My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 268: Yuan Qi Transforms into Rain

"Everyone, I understand that you don't believe it, because I didn't think of this legend before."

Ye Buying saw that everyone looked unbelieving, and said with a smile.

"Please help me, Master."

A famous teacher wearing a famous teacher's robe said to Ye Buying sincerely.

"According to ancient records, the statue of the emperor is protected by a formation. As long as the Yuanshi is continuous, it will last forever."

Ye Buying said with a smile.


Everyone nodded. Although the statue of the emperor is maintained and cared for by a special person every day, if it is not protected by a formation, it would have collapsed long ago. Even if it doesn't collapse, it will definitely be dilapidated.

But the question is, what does this have to do with the collapse of the emperor's statue now?

"The reason why the emperor's statue collapsed now is because..."

Ye Buying looked at everyone, and suddenly kept it a secret, and stopped talking.

"Master, please tell me."

This famous teacher was so anxious that he almost jumped up. Is it okay? You pretend to be cool at the critical moment?

Uh, no, you whet people's appetite at the critical moment.

Not only was he anxious, but other famous teachers and famous teacher guards also looked at Ye Buxing eagerly. If they were not defeated, they would all want to rush up and beat Ye Buxing.

"Haha, Master Ye, don't keep us in suspense, just say it directly."

The head of the Li family said with a smile.

"Have you heard of the master recognized by heaven?"

Ye Buxing looked at several family heads and asked.

"Master recognized by heaven?"

The head of the Li family and others were stunned. What is the master recognized by heaven and the master recognized by earth?

"A master recognized by heaven?"

"Yes, yes, a master recognized by heaven. According to ancient records, if a master recognized by heaven appears, the statue of the emperor will collapse in the country where the master appears, to show obedience to heaven's will and not to compete with him."

"This is a great joy for the Master Hall of Xinyue Country."

Suddenly, a three-star master with a white beard over 70 years old shouted in shock, and a sickly blush appeared on his old face.

The collapse of the statue of the emperor. He originally thought that the Master Hall had run out of luck, but he didn't expect that it was not the end of luck, but a good fortune.

The master of the hall was right, a happy event, a great happy event, a happy event that had not appeared in hundreds of years.

Immediately, he knelt on the ground and cried with joy.

"The heaven recognizes the famous teacher, and my famous teacher hall will flourish in the New Moon Country."

"The heaven recognizes the famous teacher, and my famous teacher hall will flourish in the New Moon Country."

"The heaven recognizes the famous teacher, and my famous teacher hall will flourish in the New Moon Country."

Seeing this, all the famous teachers and famous teacher guards could not help but kneel down towards the place where the emperor's statue collapsed, shouting loudly.


The elder of the Hua family whispered, the heaven recognizes the famous teacher? Can it make the emperor's statue collapse?

We have no grudges, why do you treat me as a fool?

"It seems that there is such a saying."

The head of the Li family said solemnly.

"I seem to remember that since the emperor established the famous teacher hall, there has only been one heaven-recognized famous teacher."

The head of the Wang family also nodded and said.

The head of the Wang family, that is, Wang Luoyi's father, Wang Zhengchu.


Suddenly, the elder of the Hua family felt a toothache. Since it is said that the master teacher is recognized by heaven, it must be true. It seems that his plan to fish in troubled waters will fail.


Dahuang City, restaurant.


After more than ten minutes, Lin Taixu's master token finally changed from yellow to orange, and then the master token flew out with a "swish".


Lin Taixu was shocked when he saw this, and hurriedly jumped to grab the master token.

Damn, if you run away, then what is the point of being a master teacher.


Although the master token was caught in Lin Taixu's hand, the token seemed to have life and struggled violently.

"Fuck, I don't believe this evil."

Lin Taixu secretly became fierce, and the blood in his body burst out, and he tightly controlled the master token in his hand.

The two sides were deadlocked for half a minute, and the Master Token finally stopped moving, and was held obediently in Lin Taixu's hand.

"Three-star Master Token?"

Lin Taixu looked at the Master Token and couldn't help but pout. After making such a big fuss, he only upgraded me by one level. How shameless.

Immediately, Lin Taixu put the Master Token into the storage ring without interest.

That's it?

I'm too embarrassed to say it out.


The moment the Master Token was put away, the huge vortex of vitality condensed above the restaurant fell down with a bang, and the huge force directly penetrated a big hole in the top of the restaurant.

Then, endless vitality fell on Lin Taixu.

"Damn, it's raining."

Lin Taixu only felt a humid gas surrounding his body, and shouted subconsciously.


Nangong Yidao couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard this. This is the rain of vitality, a gift from heaven. If a warrior can get such an opportunity, his martial arts cultivation will surely advance by leaps and bounds, and you actually think it's raining.

This... It's really terrible that you are ignorant.


Lin Taixu looked up and found that he was standing in the hall and could actually see the sky.

This is fucking hell.

Lin Taixu couldn't help but shudder, slapped Diao Butiao on the head, and shouted, "Wake up."

"Ah, Master, why are you hitting me?"

Diao Bu Diao was startled by Lin Taixu's sudden slap and shouted hurriedly.

"Hey, this is not a dream."

Lin Taixu said in confusion when he saw this. He thought he was dreaming. Otherwise, how could he see the sky through several floors?

"This is a gift from heaven and earth. The energy turns into rain. Don't panic. Just absorb it."

Nangong Yidao couldn't help but explain when he saw this. He didn't want to explain, but he was worried that Lin Taixu would do something weird and destroy the energy.

"How to absorb it?"

Lin Taixu asked curiously.

"That's it."

Nangong Yidao opened his mouth and looked at Lin Taixu blankly. He found that he didn't know how to explain it. Absorbing energy is something that every warrior can do, but the problem is that Lin Taixu is not a warrior.

How should he explain it to Lin Taixu?

The key is that even if I taught him and he knew how to absorb it, he still couldn't absorb it.


"Tell me now."

Lin Taixu urged, looking at Nangong Yidao with disdain. Although he didn't know what Yuanqi Huayu was, he felt the raindrops falling on his body, which made him feel comfortable and comfortable.

So, no matter how stupid he was, he knew that this was definitely a good thing.

Since it was a good thing, he couldn't let it go.


"It's just like absorbing it like a warrior practicing."

Nangong Yidao said, looking at the raindrops of Yuanqi Huayu falling from the sky with envy.

It would be great if I could have such an opportunity, but what happened.

It was actually encountered by a loser.

It was simply a waste of God's gift.

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