneel down and pay homage quickly?"

"You are disrespectful to the emperor and deserve death."

Suddenly, some famous teachers kneeling under the statue yelled and cursed loudly, their faces filled with anger. Don’t you understand such a simple truth?

How do you deserve a disciple who calls himself an emperor?

It's simply disobedient and unfilial.

"This is unusual, please go and ask the hall master."

A steward of the Famed Master Hall hurriedly shouted to the Famed Master Guard beside him, his face dripping with cold sweat.

You must know that Fengyun Continent's famous master hall is in Fengyun Continent. The famous master hall of every dynasty and country has a statue of Fengyun Emperor for the world to worship.

It can be said that this statue is not only of great significance, but also of great responsibility.

Because there is only one for each country.

If this breaks, who can afford to pay for it?

Therefore, the steward immediately panicked.


A famous teacher and deacon responded immediately and quickly ran to report to the hall master.


A majestic voice sounded, and a figure landed from the sky in front of the statue.

The person who came had a resolute face and was about fifty years old. He was wearing a five-star famous master's robe and had a strong aura. He was clearly a fifth-level martial master.

Martial Lord, even if the Martial King of the New Moon Kingdom is not born, he is already the top fighting force.

This person is none other than Ye Buixing, the master of the New Moon Country's Famous Master Hall.

If he didn't know about such a big thing happening, then he, the master of the Famed Master Hall, wouldn't have to do anything.

"See the Hall Master."

A group of famous teachers and famous teacher guards quickly paid their respects to Ye Buexing.


Ye Buixing hummed softly, waved his hand, and released a powerful and gentle force to lift up the people who were bowing down. Then, he looked at the statue of Emperor Fengyun with confused eyes.

When others are confused, he is also confused.

This statue of the emperor has been standing here for hundreds of years. It has been exposed to wind and sun, but nothing has happened to it.

It actually glows now?

Ye Buxing felt like his head was getting bigger.

"Brush brush brush"

I saw the sound of clothes breaking in the wind, and several figures appeared on the square of the Famous Master Hall. These people were the heads of the major families in the imperial capital.

The Wang family, the Li family, the Zhang family, and the Hua family only had one elder.

When they saw a strange phenomenon emerging in the Hall of Famed Masters, they couldn't help but come over curiously to find out.

As for other curious people, they stood far outside the Hall of Famed Masters. They also wanted to come in and watch up close, but they knew that their level was not enough, so it was safer to stand far away. Otherwise, they would make the Hall of Famed Masters unhappy and they would have to die. Delaminated skin.


Ye Buxing glanced at the few people who appeared, said nothing, just looked at the statue quietly.


At this time, there was a clicking sound, and the statue of Emperor Fengyun, which was shining with light, suddenly dissipated, and countless cracks appeared on the huge statue.

Then, amid the dull gazes of everyone, it suddenly collapsed and turned into tiny jade fragments on the ground.

Mummy yo.

A group of friends were shocked.

The statue of the emperor, which represents the model of famous teachers, collapsed for no reason. Does it mean that the fate of the famous teacher hall has been lost?

It seems that the Famed Master Hall has really disappeared, which is undoubtedly a fortunate thing for them.

Suddenly, several family heads looked at each other, secretly showing secret joy. However, no one dared to show a gloating smile.

Just kidding, when the Famed Master Hall is facing a great calamity, you actually dare to laugh. You are not looking for death like this.

Therefore, all the masters kept their secrets secret and looked at Ye Buxing with sympathy and regret.

"Emperor, has the emperor abandoned us?"

The famous teachers who were kneeling in front of a pile of ruins couldn't help but look ashen on their faces, and endless despair emerged in their hearts.

"Lord Hall Master, this."

The deacon of the Famous Master Hall looked at Ye Buixing and said in a trembling voice.


Just when everyone was looking at Ye Buixing, they saw Ye Buexing suddenly burst into laughter. This laughter was like he had a son in his old age. Uh, no, this laughter was like he had encountered some shocking happy event. .

This smile shook the sky and penetrated the nine heavens.

The people around were almost deafened by the noise, and they covered their ears and ran away.

Then everyone looked at Ye Buxing with regret. What a good person, he turned into a fool.


Ye Buxing laughed for several minutes, and then he stopped laughing. He reached out to wipe the tears from his face, looked at the famous teachers and famous teacher guards, and said loudly, "Don't panic, everyone. The collapse of the emperor's statue is not a bad thing, but a great thing. It is a great thing that has not happened in hundreds of years."


Everyone looked at each other when they heard it. This man must be a little sick.

The emperor's statue collapsed, and he actually said it was a good thing.

Could it be that the emperor's statue occupied the square, and the hall master had wanted to demolish it for a long time, but couldn't find a suitable reason?

Well, it's a good thing to come here.


The major families laughed and looked at Ye Buxing quietly, with the words "Guess whether I believe it or not" engraved on their foreheads.

Today, even if Ye Buxing said anything, they would think that the Master Hall was doomed.

The elders of the Hua family had a flickering look in their eyes, thinking, if the Master Hall was in danger, could the Hua family use coercion, inducement, kindness and force to secretly take the Master Hall for their own use?

If so, it would be a great help to the Hua family.


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