My skills are all based on editing

Chapter 77 I have a poor appetite


Lin Taixu raised his hand to stop Murong Wushuang, "Let your managers come."

"Okay, sir, please wait a moment."

The maid immediately turned around and left, not worrying that Lin Taixu would take the opportunity to escape.

This is the confidence of Zuixianju.

In Zuixianju, if it is their fault, they will correct themselves. If it is your fault, then please solve it yourself.

Therefore, even if you know that Lin Taixu may not have that much money, he may eat the Overlord meal.

The maid still didn't feel angry at all. As long as the price reached a consensus between both parties, the rest was none of her business.

Whether you pay or pay for your life, there is someone responsible for it.

"What an idiot."

Dong Jiba couldn't help but sneered, looking at Lin Taixu with his eyes, wondering how Lin Taixu would end up waiting.

If you don’t have money, come to Zuixianju to pretend to be B, now it’s better.

Pretending to be incompetent is a fool's errand.

Haha, I laughed so hard.

After a while, the maid came over with Du Lengfeng.

"I'm Du Lengfeng, the steward of Zuixianju. I'd like to ask you, Mr. Master, whether she made a mistake in calculating the amount provided by the maid?"

Du Lengfeng asked, glancing at Lin Taixu, Murong Wushuang and others, and couldn't help but wonder about their origins.

After all, women as handsome as Lin Taixu and as beautiful as Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi have never been seen in Qingfeng City, let alone rare.

Especially in front of Lin Taixu's handsome figure, he almost had the urge to feel ashamed and want to turn around and leave.

It's so shocking.

And such a godly figure would actually come to Zuixianju to eat the King's meal?

This isn't right.

Something is very wrong.

I have to say that there are advantages to a handsome man.

Such as now.

If Lin Taixu is average, or too ugly.

As soon as Du Lengfeng disagreed, he started arresting people.

Still asking?

Ask a few.

Give it a beating first and then talk about it.


Lin Taixu answered honestly, it was absolutely correct, and he also wiped out the fraction. If the price hadn't been too high, he would have praised Zuixianju for being wealthy and treating customers like God.

Can't find anything wrong with it.

"Then why is the young master dissatisfied with the amount of silver coins settled?"

Du Lengfeng looked at Lin Taixu and said quietly.

"It's not that I'm dissatisfied. If you divide the price by one hundred, I'll be satisfied."

Lin Taixu said.


Du Lengfeng suddenly laughed, "It seems that this is your first time coming to Zuixianju, no wonder."

"What's the wonder?"

Lin Taixu asked curiously, can it be accepted by those who come often?

"Because it's my first time here, I will naturally have a misunderstanding about the price of Zuixianju."

"Actually, if the young master knows the other name of Zuixianju, maybe the young master will understand."

Du Lengfeng said that before he could figure out Lin Taixu's bottom line, he felt that he should try not to do anything if he could speak.

It is true that he is the steward of Zuixianju, but he is not the steward of Zuixianju.

What if such a handsome man comes from a big family?

From the imperial capital?

The more he thought about it, the more Du Lengfeng thought it was possible.

Because although Lin Taixu didn't have the slightest fluctuation of vitality in his body, he had a superb temperament and unparalleled beauty, and Murong Wushuang and Wang Luoyi were so tall that they could conquer the entire country.

This is completely in line with the template of a direct disciple of a big family who, because he cannot practice, brings his maid to travel around and relax.

Therefore, we cannot make the young lady unhappy.

Right. ? "

"Oh? There is another name for a restaurant. There is a name that is clear, and there is another name that is dark?

Lin Taixu couldn't help but be a little confused.

What the hell, it’s a great improvement in knowledge. .

Sure enough, you city dwellers really know how to play.

"A hundred times. Lou."

Du Lengfeng said slowly, word by word.

"Hundred Times Tower?"

Lin Taixu repeated, and then his face froze.

What the hell.


The price is a hundred times higher than outside.

Second Austrian.

"Young master, if you don't believe it, you can ask other people. The price of Zuixianju is fair, and it doesn't deceive anyone."

Du Lengfeng pointed at Dong Jiba and others and said.

"Not bad, Baidulou, the price is unbeatable."

Seeing this, Dong Jiba had no choice but to say that he didn't want to testify. He hoped that Lin Taixu would not believe it and start a fight with Du Lengfeng. However, after being pointed out by Du Lengfeng, he did not dare to remain silent.


Lin Taixu glanced at Dong Jiba, and then looked at Du Lengfeng blankly, wanting to slap this bastard to death.

Damn it, the price is a hundred times higher than outside, but you have the nerve to say that the price is fair and you are innocent.

It's fair to your sister.

Don't bully your uncle.

Can I have some face?


Lin Taixu turned to Murong Wushuang and said.

"Yes, Master."

Murong Wushuang immediately responded. She was previously curious about why the master put two million silver coins in her storage ring. It turned out that he was planning to let her pay the bill. Unfortunately, she thought he gave it to her. , Baibai was happy.

It seems that I am still too young.

Thinking about it, Murong Wushuang couldn't help but glare at Lin Taixu.


When Du Lengfeng heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned and looked at Lin Taixu stupidly. This guy couldn't be a famous teacher.

But isn't he a useless person who can't practice?

Who wants to take a loser as a teacher?

Although there is a saying in martial arts, the master brings you in, and practice depends on the individual.

However, you can't really just ignore it. If a disciple has any doubts or confusions about cultivation, he must ask the master for advice.

If you don’t know how to practice cultivation, how can you give guidance to your disciples?

It can be said that the master's martial arts is very advanced, and he can solve problems by three times, five times, five times and two times.

If the master is useless and he doesn't know how to do it himself, how can he teach his disciples? How to give guidance to disciples?

Is it just making it up?

Suddenly, Du Lengfeng was confused.

If Lin Taixu knew what Du Lengfeng was thinking at this moment, he would definitely give him a thumbs up. Yes, yes, I just made it up.

"Um, you heard, you heard, that woman shouting, what did she call him?"

Dong Jiba asked Shi Zhenxiang beside him in a trembling voice, and for some reason there was a trace of sweat on his forehead.

"Okay. It seems like, call him Master. Master."

Shi Zhenxiang also said tremblingly, feeling something bad in his heart.

"Then that useless guy, what's his name?"

Dong Jiba continued to ask, his body couldn't help but slowly move backwards.

"Didn't you let him say it?"

Shi Zhenxiang said with a sad face, "I would have told him to tell me if I had told him."

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

When Lin Taixu saw Du Lengfeng and others looking at him stupidly, he couldn't help but asked in confusion, and then thought that he had asked Murong Wushuang to pay, which made them look stupid.

Immediately, he said shyly, "I recently went to see a doctor. The doctor said that I have a poor appetite and should eat soft food."

Murong Wushuang, who had just walked in front of the maid, couldn't help but blushed with anger when he heard this. His legs almost gave out and he was about to fall to the ground. He turned around and glared at Lin Taixu, this perverted master.

Never forget to bully yourself.

So angry.

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