My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 31: The Arrogant Liu Sandao

"Well isn't that the same thing?"

Sun Chaohong couldn't help but be stunned. She had a saying in her heart, but she didn't know whether to say it or not.

"One thing?"

Liu Sandao chuckled and looked at Sun Chaohong as if he were a fool, "Master Sun, you gave the money and then sent people to kill people. Are you telling me this is the same thing?"

"The deacon has misunderstood. I am sending the family elders to Master Lin's residence."

Sun Chaohong hurriedly explained, but before he finished speaking, Liu Sandao waved his hand and said, "Don't get me wrong, I have nothing to do with it. Whether you go to kill people or save people, I only know. It’s true that your family elder broke into the famous master’s mansion without permission.”

"Since it is a fact, then act in accordance with the regulations."

There's nothing wrong with this.

"Okay, Mr. Deacon, this time it is my Sun family's fault. I will pay another two million silver coins to Master Lin to apologize to him. I hope he will forgive me and forget the past."

Sun Chaohong was speechless by Liu Sandao's words. It was really a scholar meeting a soldier, and he couldn't explain why.

Since you can't tell clearly, you have to give in. After all, the lives of several elders of the family are still in their hands.

"Two million?"

Liu Sandao sneered and looked at Sun Chaohong with his eyes. Well, he is a fool. The identification is completed.

Sun Yiquan offended Lin Taixu and paid two million in compensation, but that was just one person.

How many people are there now? one two three four five

Doesn’t it count?

"Then I'll add another million."

Sun Chaohong was so shocked by Liu Sandao's eyes that she immediately gritted her teeth and said.

Adding one million more makes it three million. Adding the two million given first, the total is five million. It can be said that it will take several years for the Sun family to accumulate so many silver coins.

Thinking about it, his heart was bleeding.

"I'll tell you a number."

Liu Sandao stretched out a finger and waved it in front of Sun Chaohong and said, "Ten million silver coins, if you give me the money, I will release you. If you don't give me, I will kill you."

As he said that, he waved his hand and heard a flash of sword light. On the necks of several elders of the Sun family, there was a steel knife with cold light.

Give money and let people go.

If you don’t give it, kill him.

It's simple and rude. Men should be straightforward.

If Lin Taixu heard Liu Sandao's words here, he would definitely praise him for his arrogance.

Can you not be arrogant?

That is to say, in front of the famous master, besides the famous master, who else in this world have their famous master guards been afraid of?


When Sun Chaohong heard Liu Sandao's words, he almost spat out a mouthful of blood. Ten million silver coins, why don't you grab it?

His Sun family has worked hard for decades, worked hard, and lived frugally. Now they only have a little more than 20 million in savings. Why the hell are you going to take away half of it just by asking?

Do you have a bigger face?


"Master, give it. As long as we are here, are you worried about not having any silver coins?"

"Yes, Master, you can keep the green hills and don't have to worry about having no firewood."

"Master, help me."

"Master of the family, as long as you save me, I will be shattered into pieces and die for the master of the family."

When the Sun family elders heard this, they all begged Sun Chaohong and said, "They don't want to die."

Moreover, even if you die, you have to fight to the death with the enemy and die together to show your true nature as a man.

They didn't want the Master Teacher Guard to kill them like pigs and sheep, as it would be too painful for them to die.

Of course, it would be best if he could survive.


Sun Chaohong looked at the elders of the Sun family and let out a long sigh. Suddenly, he seemed to have aged by more than ten years.

If it weren't for the famous teacher guard, who dared to come to his Sun family to blackmail him, he would have chopped them into pieces.

Even the Huang family, the head of the four major families, he dared to fight to the death.

However, this is the famous teacher guard.

In the Crescent Moon Kingdom, even if a royal disciple offends a famous master, the famous master's guards would dare to rush directly into the palace to take the person, and no one would dare to resist.

This is true for the royal family, let alone the Sun family.

I can't afford to offend you, I can't afford to offend you.

What's more, the life and death of a group of elders are still in each other's thoughts, so he doesn't dare to gamble anymore.

"Come here, go to the warehouse and take out 10 million silver coins."

Sun Chaohong shouted feebly, this time, he admitted defeat.

A useless master?

Haha, who is the waste?

Ten minutes later, boxes full of silver coins were carried to Liu Sandao.

After the inspection was correct, Liu Sandao waved his hand happily and asked his men to release the elder Sun.

"Master Sun, see you later."

"No need to send it away."

Liu Sandao said to Sun Chao Honggong, waving his hand, and left the Sun family with ten million silver coins and a group of famous teachers and guards.

"See you later."

"I'll be your sister later."

Sun Chaohong looked at Liu Sandao's back and gnashed his teeth and cursed in his heart, "After seeing Liu Sandao twice, the Sun family has lost half of its family property. If we meet twice, will our Sun family not be finished?"


"Thank you, Master, for saving your life."

Several elders from the Sun family who had narrowly escaped death thanked Sun Chaohong and said, "It's good to be alive."

"It's a small matter. Money is just an external possession. The elders are the Optimus Stone of the Sun family. With the elders here, are you still worried that the Sun family cannot flourish?"

Sun Chaohong waved her hands and said politely. Looking at the elders standing in front of her, she asked curiously, "Where is the great elder?"

"When you go home, the great elder is here."

The fifth elder replied weakly, and then he flashed and made way for a gap. He saw that Sun Dachang's body was lying alone on the ground a few meters behind him.

"Dachang? What happened to Dachang?"

Sun Chaohong quickly came to Sun Dachang's body and squatted down, stretched out his hand to feel his breath, and then roared, "Who killed him?"

"Yes, yes, yes."

The fifth elder hesitated immediately. To be honest, who killed the elder, he was also a mother hen.

"Ming Shiwei? Or Lin Taixu?"

"Tell me quickly."

Sun Chaohong walked in front of the fifth elder and roared angrily, his eyes were full of bloodshot because of anger, extremely terrifying and scary.

"I don't know, at that time, the elder wanted to beat Lin Taixu, but I don't know why he bumped his head into the stone pillar of the pavilion and died."

After thinking about it, the fifth elder still answered truthfully. There was no other reason, it was really that the tone of the head of the family was too charming.

He now had only one thought, that was to stay away from the head of the family. If he had to add another distance, he hoped it would be a thousand miles away.

"Bumped his head against the stone pillar of the pavilion and died?"

Sun Chaohong was stunned, then turned his head to look at the other elders, meaning, do you believe what the fifth elder said?

Anyway, he didn't believe it.

"How is it possible?"

"Absolutely impossible."

Several elders sneered and said that they would believe anyone who committed suicide, but only the first elder, that guy would commit suicide? It would be better to let them commit suicide.

"Then there is only one possibility, Lin Taixu killed him."

The fifth elder continued, he also didn't believe that the first elder would commit suicide, but if it wasn't suicide, it was murder.

If it was murder, it must be Lin Taixu, or Lin Taixu's people.

There was nothing wrong with this.

"Lin Taixu?"

"This head of the family will never coexist with you."

Sun Chaohong's forehead was throbbing with veins, and he gritted his teeth and shouted, hating Lin Taixu to the bone.

Because of this bastard, I lost 12 million silver coins, and also a family elder.

Damn, buy one get one free?


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