My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 30: Surprise or Not

"The Sun family is in big trouble this time. Go report it to the head of the family as soon as possible."

"Yes, if the Sun family is exterminated, then the things belonging to the Sun family will be ownerless, and whoever has the longest hand will belong to them."

There were only a few whispers, and there were several figures in the crowd flying in several directions.

After offending the famous teacher and guard, you still want to be kind?


All the famous teachers in the New Moon Kingdom are their own feathers. If someone offends someone, the famous teachers will just forget about it and show their noble hands.

However, if the famous teacher guard is alerted, then it will be a disaster to the sky.

It is absolutely impossible to calm down without losing a few heads.

As the saying goes, a famous teacher cannot be insulted.

Whoever is humiliated will die.

"You bastard, I told you a long time ago to keep a low profile for labor and management, but you still go around causing trouble. Are you looking for death?"

"You're not looking for a way to die like this. You actually offended a famous teacher and your brain got kicked by a donkey?"

In the hall, Sun Chaohong looked at Sun Yiquan kneeling in front of him and cursed loudly, wanting to slap this traitor to death.

Just because of him, two million silver coins were wasted in vain.

Cheating, really cheating.

Can't you be more mature like your brother?


"Dad, I didn't know that bitch Murong Wushuang was the disciple of that useless famous teacher.

Sun Yiquan said with an extremely aggrieved look, he was really aggrieved.

After more than ten years in Qingfeng City, when had you ever been bullied like this?

It happened that I was wrong this time.


What a bad luck.

"From today onwards, you will have to practice hard at home under my supervision. If you dare to go out and cause trouble, I will break your legs."

Sun Chaohong yelled, making his father very angry.

If it weren't for the fact that Sun Yiquan was his biological son, he would definitely kill him without saying a word.

"Yes, yes, dad, please don't be angry. Quan'er will be obedient and practice hard in the future."

Sun Yiquan pretended to be obedient and said, but he was thinking in his heart that if he had known that Murong Wushuang was Lin Taixu's disciple, he would naturally not rush in rashly.

What the hell, when Murong Wushuang comes out, he and his men will hide in the dark and beat the sap. Wouldn't it be nice for him?

However, one learns from adversity, and since this matter has been settled with a loss of money, next time he will do it while watching Murong Wushuang when he goes out, so that he can do it without anyone noticing.

Let's see what Lin Taixu can do to him.

You can't blame him for not knowing how to live or die, there is nothing he can do, he is just greedy for other people's bodies.

Very, very greedy.

"Well, that's pretty much it."

Seeing Sun Yiquan admitting his mistake, Sun Chaohong's anger subsided for a while.

"Dad, should we just forget it?"

Sun Yiquan asked unwillingly when he saw that his father seemed to be a little less angry, so he turned on the suicide mode again.

Mommy, the uncle didn’t get anything. Instead, he was beaten up and extorted from two million silver coins.

If he could endure this, he would be the Green Turtle.


"Forget it? How is that possible?"

When Sun Chaohong heard this, he sneered and said with a stern look in his eyes, blackmailing his Sun family?

Haha, be careful not to spend your life but to take the money.

The Sun family can become one of the four major families in Qingfeng City. Is it possible that they are vegetarians?

"Dad, what can you do?"

Sun Yiquan asked quickly, with a sinister look on his face. He was eager to kill Lin Taixu now so that he could get his five beautiful apprentices.

"Hmph, if you can't do it openly, then you can do it secretly. I don't believe that my Sun family, one of the four major families in Qingfeng City, can't kill a loser."

Sun Chaohong sneered, his eyes filled with murderous intent.

It was such a shame and humiliation. He believed that it wouldn't be long before the entire Qingfeng City knew about it.

By then, the Sun family's reputation will surely be discredited and they will become a subject of ridicule.

How could he swallow this breath without killing Lin Taixu?

How to save the Sun family’s face?

"Ah, Master, it's over, it's over."

At this time, a frightened scream was heard from outside the hall, and a Sun family guard ran in, stumbling and rolling, his face turned pale.


Seeing this, Sun Chaohong stood up with a "hoo", his face was livid, did I get up early today?

Damn, three times.

What kind of house owner is finished?

You are finished, and your whole family is finished.

If looks could kill, this guard would have been torn into pieces and shattered into ashes by Sun Chaohong's looks.

"Head of the family, the famous teacher and guard are back again."

"And all the elders. All."

"What happened?"

Sun Chaohong stepped forward and grabbed the guard's collar, roaring angrily, "What happened? Tell me quickly?"

"They were all arrested by the famous teacher Weidu."

"Outside the gate now."

The guard was trembling with fright and stammered. First he was frightened half to death by the famous teacher guard, and now he was frightened half to death by Sun Chaohong who wanted to eat him alive.

He felt that he was not dead yet because his life was too hard.

"What? Several elders were arrested?"

Sun Chaohong's eyes couldn't help but burst when he heard this. He threw the guard out and strode out of the hall. Seeing this, Sun Yiquan quickly followed Sun Chaohong.

Didn’t you just say that you just give money?

It turns out that even famous teachers are not trustworthy?

“Bang bang bang”

I saw a figure swaying at the gate, and Liu Sandao led a group of famous teachers and guards to walk in with a swift pace. After a while, they appeared in front of the hall, "Master Sun, we meet again."

Looking at Sun Chaohong and Sun Yiquan standing at the door of the hall, Liu Sandao raised his eyebrows and spoke first, with a cold smile on his lips.

We meet again, are you happy?

Are you surprised?

"What do you mean, Deacon Liu? Why did you lock up the elders of my Sun family for no reason?"

Sun Chaohong suppressed the anger in his heart and asked in a deep voice, with a cold face.

You took money and people, do you really think that my Sun family is a soft persimmon?


"What do you mean? What do you mean, Master Sun, don't you know?"

Liu Sandao asked with a sneer. He found that he didn't admire Sun Chaohong for other things, but he really admired his suicidal spirit.

"Deacon Liu, didn't you say that after paying two million silver coins, the matter would end here?"

"What? Do you want to regret it now?"

Sun Chaohong was stunned by the question, and then a trace of anger appeared on his face. Are you kidding me?

"Repent? That's not the case."

"The matter of the noble son Sun Yiquan offending Master Lin is over."

Liu Sandao replied, regret? Even if Lin Taixu regretted it, he would not agree to Lin Taixu's regret. Although the Master Guard serves the Master, if the Master really goes back on his word and violates the Master's Code of Conduct, he can just walk away.

Sun Chaohong was relieved when he heard it, and immediately asked in confusion, "Since this matter is over, why did the deacon arrest the elders of our Sun family?"

"The matter of the noble son offending Master Lin is over. Now it is the matter of your Sun family elders trespassing into the Master's mansion and intending to murder the Master."

Liu Sandao said coldly, the matter of Sun Yiquan is over.

But, I can’t stand your Sun family’s reckless production.

One batch after another.

One wave after another.

What’s going on? Go to the market.

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